Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul

Are You Suppressed or Fully Self Expressed?

Shannon Danielle Episode 39

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Have you ever felt like you had to hide your true emotions just to get through the day? As always, we're keeping it real in this episode.  Growing up in an environment that stifled emotional expression and spending over three decades in customer service, where maintaining a cheery disposition was mandatory, led me to bottle up my feelings for far too long. But a recent emotional release, complete with tears and a pillow-screaming session, opened my eyes to the importance of authenticity and emotional freedom. This episode is an intimate look at my journey toward embracing vulnerability, followed by a night of wisdom-filled Netflix comfort. Discover how allowing ourselves to truly feel can lead to a life of inner peace and genuine happiness.

Shifting gears, I delve into the transformative world of energy healing and life coaching. Fresh from completing my second certification, I've been working on moving energy through people’s bodies with astonishing results. Whether you’re dealing with personal challenges or simply seeking to balance your energy, these sessions offer profound benefits. I also share a sneak peek into a significant project I’ve just wrapped up and my adventures with naked yoga. Get ready for an episode filled with raw emotion, healing insights, and exciting updates that promise to uplift your week with love and positivity.

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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show. I had every intention today of talking about naked yoga. I have been doing naked yoga in the privacy of my own home and that had been what I had planned to talk about. And then something else came up that I felt like was a little more important right now, and so we're going to talk about feelings and emotions and suppression versus expression.

Speaker 1:

I have spent most of my life suppressing my feelings, and it was certainly unintentional. Do you know what I mean? Like growing up, I didn't feel safe to necessarily express my thoughts and feelings about things. And then I went into customer service and I've been in customer service for over 30 years and in that line of work, you put on this face and have to suppress your feelings most of the time. Have to suppress your feelings most of the time. Honestly, one time my son came into my work and we were having a quick conversation and then I stepped away to help somebody and I came back and he was like what was that? I was like what do you mean? That's my customer service voice, and he was like I don't even know what that voice is. So you know, it's interesting how we go through life, being different people in different spaces and really holding in our feelings and emotions. So I've had some things going on over the last I don't know several weeks, like there's always something going on right. But I've had some things going on over the last I don't know several weeks, like there's always something going on right. But I've had some things that you know whether it's been in relationships, some of my own thoughts and feelings, with goals of some things that I wanted to accomplish that haven't quite happened yet.

Speaker 1:

And so Saturday, I don't know I was feeling a little bit off. I was at work, it was a fine day, like nothing exciting was going on, and then, as I was driving home, I started to feel let me back up a little bit. So during the day, I had a thought come into my mind and it just was you're not exactly where you want to be, but you're exactly where you're meant to be. I was like, okay, I can like that's good. Apparently, I needed that reminder because it popped into my head. So I was like, okay, I can like that's good. Apparently, I needed that reminder because it popped into my head. So I was driving home and I started to feel yucky, just like this, really tight and stricted. I don't feel good feeling.

Speaker 1:

I came home I went straight to my bedroom. I tossed my things on the floor. I think I took off my clothes. I tossed my things on the floor, I think I took off my clothes. I got in bed and I cried and I cried and I cried and I screamed into my pillow and it was like a full on feel the fuck out of your feelings kind of moment. It was nothing I ever do is good enough. Why can't I do this? And I can't even remember everything now. But it was just this full on. You know those thoughts that just come into your head that you don't have to believe. You don't have to believe everything that you think. But it was happening Like it was. It was pretty intense and I just screamed and cried and then I think I fell asleep for a few minutes because I just needed to get that out.

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And then I got out of bed, went into the living room, decided I was going to watch a movie, made myself some popcorn, got cozy on my couch and watched. There was a new Netflix movie with Zac Efron, who I absolutely love. Zac Efron and Nicole Kidman called A Family Affair, sat down, watched that laughed, got a little bit teary in some spots, and then at the end there was a line where they said the end is none of my business, the end is none of my business, and I was like that's exactly what I needed to hear. It's none of my business, everything is going to unfold as magically and beautiful as it's meant to and it's none of my business how that happens. So I just thought it was important to talk about expression versus suppression and you know, I could come on here and act like everything is fine and perfect in my life and honestly, that's kind of the way I used to unintentionally represent myself. What do people think if you're not living this perfect life? Well, I am now in a space where my goal is not perfection. My goal is inner happiness and peace and joy and really loving my life. And even though I had that moment on Saturday, that doesn't mean my life sucks and it's horrible. Do you know what I mean? I think it's important to honestly normalize the ups and downs that we have and that people don't have perfect lives and it's not meant to be perfect. We're meant to feel and express, and that's my intention is to become fully expressed.

Speaker 1:

I have held back in so many areas of my life, with relationships with partners, with relationships with my family, with my friends, with my employer, you know. Because what are people going to think? Am I going to upset somebody? And you know what, if I can, when I learn to communicate and express in a safe way and ask for what I need, there's nothing wrong with that and that should be our normal to be able to truly be ourselves and have that be okay. I spent so many years in the people-pleasing stage of my life of not wanting to upset anybody. And you know what, when we do that, we're not being who we are and we're putting on a show and then people don't even get the opportunity to really get to know the true us. So the other thing that happened is, after I had that release which was amazing I got up the next day and I was on a really amazing phone call about some future things that are going on in my life and got some clarification on some things, which brought me some peace, which was really good. And then I put on a playlist that a friend had made for me and I sat down at my computer and I worked on a project and I finished it and it's something that I had put off for a long time. It's something I've wanted to do and I'm really excited to share it, hopefully next week, and I finished it.

Speaker 1:

And so sometimes we need to let that out, let those feelings out, let those emotions out and not stay there. I didn't stay there, but I let it out. And so what are some ways that you can do that? Some safe ways to express yourself Cry, cry, let it out. If you feel like you need to cry, just cry. Water is a flow of energy when you let your feelings out and you just cry it. I usually feel really good after I do that. I mean, sometimes I cry happy tears, sometimes I cry sad tears, but sometimes you just need to cry.

Speaker 1:

You can scream. You can go to a safe place and scream. You can scream into a pillow. That's one way to get those feelings Like it was literally like this tight, constricted feeling. But when you scream, you're using your voice and you're expressing and getting that out of your body. Intentional breathing is another way that you can do that. You can do alternate nostril breathing. You can just do square breathing, like breathe in, hold, exhale, breathe out. You know, and you can do that Writing.

Speaker 1:

Writing is a great way to express, having conversations another good way. So, anyway, I just think it's important to like you're not alone. Do you know what I mean? Like this is the shit. This is the shit that we all go through, and when people pretend like they're not going through it, I don't honestly believe them anymore, because we all have thoughts, feelings and emotions, and when we hold them in, it's only hurting us. So, hopefully, you will find a way to safely express your feelings and emotions and, if I can be of any help, I have free group monthly coaching mindset magic coming up on July 12th. The link to register for that is on my website, which is in the show description.

Speaker 1:

There's also opportunities for energy healings. I have done several of those as I was completing my second certification over the last couple of weeks, and they were incredible and we were moving energy through people's bodies with some incredible results. So you can book a energy healing session, or there's also life coaching opportunities available there too. So, however, I can help. I would love to help you move through the shit. So I'm here for you and I'll be excited to share my big announcement of the project that I completed, and we'll talk about some naked yoga, because that's been an interesting experience I want to share about. So, anyway, I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day and an incredible week. So much love.

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