Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul

Divine Insights: Journey from Skeptic to Spiritual Medium with Michele Maguire

Shannon Danielle/ Michele Maguire Episode 43

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 What if an angel reading could change the course of your life? Join us as I sit down with my friend Michele, a spiritual medium and host of the Bettermint Podcast, who reveals how her intuitive gifts led to profound life changes. We discuss how an angel reading she performed was the catalyst for my long-held vision of creating a card deck.

From skepticism to transformation, Michele shares how her journey into the world of spiritual mediumship is a testament to the power of self-investment and community.  Spirit guide meditations played a crucial role in affirming her spiritual mediumship gift, revealing a serendipitous path that continuously unfolds with meaningful insights. She recount a memorable experience with a spiritual medium, where she was guided to identify a specific card using only intuition.

What followed was an awe-inspiring session of psychometry, where she described details about a deceased woman connected to the psychic with surprising accuracy. This episode also captures an emotionally charged moment during an impromptu medium reading for a friend, which turned into a powerful formal session. These transformative experiences have not only solidified her path as a spiritual medium but have also brought countless referrals, enriching her journey in ways she never imagined. Tune in for these captivating stories and more.

More about Michele and how to connect with her:

Michele Maguire is a dynamic corporate professional whose life took a transformative turn after she went through intense childhood trauma healing work and realized it was time to take her life back. She bought herself an infrared sauna where she stumbled upon a spirit guide meditation that literally changed the trajectory of her life. This pivotal moment led her to open up her spiritual gifts that she blocked for almost 40 years, and truly explore the realms of her spirituality and personal growth. Now a spiritual medium, Michele uses her unique blend of corporate acumen and intuitive guidance to help individuals find clarity and answers to life's pressing questions. Her mission is to empower others by integrating practical solutions with spiritual insights, facilitating profound personal and professional transformations.

Instagram: @michelemaguire and @bettermintpodcast
She is currently working on her website (michelemaguire.com) which will outline her coaching and spiritual reading offerings. In the meantime, you can reach out to her on Instagram or through her podcast website www.bettermintpodcast.com.

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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show today. I am so excited to have my friend Michelle back with us. She was here a couple months ago talking about boundaries, and I had an experience with her a couple of weeks ago where she did an angel reading for me. She is a spiritual medium and the reading that we had was so incredibly impactful for me that I asked her to come back to the show and talk about her gifts that she is stepping into and fully allowing herself to receive and we've talked so much recently about how do you know if the path that you're on is the right one. And she has continued to allow the little whispers and nudges of her heart to guide her. And, like I said, she did a reading for me. It was like the middle of it was so powerful for me and honestly, I can barely put it into words how powerful that reading was for me weeks and now a month, and helped me gain some clarity on some things and take action on I mean honestly, after that reading with her, within two weeks, I created my card deck and that had been a vision for me for a really long time and I hadn't taken any action on it. And after that reading it prompted me to move, and not only is my card deck now available for people to help inspire and, hopefully, impact lives, it also proved to me that I could do it. And not only did I do it, but I had so much more fun than I ever could have expected, because the universe does surprise and delight us.

Speaker 1:

So this is kind of a long episode because she talks a little bit about where it all began and how she realized her gift and has stepped into becoming a spiritual medium, but at the end she pulls a card for all of us. So many synchronicities in this episode. So thank you so much for tuning in and I hope you enjoy the episode with Michelle. She is also the host of the Betterment Podcast and has become a very dear friend of mine. I hope you enjoy today's episode. Oh, my goodness, michelle, I'm so excited to have you back on the show. When you were on a couple months ago, we were talking about boundaries, which was an amazing conversation, and I got a lot of really positive feedback and it was incredibly helpful for people. So thank you so much for that.

Speaker 1:

Of course, but one of the reasons I wanted to have you back is because you are a beautiful example of allowing your intuition to guide you and following literally what feels good because, we've been talking recently in the podcasting community group, as well as a couple of episodes about how do you know when you're on the right path and you, my friend, are absolutely on the most beautiful path right now and would you tell us a little bit about the shift that's kind of happened for you recently?

