Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul

How Are You Actually Feeling This Year?

Shannon Danielle Episode 35

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Have you ever wondered if you're in control of your emotions or if life is just pushing you around? In today's episode, we hit the halfway mark of 2024 and dive deep into the powerful practice of choosing how we want to feel each day. Reflect on the past six months and consider whether you're actively shaping your emotions or letting external circumstances dictate them. I'll share my journey, from recovering from an illness to learning the invaluable lesson of resting without guilt and judgment. Let's take a moment to assess our New Year's resolutions and acknowledge that our well-being holds more significance than sticking to rigid goals.   I've got a few extra tips at the very end for you! 

Forget the pressure of external markers like the first of the month or the new year—it's all about making changes when we need them. I'll recount a personal story of how I celebrated my accomplishments with a solo dinner and practiced being present with myself. Together, we'll explore the importance of self-care, personal growth, and finding joy in the small things that enhance our emotional well-being. Remember, how you feel inside greatly influences your relationships and daily life. Join me on this journey and let's prioritize feeling good, because we have the power to change our energy and emotions. It's all from the inside out.  Share your stories with me through text—we're all in this together.

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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually cozy in my bed right now. It's June 2nd. This episode isn't gonna air for another day or two, but I've been sitting here and I was thinking about the fact that it's June 2nd, so we are halfway through 2024. As I was sitting here thinking about that, it occurred to me that I had posted an episode back in January called how you Want to Feel this Year, and now we are six months in. So I decided to go back and re-listen to that episode because for me, as I mentioned in that episode, it doesn't matter that it was a new year. What matters is how you feel. So we're six months in. How are you feeling? How are you feeling this year? It's so cool because now you can text me. Remember, in the show description. There's a little area there where you can click a link and send me a text.

Speaker 1:

I want to know how you're feeling. Are you choosing every single day how you feel? Are you waking up and asking yourself how do I want to feel today? Do I want to feel love? Do I want to feel joy? Do I want to feel peace? Do I want to feel ease? Do I want to allow my day to flow, or are you letting life happen to you rather than through you? It's a great question.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually going to put that episode here again because when I listened back, I was like damn, there were a lot of super great gems in there, and it was a really good reminder for me, because I do like I focus on how do I want to feel, and I've had all kinds of shit coming at me this year. I am recently recovering from being sick again and that was such a beautiful reminder for me to stop and pause and just rest. We have to listen to our bodies, so that's what I've been doing, and I've been doing it not just listening to my body, but doing it without judgment. I'm allowing myself to rest. I'm allowing myself to just be. You know, we can make a list of all the things, all the shit that we need to do all the time. It's never ending. There's always, always things to do, so why do they have to be done right now? They don't. We put this pressure and these expectations on ourselves and we just seriously just don't have to do that all the time. You know, there's some things that have deadlines or whatever, but most of the time it can wait if it needs to. We don't have to put that pressure on ourselves. So, anyway, I hope that you are staying in tune with yourself and feeling as good as you possibly can. I'm just getting ready to go get in the shower and, yes, I'm going to shake my ass, because that's how I love to start my day.

Speaker 1:

So are you doing the things that make you feel good and allowing yourself to feel your feelings and feel them completely through your body? Are you doing that? Are you caring for you? Because, again, we're six months in how are those New Year's resolutions going? I'm telling you, it doesn't freaking matter. It doesn't matter. Are you shitting all over yourself for not going to the gym? Are you shitting all over yourself for the fact that life started happening and you decided to make different choices with your health? Are you doing things that you didn't want to be doing? How are those resolutions going? Like I said, I don't give a shit about New Year's resolutions because they don't matter. You matter and how you feel.

Speaker 1:

So let me know, let me know where you're at, shoot me a text and we'll chat about it on the next episode. I want to hear from you and I want to know how you're doing, how you're feeling. I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day and enjoy the next six months of 2024. And remember, this is your reminder how do you want to feel in 2024? How do you want to feel every single day? And you get to choose. You get to choose how you want to feel, no matter what the hell is going on around you. You get to choose how you respond. You get to choose how you want to feel. You get to choose if you want to change your energy and your frequency. You get to choose that. It is so cool and so fucking powerful. It's all within you.

