Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul

How Do You Know If You're on the Right Path?

Shannon Danielle Episode 38

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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to radiate joy and contentment while others struggle to find their purpose? This episode unravels the journey of finding your true life path by tuning into the subtle cues of your body and intuition. I share my own transformative experiences, illustrating how recognizing and acting on these signs can lead to profound personal growth. Whether it's re-evaluating your career, relationships, or hobbies, the key is to embrace change and follow what energizes you. We'll also tackle the challenge of external opinions, reminding you that your happiness is paramount.

In our exploration, we'll uncover the secrets to a fulfilling life by breaking free from monotonous routines and making intentional, joy-filled choices. Learn how to identify activities that recharge your spirit and help you navigate daily stresses with greater ease. Through personal anecdotes, I'll show you the power of small, mindful changes and the incredible impact of practices like yoga and spending time in nature. Discover how reconnecting with your intuition can lead to unexpected and delightful experiences, proving that sometimes the best plans are no plans at all. Join us for an inspiring conversation to help you create a life that truly resonates with your inner self.

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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show. I have a fun topic today how do you know what your path is? We're going to dive deep into this one today. This is probably one of my favorite topics to talk about, because I've experienced a lot of change and transformation in my life over the last few years and trying to figure out what path I want to go down, and so I think this is something that a lot of people go through and maybe struggle I don't really like to use that word, but struggle with, and I thought it would be a good topic to talk about.

Speaker 1:

It came up as a question in the Pure Possibilities private Facebook community, which you are certainly welcome to join, but we do a live Q&A every week, and this is one of the questions that came up, and it goes a little bit deeper than that, and the longest time I didn't realize that I had a choice in changing my path. I was really unhappy and miserable for a long time and I knew that something needed to change, and I have learned so much over the last few years when it comes to listening to my body, and that has helped me kind of navigate the direction that I'm going, and so I'd like to share a little bit about that with you, because I think we all get to a space where we I don't know if this is necessarily true for everybody, but you know you get to that point where you're like there's got to be more, there's something else, right? Like is this what life is really all about, and it's supposed to be fun and enjoyable? And like we're only here for a certain amount of time, right, and then we're not, so why not have the best time ever while we're here? So sometimes people get little nudges that it's time to make a shift with something, whether it's changing a relationship, leaving a relationship or a friendship or changing careers, deciding that they just want something different. And some people just go right out and do it.

Speaker 1:

And then other times it's like ah, I know that I want something else, but I'm not really sure what it is for me. I had no idea. I had no idea and I was trying a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and throughout that process I got to know myself a little bit better and some things worked out and some things didn't. And now I just keep following those little nudges and the things that feel good for me and I have a really clear understanding that it's okay to change my mind. And I have a really clear understanding that it's okay to change my mind and I give myself permission to do that, which I think is pretty huge, because sometimes you start doing something and then you're like, oh, this doesn't feel as good as it did before and so maybe I'm going to try something different.

Speaker 1:

So, to start with, how do you know what your path is? So, to start with, how do you know what your path is? Well, the first thing I would say is that knowing that you want something different is your first clue. Like, if you are getting sick all the time, you're unhappy, you're just doing the daily grind every single day and you feel unhappy and unfulfilled. That is a huge clue that something needs to change, because our bodies communicate with us. I'm going to keep telling you this your body communicates with you, whether you like it or not, and it's going to give you signs that you need to rest. It's going to give you signs that maybe something needs to change and it's whether or not you're open to listening to those signs and those little nudges. They also come through when you're trying to figure out what you want to do.

