Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul

Unlocking Positivity: Creating "The Magic of What If?" Card Deck and Embracing Growth

Shannon Danielle Episode 41

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Have you ever wondered how transforming a simple "what if" question could change your life? Join me as we reflect on a year filled with highs and lows and uncover the magic of focusing on positivity even in tough times. I’m excited to share my personal journey of creating "The Magic of What If?" card deck, now available for purchase on my website, purepossibilities.net. These cards, filled with transformative questions, have become a vital tool for mindfulness and breaking free from creativity-related limiting beliefs. Listen in as we explore how overcoming resistance and self-doubt can lead to fulfilling achievements, and get inspired to challenge your own limiting beliefs and give your ideas a try.

In another heartfelt chapter, we explore stepping out of our comfort zones to achieve personal growth. Hear inspiring stories of friends who have undertaken remarkable challenges like hiking Mount Rainier and competing in the World Series of Poker, proving the power of self-belief. Discover the joy that comes from taking aligned actions towards your goals and the significant role that following what feels good plays in personal fulfillment. Plus, a special shout-out to Jamie, one of my favorite baristas at my local Starbucks, whose positivity brightens my days. Let these stories encourage you to take steps toward your own dreams and have a beautiful day.

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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show. I was kind of pondering what I wanted to chat about today and I had all these things coming up because I've had kind of a rough week and I feel like it's so funny. I've been reflecting on the year and I'm like holy hell, this has been quite a year so far. There's been a lot of crap that's happened in my life, but a lot of really amazing things too. So I'm currently having vehicle issues again, which is no fun at all and you know, it's so easy to go down the path of all the things that are going wrong in your life, and so I have been very intentional recently about focusing on the really good things that are going on. A couple of weeks ago I said I had an exciting announcement and so I'm going to share that today. I created the magic of what if? Card deck and I honestly have to thank my friend Michelle for lighting a fire under me. We had a conversation a couple of weeks ago and I was telling her about my idea and she was asking me some questions and I said, well, I've been kind of looking around, you know, for different vendors, that you know different businesses that could create the card deck for me or print them for me. And then another friend of mine had shared an Oracle deck that she had made. So I reached out and I asked her who she used, and so that was amazing. I got that information from her but I still hadn't really done anything with it. I had kind of messed around a little bit. So, anyway, I had this conversation with my friend and it was like take some action. There was a lot more to the conversation, but the gist of it is after we had that conversation, within two weeks I designed, created, had printed and now officially have available.

Speaker 1:

The magic of what if, what if questions have been incredibly transformative in my life over the last several years. I know I've shared this before, but I use these positive what-if questions throughout my day, every single day, and I have them programmed into my phone on alarms and when they go off it just allows me an opportunity to kind of pause and become more present in the moment. So I wanted to pull a card today because I've actually been using these a lot. I've taken them to a couple of gatherings and shared them with my friends and everybody seems to really love them and it seems like whenever we pull a card, it really resonates with whatever they might have going on in their life and it just allows you an opportunity to just pause for a moment. So I'm going to shuffle the deck here and pull a card and we're going to see what we come up with. Because why the heck not and I think this might be something that we do in every episode, wouldn't that be fun? Gives us a little what if? To think about. Okay, here we go. What if I just turned my magic all the way the fuck on? So, yes, there are some explicit cards in this deck, but that's a good one. What if you just turn your magic all the way the fuck on? I mean seriously, the magic will happen.

Speaker 1:

We have so many beliefs about things that we believe we can or cannot do, and I know that I had some kind of resistance going on when it came to creating my card deck. I have historically had a belief about myself that I was not creative, and I've been chipping away at that belief for quite some time. It started with floral arranging and realizing that I am actually creative and I love arranging flowers. I had taken a class with my sister a couple of years ago and now I have flowers in my house all the time and I love arranging flowers and that is an outlet of creativity. So I had this moment a couple of weeks ago where I screamed and cried and let out my emotions because I had all of these feelings built up inside of me that I needed to express. And then the next day I got up and I finished creating my card deck and I put on a playlist that a friend had made for me and I just sat here and let the creativity flow and I love the deck. It is beautiful. It's got beautiful colors. I love the font. They just turned out absolutely gorgeous and I hope that you will choose to order a deck. You can order them directly from my website, which is in the show description purepossibilitiesnet and they're now available and I love them and I hope you love them too, because they're just, they're beautiful.

