Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul

What If I Easily Allow Myself to Receive?

Shannon Danielle Episode 33

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When a truck mishap messed up my routine, it taught me to stay calm and accept help. In this mini-episode, I share more of my growth journey and why there's no life experience that's more important than your own. What can we learn from the obstacles we're presented with?   We'll explore how a busy schedule can mean abundance, not stress, and how self-reflection helps us understand ourselves better. Join me as I talk about the power of self-expression, breaking free from people-pleasing, and the importance of self-care. Let's nurture our well-being and embrace personal growth together.  

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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show. I wanted to start off by letting you know that there is a new feature on the podcast where you can send me messages. Right at the top on the show description of every episode, there is an opportunity for you to send me a text message, and, whether it's a question or a comment or something that you would like me to possibly talk about on the show, you can feel free to do that. It's a one-way situation, though, so I wouldn't be able to actually respond back other than on the podcast. So if you have something that you want to share, feel free to send me a message. I would love to hear from you. So today I have a few things I want to talk about. I'm not quite sure where this is going to go, however, we will just kind of roll with it.

Speaker 1:

So I have been very busy, traveling a lot over the last month or so, and actually I'm going on another trip. I'm going to a podcasting summit in California and I'm very excited because I get to meet some of my fellow podcasting friends who I've only met virtually, and we're actually going to get to meet in person. So I'm really, really excited about that. Plus, I get to see my friend Julia and I haven't seen her for a long time, so I'm looking forward to that. So thank you so much for your patience with my in and out of my episodes and I've just had a lot going on. And it's interesting because somebody said to me you know, rather than saying overwhelm, what if you were to say I have a lot on my plate right now and that's okay, and that's pretty much where I feel like I'm at right now? I've had a lot on my plate and that's okay. So a lot of really great things have happened. Like I said, I've been doing a lot of traveling, which has been so much fun, and then I've had some other things going on in my life.

Speaker 1:

I had some truck issues this week. My oil line came unattached and spewed oil all over the place, but it was interesting how I responded to that situation rather than reacted to it. I haven't had a lot of vehicle issues and I was literally sitting at an intersection a very busy intersection at a light and I was like the first one in line and the truck started beeping at me or dinging at me and it was like ding, ding, ding, oil pressure low, turn your vehicle off immediately and I was like, oh my gosh, okay, well, I can't really do that right here. So fortunately, I was like right across the street from an oil change place and so I was able to make it through the intersection and I had just said please just get me to the Jiffy Lube, please just get me there. And so I got there and there were some amazing guys there that immediately helped me. They're like hey, did you need your oil changed? I'm like no, the truck is making noises at me and I don't know what to do.

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And it was bad. It was really bad. There was oil all over the underside, it was like spewing everywhere out the front, and so I ended up having it towed. And then, anyway, long story short, it ended up getting fixed and ended up being covered under my warranty, and then the tow ended up being covered by my insurance company on my car insurance, and it only ended up costing me like a hundred bucks rather than 1800, which was really nice, and it was.

Speaker 1:

It was really interesting because I have been, I guess, putting it out into the universe and just saying that like something that's come to my attention recently, is that I need to open my heart to receive, receive love, receive help, just receive in general. And so this situation that happened allowed me an opportunity to do that, because I needed to ask people for help and I had to make arrangements to have the vehicle fixed. I needed help with transportation. I have another car that I haven't driven in a couple of years, and so it had a dead battery. I took that in, traded it out because it was still under warranty and didn't have to pay for that, which was amazing, and so all of these things happened and I had some friends and family that were amazing and offered to help, and it was such a beautiful opportunity to allow myself to receive, to receive help that I needed, and asking for help has not always been easy for me.

Speaker 1:

I guess that's kind of where I want to go is just like the growth journey that I've been on for the last several years. It really kind of started back in 2015 when I knew I was unhappy with my life, and it's been going on and on, and how I look at things now is so incredibly different and, like I said, responding rather than reacting to all of it, like it all ended up working out just beautifully and didn't end up costing me as much money as I would have expected much money as I would have expected but along with that I have been. It's like things continue to come up, do you know what I mean? And it's again not that we talk about this a lot, not that I'm broken and need to be fixed, but I've also been working on a lot of things about mindset, and things have come up from my childhood.