Speaker 1:

So let's say, for example, maybe you're in a situation where you can't necessarily, you don't feel like let me rephrase that because you can do anything you want Maybe you feel like you won't change your career, but you're feeling unhappy and unfulfilled in that career. So you could choose to do something on the side that fills you up and makes you happy, but you're like Shannon, I don't even know what that is. So you just try some new things and whatever feels good to you in your body, you can do that. And you're going to know, like, if it feels and gross, maybe don't do that. If it feels fun and exciting, then do that. I was literally just working on a project that I'm so excited about and I can't wait to share it and it literally even talking about it like raises my energy and I'm so excited about it because it's fun. That tells me it is absolutely the right thing to be doing because of how it feels in my body. If it was like I don't want to do this, I have to do this, yuck, then no, that's not the right thing, that's not in alignment, that doesn't feel good. So what excites you? What lifts you up? And if you don't know, try some new things. And while you're doing that, you can have fun trying new things that you've never done before. That can be a really fun thing to do. You are in charge and it's your life.

Speaker 1:

So the next thing is also how do you know if it's the right direction? Again, listening to your body. It's going to tell you does it feel tight and constricting or does it feel open and expansive? And if you give yourself the permission to change your mind, change your direction, it's going to feel so much better because it's like oh hey, did that work? Did I like that? Maybe I'll do it different next time, or maybe I'll just scrap that and try something completely different. Again, whether it's a business or whatever. I mean, I guess you can't just say I'm going to scrap our relationship, but if you're not feeling good in your relationships or your friendships or whatever, you can work through that and figure it out. So the other piece to this is how do you navigate what others might think about what you're doing? So this can be not just in life path. This is just like anything going on in your life.

Speaker 1:

You're going to find that some people are going to be really supportive of whatever you're doing, regardless of what it is, as long as you're going towards what makes you happy. We all have people in our life like that right, that are super supportive all the time, regardless of what we're doing. You've got your cheerleaders right. And then there are some people that you're going to encounter that might take a step back and let you do your thing, and then they'll decide if whatever you're doing or changing or shifting, if that feels good for them and if it's still in alignment with them, and if they want to choose to stay in your life, then maybe they'll stick around or they'll come back. Stay in your life, then maybe they'll stick around or they'll come back. And then there's other people that maybe aren't used to. Whatever it is that you're doing whether you're changing your career, changing relationships, changing friendships, changing your health and nutrition there are some people that are going to be like no, thank you, that's not for me, and that absolutely happens, probably more often than you realize.

Speaker 1:

Life is constant change. People come, people go. We have lessons in our life that we learn from people and experiences, and all of the people that are coming in and out of your life are absolutely there for a reason, and sometimes it's just a season, right, and so when you flow with that, it makes life a lot more fun. You know it's hard. It's hard when relationships end or people leave our lives and we don't always understand why that happens. Sometimes we don't get closure for that.

Speaker 1:

This is another little tangent. I guess that's a little bit of a side thing, but sometimes that happens. I've had many people come and go in my life over the last several years and I look back, I look at these relationships and I'm like what did I learn? You know, is there something I learned? Because everybody comes into our life for a reason. There's always something. Maybe it's a lesson to be learned, maybe it's a heart to be broken, maybe it's whatever, but it's all. All of those experiences and all of those people are meant to come into your life and some stay and some don't, and that's okay. It doesn't mean you have to love them any less. You can think about them and send them love and light and move on. Move on with your day and enjoy yourself, because the people that are meant to be in your life will be when they're meant to, and maybe they stay and maybe they go, and that's okay, that is okay.

Speaker 1:

We get so consumed and worried about what other people are going to think about what we're doing that it stops us, it holds us back from moving forward and living the life that we deserve and want because we're so caught up in what other people are going to think about what we're doing, when most of the time, I don't think they give a shit. Really, like, how much attention do you really pay to what people are doing around you? Like, are you really that concerned about what they're doing? Probably not, because you're worried about your own stuff and we, I think we use that as an excuse and to hold ourselves back. And so if you take a look at that and you say I think this person is going to be upset with me or feel rejected, or that I'm going to move away from them or leave them or whatever, leave them or whatever is that really true or is that? Are you using that as a reason or an excuse let's be real to not move forward towards whatever path you're wanting to go down?