Speaker 1:

But I guess one thing that I wanted to focus on is we allow? I was obviously stopping myself. I had some form of resistance, like maybe nobody would like them and what if I don't sell any? And you know all the shit that goes through our head and going down this spiral, or even some of it might've even been subconscious? And what if I don't sell any? And you know all the shit that goes through our head and going down the spiral, or even some of it might've even been subconscious, just not putting myself out there to do it. And how often do you believe a belief is just a thought that we keep thinking right? So how often do you believe that you aren't able to do something, that you can't do something, that it's not going to work? I invite you to just try, because you know what, what's the worst that would happen. You know what's the worst that would happen.

Speaker 1:

I have a bunch of card decks that I give to my friends, you know, but the whole point is that I actually did it and I'm so proud of myself for doing it and I really had fun. So there's going to be more card decks to come because I loved it, it was amazing and it was so much fun. And then I learned how to sell products on my website and I've just I've learned so much, and so I guess the point that I want to get to is that you could have a belief, several beliefs. I mean. I have several beliefs about things about myself that came from who knows where they're probably not even my beliefs. Anyway, they're probably some that I took on from somebody else generational or wherever it might've come from. But it's my responsibility to bust through those to create a life that I want to live, and learning that I am actually pretty darn creative has been really cool and it's been fun. That's what it's about is creating the fun.

Speaker 1:

So, regardless of all the things that are going on, my car is back at the dealership. Who knows what's wrong with it this time. But you know what? I had a great week, celebrating one of my dear friend's 50th birthdays yesterday and hanging out with my sister and my friend and going to a concert in the park and laying in the pool during the day and all kinds of other things really amazing things. But, oh my gosh, things are breaking at work. Things are breaking all around me and I'm like, okay, that's okay, we're going to get through it. Let's focus on the awesome things that are happening, like creating a card deck that is fantastic and having the opportunity to be here with you.

Speaker 1:

I think we can really bog ourselves down with these beliefs and it's so funny I had so I had a friend that hiked Mount Rainier last week, and then I had another friend who was in the world series of poker in Las Vegas and I was talking with someone and they're like your friends are really cool, they do awesome shit and you know what they do, but it's because they're believing in themselves and they're trying things and stepping out of their comfort zones and growing and expanding. And I did jokingly say I'm like, well, when you get to be in your forties and fifties, you start to do, start to do the things that you always wanted to do. Now and start shattering those beliefs and take a little step and remember what's the worst that could happen. You know, all you're doing is stepping out of your comfort zone, growing and expanding and probably having some fun while you're doing it. So I invite you to try something this week or take a step towards something that you're wanting to do or accomplish and take some action, and only if it feels aligned. Aligned action you want to do when it feels good, when it feels good for you and that's just the other reminder like, when it feels good in your body, it's what you're meant to be doing and when it fills you up and lights you up and brings you joy, that's when you know you're headed in the right direction. I hope you found this helpful, and I like to keep them short these days, so I wanted to get oh, by the way, I wanted to give a shout out to Jamie, who is one of my favorite baristas at my local Starbucks that I visit, and she had mentioned to me last week that she and her girlfriend listened to the show.

Speaker 1:

So thank you and I'm glad you're loving it, and you make the most amazing ice venti, brown sugar, oat, milk shaken espressos that I love. So thank you so much for that. You know I don't need to have coffee every day. I just like to go in and visit and have the experience, and I enjoy the crew at that location so much and they always brighten my day every time I go in. So thank you, jamie, for being a part of that, and I hope everybody has a beautiful, beautiful day. Much love.

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