Speaker 1:

I hadn't intended to release another episode until next Tuesday, since I just launched yesterday, but I was in the shower this morning and I always get all kinds of crazy, awesome ideas when I'm in the shower. I believe, actually I know it's because I'm completely out of my head when I'm in the shower. I believe, actually I know it's because I'm completely out of my head when I'm in the shower, because I have music playing and I'm dancing and the water's flowing and I'm just completely out of my head. So this morning I decided after my shower or while I was in my shower, that I wanted to talk about the new year, and this is pretty important to me.

Speaker 1:

I feel pretty passionate about the fact that it doesn't matter that it's a new year, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that it's the first day of the month, it doesn't matter that it's Monday, it doesn't matter. None of that matters. What matters is that if there's something that you want to be different in your life, that you make a decision, that you want something to change, there's nothing wrong with you. You don't need to be fixed. You're not broken. But if you want your life to look different, you've got to do something about it. Otherwise you're in the same spot next year and you're reflecting back on your previous year and you're beating yourself up about the things that you didn't get done and all of that, and then you're setting new resolutions for the upcoming year, and then a week or two passes and something happens in your life that you make an excuse that you're not able to do this or that, and then another day passes and another day passes and then you're just sitting there beating yourself up about all of these things that you didn't get done.

Speaker 1:

And, in my opinion, one of the most important things that I believe everyone should focus on is how do they want to feel? How do you want to feel in this moment, how do you want to feel throughout every single day, and what can you do to make sure that you are feeling good most of the time? Good most of the time, not all of the time. We all have things that come up that throw us off, but we also have the ability to recenter ourselves and find the things that make us feel good. I was driving home from work tonight and I was hungry and I was thinking that I didn't really want to come home and cook dinner, and so I decided that I was going to take myself out to dinner and I thought you know what a great idea. I'm going to take myself out to dinner and I'm going to celebrate me. I'm going to celebrate what a freaking awesome 2023 I had. There were a lot of ups and downs for me throughout the year, but so much personal growth, a lot of growth in several areas of my life. I met a ton of amazing people this year in various communities that I've been a part of, and it was just a really amazing year, and I know that 2024 is going to be a magical year of more growth and love and passion, because feeling good is one of the absolute most important things to me and I wanted to celebrate that.

Speaker 1:

How often do you go out and celebrate yourself? Do you ever go out to dinner by yourself or out to eat by yourself? That's not something I ever used to do before, but it's pretty empowering when you do it. And I didn't take out my phone the entire time. I didn't just go out to eat by myself and sit on my phone the whole time. I literally put my phone in my purse. There was a football game on, so I did watch that for a little bit, but then I just sat and enjoyed my dinner and thought about the things that I was really proud of myself for for doing and accomplishing this last year, and I thought about some things that I'm interested in doing for this upcoming year, and I was just really present present with myself.

Speaker 1:

So I think that what I'm really interested in sharing with you today is that it doesn't matter that it's a new year. What matters is you. You are important, and how you want your life to look is important, and if you want something to be different, then figure out what that is. Other people don't get to decide your life for you. Sometimes it might feel that way, but it's really about you and how you feel, because if you're feeling really crappy about yourself, you're not going to show up in your relationships the way you want to. You're not going to show up in your life the way you want to, because when you feel good inside, you show up differently 100% of the time.

Speaker 1:

I know that when I'm not feeling good about myself or what I'm doing, I will take it out on other people. I mean, I think that's us being human, you know. But when you feel good inside and when you feel like you have a little more control over your life even though there's things going on around you that are out of your control when you can find your peace and calm and grounding within yourself, then that is huge, because then all the crap that's going on around you it doesn't matter as much, because you feel good within yourself, your body. So when things come up, ask yourself questions like why is that really bothering me? What's going on with me? Because, generally speaking, what's going on with you doesn't have anything to do with other people, and what's going on with other people usually doesn't have anything to do with you other people usually doesn't have anything to do with you, and so we tend to project onto, usually the people we care about the most, what's bothering us. And, you know, maybe somebody did do something. I mean, that does happen sometimes, but a lot of times it has to do with how we're feeling about ourselves, and that's important to remember when you're moving throughout your day. And if, ultimately, what we want is to feel good, then what can we do throughout the day to create that feeling? What are things that you love to do? What are things that make you feel good? Is it just simply listening to music? Music makes me feel good. I'm a huge music person, connecting with a friend if I'm upset or I just need to talk or vent or whatever.