Speaker 1:

That would fill you up and give you that happy and fulfilled, peaceful and content life that you want to create for yourself, because we are always creating. We're constantly creating our reality, right, we create our reality and we create our life, and if we allow that, what we think and the stories that we create about what we believe other people are going to think about what we're doing, we allow it to hold ourselves back. And it doesn't have to be like that. So, follow what feels good for you, and sometimes we just have to sit with ourselves and ask you know, what would be in my highest good, what would feel good to me? What would I love to do? What would be fun? Ask yourself those questions, you know. And again, it doesn't have to be like changing a career or starting a business or doing whatever. It could just be something fun that you want to do in your spare time. That would fill your cup a little bit more so that you are better able to handle your work life.

Speaker 1:

If it's stressful and unfulfilling because you're filling yourself up in your personal time, you could continue down your path at work and do something on the side and build something alongside the job that you're doing. I mean, I podcast and I coach and I do all these things, but I also have another job, but this fills me up, this is fun. I just got off of a couple of coaching calls and they were incredible and I'm like, damn, I'm a really good coach, you know what I mean, and it's something that I love to do, because I absolutely love helping people. But I never would have thought that this would be a path that I would go down. But I followed my intuition, I followed the little nudges, I followed all the things that felt good and I continued to go down the path and for me, that has been a game changer, because there is no way that I could have planned the life that I'm living right now. If I had tried, because it was totally out of my, I just never would have thought. I never would have thought that I would be doing, never thought I would have a podcast, because I was the quiet, shy girl that didn't talk to anybody. So allow yourself to be open to the idea of trying new things If you're not feeling good in your life, if you feel unhappy, if you feel unfulfilled. There's so much out there to experience and so much life, so let's live the life while we're here and enjoy it as much as we possibly can. We just get so caught up in the every day, literally.

Speaker 1:

It was so funny I think I've talked about. Obviously I talk about my shower situation and how I dance. I also love to enjoy my shampoo and conditioner Well, my shampoo anyway. So I got new shampoo and conditioner bottles a couple of weeks ago and I have like those big pumps and when I put them into my shower I flipped them around and normally I have the shampoo on the left and the conditioner on the right and for like a week or two I was conditioning my hair before I was shampooing it and didn't realize it. I was like I thought maybe like they changed the formula or something, and I laughed my ass off at myself the other day. I was like what in the hell? Like why didn't I pay attention? Because I was in just this habit and for some reason I switched and I started like going to the right instead of the left first and I just kept doing it until I paid attention to what I was doing and I was like no wonder, no wonder my shampoo smells funny, because I was actually using conditioner first and it wasn't right. So just use that as a reminder to not go down the monotony and the habits of every day and pay attention and if something needs to change. Take a look at it and maybe shift something. It was just really funny. It was really funny.

Speaker 1:

Don't condition your hair before you shampoo it. It's your life and I'm going to tell you that over and over and over again. And you get to choose. You get to choose. Tell you that over and over and over again. And you get to choose. You get to choose. You get to choose what you want to change. If something doesn't feel good for you, figure out a way to change it up. You're always going to know. You're always going to know if you're headed in the right direction and if you need to go outside, hang out in nature.

Speaker 1:

It's not always easy to quiet our minds. I'm a total overthinker, but I do things to get myself out of my head. I shake my ass and dance, I go for walks, I do yoga. I just got back into yoga. I realized I was feeling really disconnected from myself and so I started. I was like it just came to me. It was like yoga. You need to do yoga again. It's time to get back to it. And I'm four days in, about to start day five, and I already feel so much better.

Speaker 1:

It's the mind, body and soul connection for me, when it comes to yoga, there's nothing like it. Mind, body and soul connection for me when it comes to yoga, there's nothing like it. And it helps me reconnect to my intuition and all the little nudges that bring about all the fun in my life. I couldn't have planned this, and sometimes we can't. So you just follow the little nudges and you'll be surprised and delighted where you might end up. And you'll be surprised and delighted where you might end up. So I hope this episode was helpful for you. If you'd like, you can reach out and drop a note there's a link If you have any questions or comments or want to share any experiences that you've had with me, or if you have any questions that you'd like me to address on the next episode. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day. Much love.

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