Speaker 1:

I've had so many like aha moments about things that have impacted my life over the last several years and, I guess, really understanding things a little bit more, and it allows me to just like pause for a moment and get curious about it. You know, like isn't that interesting. Why am I doing that? And there are so many ups and downs when you make the decision to, I don't know, do a deep dive into your stuff and realize that everything truly, truly, is inside of you. It's not outside of us at all, and I have mentioned this several times that I used to look outside of myself for my happiness, but I used to look outside of myself for everything.

Speaker 1:

I was literally on a walk the other day and I had again this big aha moment, because I feel like people will often talk about manifestation and how you need to visualize and be really, really specific about what it is that you want and what you're wanting to attract in your life. And it really hit me because that hasn't resonated for me and I'm like I don't know what that's like. I don't know what it's like to have this or that or whatever, and ultimately, for me, what it's about is how I want to feel and the type of person that I want to be and how much fun I can have, because I want to enjoy my life, and so I do the things that bring me joy and fill me up, and then, when things come at me, I figure out how to work through them and really take that moment to stop and pause. I'm actually taking a couple of courses right now, but one of them is learning more about trauma and we all have various forms of trauma. Some is big trauma and some is smaller trauma, but there are various things that have happened in our lives that cause us to react or respond to things that come up and really truly getting a clearer understanding of how we really need to process that in our body, and I'm learning how to do that and actually feel my feelings and feel them until they're done being felt, and it's been amazing, and so I've been doing that journey. Also, you know it's funny, people talk about enjoy the journey and for the longest time I didn't really understand that. And I really get it, because it's truly about enjoying your life but also learning how to get through those ups and downs, because things are always happening and life isn't perfect, and I truly want to be the best version of myself and I'm continuing to learn who that is and who I am, and sometimes I just start crying, you know what I mean, but it's really beautiful and I'm processing feelings and learning how to feel.

Speaker 1:

Through that, I had something come up for me yesterday. I think it was. Yeah, I was listening to a call and somebody was talking about something that really resonated with me, and it's not something that I'm actually going to bring up on the show right now, but it was something from my childhood that made sense. It made sense as to why I guess I will talk about it a little bit it made sense as to why I spent a lot of my life being a people pleaser and why it's so incredibly important to me that people are heard and that their voices are heard. And I was talking with a friend last night and he was like it's interesting that you have chosen a profession where you're using your voice and you're allowing other people to do the same, because for most of my life I didn't feel like I had a voice and I felt very invisible.

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And it's taken me quite a bit of time to work through that and realize that what I do have to say it does matter and it's important, and other people's stories and words and just being. We are all so incredibly important and there is no life that is more important than your own and living it to your fullest potential and enjoying it as much as you possibly can and really finding the fun and the love and just pouring into everything with passion and I don't know, pouring into yourself. I've had moments in the last couple of weeks where I just decided that I just needed to be. I mean when you, when you do, decide to do this work, this really important work, because there's no work that's more important than the work that you do on yourself. Self-care and doing things that make you feel good is even more important during the times that you're doing the work, because you need to show yourself and your body the love that you deserve. So you need to take that time. You know, sometimes for me it's just a walk, sometimes it's a nap, sometimes it's a meditation, and it can be different for everyone.

Speaker 1:

But prioritizing making that time for you and listening to your body I don't think we listen to our bodies enough because, oh, do they communicate with us? It was like having the gut instinct to take my car to the dealership rather than taking it to this other mechanic that I was referred to. I was like no, I think I need to go to the dealer. And then it ended up being covered under my warranty and I it didn't cost me as much money, which was amazing. But our bodies communicate with us and sometimes our bodies will show us, by making us ill or things like that, that we need to slow down and we need to. You know, we need to pay attention. And other times it communicates with us like that yes, I want to do this or I want to do that.

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But really getting in tune with yourself and paying attention to those things is just so important, and especially when it comes to rest, because we're always so fricking busy all the time when you make that decision, to focus on you.

Speaker 1:

It's one of the best decisions you can ever make, because I look back For me it has been anyway. I mean, I look back and I'm so proud of myself for the growth that I've had and the journey that I'm on and it's really just the journey of life and realizing that I get to take personal responsibility for my decisions and my choices and that I get to decide how I want to feel every single day and if things aren't going the way I want them to, that I have the power to make a decision to change that. Anyway, please feel free to send me a message if you have anything that you'd like to share or a topic you would like discussed, but I will be back on track after I get back from my trip and I'm really excited about it, so I can't wait to share. I hope you all have a beautiful, beautiful day. Much love.

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