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you for saying that, because sometimes it escapes me how quickly this has happened and how things have just been working out for me, kind of out of the blue. So I appreciate that little reminder. So, yeah, I mean I think most of your listeners know, if they listened to our last podcast, that I have been in a career that for the last 20 years. That just doesn't serve me and it's never really served me. But I always thought life was supposed to be hard and it's never really served me. But I always thought life was supposed to be hard and it was just so hard for me all the time school, just my family dynamic growing up, all of that.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, I think a lot of people feel that way yeah, it's just supposed to, it's just supposed to be hard and we just do what we have to do to get through.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's like you know, it's it's ingrained in us to work hard, and if you don't work hard, you're not doing enough or something I don't know. It's like grit and determination, like all of those things, are really good qualities, but when it's sacrificing your happiness, it's like what are you doing? I don't know, but I didn't really recognize it until I started the podcasting course that I met you through. So, anyway, it's been crazy, but I'll try to make the story somewhat brief. So, essentially, I bought myself an infrared sauna and I think I have spoken I don't know if I spoke about this on our last episode.

Speaker 1:

I know that we've talked about it. I don't recall. So if you want to, I don't recall if we talked about it during the episode.

Speaker 2:

So I have chronic Lyme disease and my symptoms started in 2017. And so it was a very big struggle to get to the bottom of what's going on. I finally got treated through two and a half years of antibiotics, which was not fun, and I decided to get off antibiotics and go the herbal route. So I did a very intense herbal protocol for about nine to 12 months and it helped for sure. Infrared sauna sessions is really good for inflammation and joint pain. I had a lot of pain in my back and tons of neck pain and stiffness and in my hip area my hips and so I decided my mom bought an infrared sauna for her house and I started using it, but she doesn't like she lives 20 minutes away and I'm very grateful that I can go anytime and use it, but for my schedule it wasn't really working very well, like I just never ended up going, you know, as much as I needed to, and it's just really good detox, especially when I was doing my protocol. So I bought the sauna and in the sauna I would listen to a lot of podcasts or check my email or like catch up on work if I needed to, like I'm just sitting there, you know, but a lot of podcasts or you know things like that. But one day I was checking my email and I came across a spirit guide meditation from Gabby Bernstein because I'm on her like newsletter list or whatever. And I'm like a spirit guide meditation from Gabby Bernstein because I'm on her like newsletter list or whatever. And I'm like a spirit guide meditation. I've always been like really intrigued in the afterlife and all the podcasts I listened to are true crime and you know or like anything about ghosts. I'm super intrigued about some like a spirit guide meditation.

Speaker 2:

First of all, my stress levels for my entire career have been through the roof, my whole life basically and meditation has never really worked for me and I'm like you know what? And actually at that time in my life I was going through a lot with work where my boundaries were very porous and I had recognized it because I did some childhood trauma healing work that fall prior. So there was a lot going on and I was super stressed and anxious, constantly crying all the time, and I was in the sauna and I'm like I'm going to do the spirit guide meditation. Meditation is not really my thing, or wasn't at the time, and I'm like, at the very least, the thing I'll get out of this is maybe my mind will shut off for a minute and I'll you know, I'll be able to just calm my nervous system down.

Speaker 2:

When I did it's a 16 minute spirit guide meditation and when I did that it gave me more clarity than I've, I think, I've ever had in my entire life. Something in that meditation told me to start a podcast. I'm like what the heck? Am I going to start a podcast on? Who's going to want to listen to me? What message do I have to give? I'm like, you know, I was just in a bad place and I'm like what the heck? And then the next day I did the same spirit guide meditation in the sauna and I wrote the trailer, created the name and wrote the trailer and everything else.

Speaker 1:

I didn't even know what a trailer was. Had you ever considered like? Had the thought ever popped into your mind before?

Speaker 2:

to do. I always thought it would be cool to do a podcast, always thought, oh, that'd be cool. Oh, I'd love to do a podcast someday, but like a, like a fleeting thought where there was never any. I'm gonna take action on this someday, never, it was just like a thing, like, oh, that'd be'd be so cool. I wish I had the tools, or I wish I had the time, or like none of like, nothing, like not enough to ever look into it. Because, like, who am I? I'm like a divorced single mom. I have a full-time job that I hate. I'm miserable. Like, why would I add something else to my plate? I'm just like, you know, like that was my like. No, like on occasion, maybe once a year, I'd be like, oh, that'd be cool to do, but no like no.