Speaker 1:

The other day I was feeling a little bit off. I was a little nervous about launching the podcast and I had a ton of things I needed to do. And I had a ton of things I needed to do and I decided to just follow my intuition throughout my day and I got up and I decided to go, for I was like, oh, it'd be kind of fun to go for a walk. It was a beautiful morning. I went for a walk it ended up being like almost 60 degrees and I'm in Seattle, so that was weird for the end of December. And then I went and grabbed a coffee and chatted with a friend. And then I came home and I had moments throughout my day where I was crying happy tears. I had moments in my day where I was crying sad tears, but I needed to move that energy in my body because I just spent the whole day reading and connecting and just doing things that felt good for me. I absolutely had a list of things I needed to be doing, should have been doing whatever, but I knew that I needed that moment and that time to connect with myself and just be and just be. And then the next day was incredible. I had so much done and I felt so good because I obviously needed that release, that space, that peace, and you need that too. We all need that.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times we think that we don't have time. I don't have time for this, I don't have time for that, I don't have time to do things for myself, I don't matter, it's not important, I need to take care of everybody else. But that's not true. It's simply not true, because if you're not taking care of the things that make you feel good, you're just not going to be able to show up for everybody else. So what's one thing that you can do for yourself each day, you know focus on how you want to feel, how do you want to feel every single day, and do things that will make you feel good to help you just navigate through life, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I just wanted to remind you that it doesn't matter that it's a new year. What matters is you and how you want to feel, and if you want your life to look a little bit different, that is absolutely okay. But what's not okay is to not do anything about it, because you are important and you matter and your life is important, and how you view your life is important, and how you live your life is important because it's your life. It's your life as quickly as we want them to, and we have to find patience and trust that things are going to work out exactly as they're meant to, because you really are where you're meant to be in this moment. Sometimes it doesn't feel like that's an easy thing to believe, but things happen as they're meant to, but you have the power within you to make changes if you want to. If you want to change things in your life, you absolutely have that power.

Speaker 1:

It just takes little steps every single day, and I believe it all starts with how do you want to feel so? How do you want to feel so? How do you want to feel in 2024? It's not necessarily a resolution, it's just a daily practice of how do I want to feel today, in this moment. I want more passion, more love, more fun, and so I navigate through my day like what can I do to feel those things and feel good in my body? I hope you have an amazing 2024 and I hope you do the things that fill you up and bring you joy and make you feel good every single day.

Speaker 1:

All right now we've all had an opportunity to re-listen to that episode, and I don't know about you, but, like I said, there were a ton of really great reminders in there for me too, because life can get lifey and work can get worky and things happen in our days. So the intention here is to not guilt, shame or make you feel bad if you're not following through with your resolutions for the year, if you're not making choices each day to make yourself feel good and finding the things that make you feel good, because, if you want to, you can change that right now. It doesn't matter what's happened in the past. You can make a different choice right now if that's something that feels good to you and feels in alignment with you. So a couple of reminders Care about how you feel and choose to do something about it. It all starts within us. All the shit going on around us doesn't matter. It all starts within us and we have that power and that control. Celebrate yourself. What is something that you're so proud of that we can celebrate? Tell me, send me a text and we will celebrate you on the show. I love this so much.

Speaker 1:

Allow yourself to rest when your body is communicating with you. Allow yourself to rest. It's okay, all the things are going to still be there, but you have the ability and need to listen to your body and rest and then all kinds of magic will happen. When you take that time to rest, everything will just start to flow. It's amazing and change. If there's something that you want to change about your life, you have the power and you have the control to do that. It is all within you. You have the power and you have the control to do that. It is all within you. We just can make different choices. And again, the past doesn't matter, the future doesn't matter, the present and right now and what you want is what matters. I hope you have a beautiful day and thank you so much for listening. Much love.

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