Speaker 2:

So I wrote the trailer which and I created a name, which didn't end up becoming the actual trailer or the name but, like these were things that I did without even knowing what they were called. Like I didn't know what a trailer really was like or how, nonetheless, how to write one. So I'm like this is interesting because I'm getting clear, I'm taking a little bit of action. And then this was like talk about synchronicity. Kathy heller's free boot camp for that week came on facebook and, like I wasn't talking about this with anyone else, it's not like my. My iPhone heard me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Yeah, it's like I wasn't saying, oh I, something in this spirit, like I wasn't talking about this with anybody, and so I'm like, well, this is free, I'm going to do it. So I, I did that five-day course and of course she's going to sell her eight to 12 week program, whatever it was, for a lot of money and I'm like no way not spending that kind of money, especially on myself, like that's not happening. But I, what did I do? I did the spirit guide meditation again and I weighed the pros and cons and the pros was like pages long, where the con was just the cost.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I'm like where the con was just the cost, yeah. And I'm like, okay, I have to do one thing for myself. And I was like but I bought an infrared sauna, like a few months ago, like I don't, like a couple months, like I don't think I should be spending this kind of money on myself too. But I did because it just felt like the right thing to do, and from there things started happening. I started, I met like an incredible community of women that are like-minded. Most of them are entrepreneurs. Not all of them work full-time, maybe a handful. I've met like you're one of them who has, like, a traditional career, but not a lot of people do. But, like everyone that I've met, I'm aspiring in some sort of way to be like, and so it was just a great community and that's. It was helping to drive me forward, to keep taking a little bit of action. And so it took me a while that was last summer of 2023. It took me a while to get my ducks in a row, do the course. I started recording interviews for my podcast and at the time, my podcast was to record interviews of people who were in a traditional career, corporate career or something, and how they got out of it into entrepreneurship and it was very cathartic for me. I learned a lot. I learned a lot of themes, a lot of similarities. You know everybody's path was different, but it was just really cool to hear and it was really. Basically, I created a tutorial for myself through interviews on how to do this and I'm still going through the path. But in the course that we took together, you and I also both did Kelsey Murphy's coach's masterclass, so I invested in myself again to create some sort of coaching offering and I'm like I have no idea what I'm going to coach on, but I'm doing this and I mean I'm in corporate meetings and events and so I want out of it. It's hard to stay in something that's not aligned. I've been doing it for so long and it's just it's not lighting me up anymore and I'm not really sure it ever did, to be honest. But I don't want to coach people on that. I don't want to coach people how to plan a meeting. I don't want to coach people on retreats or like. I don't want to coach people on like any of that, like you know. And so it's like but that's I always. I just was feeling like that's all I know. And then I'm like, well, wait a minute, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 2:

I just went through some massive and intensive childhood trauma healing work through a trauma therapist. Like we're talking like a three or four day intensive program with two other women where we unpacked our trauma for eight hours a day and it was a lot, but I learned so much and a small piece of what I learned it's really healing your core issues. Everybody has core issues, self-worth boundaries. There's a whole bunch core issues, self-worth boundaries like there's a whole bunch. And part of it was like I wonder, like I should do something on boundaries because I have been able to put into place some really solid boundaries for myself because of this trauma work that I've done. Like when I was a kid, I had very porous boundaries, but I was a child and it was just my experience and the way I was brought up and like all this shit I had to go through. So but everybody has trauma of some sort from in their lifetime and so I think boundaries is a big thing that some people have mastered but most people have not. And so I'm like, all right, I'm going to do this and I'm going to figure out a way to coach people on how to implement boundaries in really any area of their life. I could do, but my focus really was on full-time working women who are like the go-to, go-to girl, like they do everything for everyone else and they put themselves on the back burner. Like it's, a lot of women do that, a lot of moms do that, and it's very difficult, yeah. So I did that and I started coaching for free to just test out my methodology and get feedback and testimonials, and it was an incredible experience. It was working.

Speaker 2:

Like I couldn't believe it and when I was about to really start to market my package, something interesting happened. So back in the November prior so this was last summer, in November because these spirit guide meditations, like something was happening where, like I would gain clarity and have thoughts that I really felt like were not my own. I'm like there's no way that I'm coming up, but like it was just strange and I'm like, okay, it's a spirit guide meditation. That means, like spirits, everybody in my mind has spirit guides or a spirit guide or however many guides and angels with them. That's a controversial topic, but that's what I believe. And so, anyway, I'm like, okay, this is so interesting because I don't think it was just the meditation.

Speaker 2:

I think it was the specific meditation that really changed my life and I always knew as a kid I'm kind of backtracking that I had some sort of gift, but at the time I didn't realize it was a gift. And what I mean by gift? I mean like I'm a spiritual medium like 100%, without a gift. And what I mean by gift I mean like I'm a spiritual medium like 100%, without a doubt. And when I was a kid I didn't think of it like that. I just thought of it as this is my imagination. You know, I'm just, you know, I'm just a kid. It's my imagination Like that's it. Like I think that's really common.

Speaker 1:

I totally even, even sometimes into adulthood. People don't necessarily acknowledge.

Speaker 2:

But we're all- 100%.

Speaker 1:

We all have spiritual gifts. It's whether or not we're open to 100% Yep, but I have to tell you and I've told you, but for your audience.

Speaker 2:

I was terrified Because I would be home alone. I don't know. I was like maybe I mean, I'm telling you, I've had, I have conscious memories of things happening to me since I was six years old I want to say five or six, but like I'd be home alone when I'm old enough to be home alone as a kid, like I don't know 12. And I'd be walking around my house and feeling a presence with me, like someone was behind me but nobody was behind me. Yeah, and it was this energy that I felt and it terrified me.

Speaker 2:

I was so afraid to the point where I would yell out, only because I was home alone leave me alone. Wow, like, leave me alone. I don't know who you are, I don't know what you're doing, I know you're there, but I need you to leave me alone. Like terrifying. And this was like every day of my life and I would be walking down the hallway, everybody would be downstairs. I'd be upstairs, coming from my room to go downstairs or something, and I would run through the hallway because I could feel somebody with me and I't want, like, I'm like am I going to see a ghost?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

wanted to get away from whatever this energy was. But I couldn't get away. But I felt more comfortable in a, in a room with my family eating dinner or like in the family we're watching TV with everyone, you know, cause if I saw it, somebody else might've seen it, you know. So like if I'm with somebody else, I don't know, but anyway, it's kind with somebody else, so I mean I don't know, but anyway like a validation of you know, hoping that other people are saying it so that you feel like feeling it yeah, so that it feels more normal.

Speaker 1:

But I never talked about it, right.

Speaker 2:

So the only I think the only person I ever told was my older brother. Like I feel this, like I don't even remember what I said, but he said to me the other day actually he's like Michelle, like Michelle of all people, and I'm getting somewhere. I promise, of all people, for you to tell me that this is what you're doing now. I'm not surprised at all because of all the stuff you told me, as when we were kids, I'm like, oh, I told you that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't. Like I have to tell you I'm so scared I blocked it all and eventually I just pushed it aside. Pushed it aside and like the fact that I was not open to it helped keep things at bay. Like, yes, as an adult things would still happen. Like mirrors would fly off the wall in my house, like that happened a couple of years ago and that terrified me. There was no explanation for that. Like it was affixed to the wall. There's no reason that thing should have flown off the wall. Stuff like that or I would still feel a presence in my house and again terrifies me. But like it wasn't happening as frequently as when I was a kid, and so I was able to keep it at bay until in November.

Speaker 2:

Something told I go see a medium for meat for readings, because it just again that stuff intrigues me, and I've been seeing this woman for like five years. I go to her once a year. She encourages you not to come back because things that she tells you may not resonate during the session, but like six months later they might be. You might be like, oh my God, that's what she was talking about, you know.

Speaker 1:

So she's like I don't want to see you, I go and get tarot. I go to a tarot reader, usually like quarterly, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so, but she's like I don't. She maps out your life for like a year, that's what she calls it, and so when you do like a certain, she does like past life regression. She does a bunch of stuff, she does life coaching, but when I went to her, it was her one hour, like angel card readings, where she maps out your life for a year and whatever. So I would go to her every year and I think I'd seen her like for five years at that point and something told me to go on her. I was home alone in bed about to go to sleep and I'm like I need to go on her website. Something compelled me to go to her website, but like I don't remember why I went on her website. But and it wasn't to look at her list of services. I do know that for a fact, but I still, to this day, don't remember why I went on her website.

Speaker 2:

But I went on and I noticed her list of services and that she had a new offering where she helps people who have intuitive gifts develop them. And I know you and I both believe and know that everyone has these gifts, but not everybody believes it. So you know, I think she's careful about how she markets it. But if you have gifts that you want to develop, you know this is a package I offer. I can help you develop them. And so I was like, oh my God, I feel like this is why I was compelled to go on her website Like absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I think it's time.

Speaker 2:

I need to look into this and stop ignoring it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And that was last November or, I'm sorry. That was like probably early fall, maybe late summer last year. And so I reached out to her and I just said Francine her name's Francine your package is really expensive. I don't want to spend all of this money if I don't actually have a gift and I'm not sure. Can you like, how do you know? Like, how do I know if I have a gift to like? Purchase this? She goes book one session with me and I will be able to tell you after that session whether or not you have a gift and you're ready for it. I'm like okay, so I booked it. I booked a session. It was in November.

Speaker 2:

I went to go see her for the first time. It was right before Thanksgiving. My youngest daughter came with me. She was seven at the time and I can't even tell you how mind-blowing that was. Really Like, have I told you about this? No, I never told you the story about when I went to see her for the first time. No, for my gifts, no, oh well. So the first thing that she had me do was she gave me these like little cards. It was kind of like it'll remind you of Ghostbusters when in the beginning where they're like. What's this shape and what do you see?

Speaker 2:

you're like what's the shape I'm holding up? And you can't see the shape. You just see the back of the card, you know. Yeah, so she gives me these little cards that has like a. They're all different colors and they have like a circle or a plus sign or wave wavy lines or a star and a square or something. It's like five cards and she's like pick one that resonates with you. And I think I picked like the red plus, and she's like put it up to your forehead. Imagine you're on the beach, like, visualize all this stuff. And then she's like are you ready? I'm like, yeah, I'm ready.

Speaker 2:

So I shuffled them all up, I put them all face down on the table and she was like okay, I want you to take your hand and put it over the cards. And she's kind of coaching me through like what to think, what I'm feeling or what to look for. And she's like I want you to flip over one. That is not the card that you selected. And I'm like, okay, so I flip over one. It's not the card. So I put it aside, kept doing it and I got it right. So, like, the last one that was left was the card. And I'm like, okay, beginner's luck, that's not anything. So I did it like three other times and I think I got it right, two out of three times and the card the third time I think I did it, or whenever I did it wrong. It was like the card next to the one that I thought was going to be right, but it was wrong, like whatever. So she was like well, the energy was. I'm like don't make excuses, like whatever you know. So like I'm super skeptical. Okay, so then she gives me my own deck of what she calls and now what I call angel cards. It's a psychic tarot deck. John holland created this specific deck and she uses it in her reading. She actually also uses two other decks which I have since purchased as well.

Speaker 2:

But she, so she gives me this deck Actually, no, that was after. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. So she said to me I'm going to give you objects, one at a time, and when I give you an object, it's someone who is important to me that was in my life, who has since passed, that's who it belonged to. I'm like okay, she's like I want to give you this, I'll give you the objects and I want you to tell me who they are to me, what they looked like, what their name was, if they worked, if they did what they did for work, and how they died. And I'm looking at her like are you crazy? Are you kidding me? I'm like what I think I said. How do you expect me to do this? She's like Michelle, just trust me and listen to what I have to tell you. Or like listen to how I instruct you. Like listen to your bot.

Speaker 2:

She was telling me like, so the first one that she gave me, I think it was like this it was like a paperweight shaped as a heart and it was almost like a. It looked like a pretty stone, kind of like white and clear, I don't know, with like lines in it, kind of like a countertop material, like a granite or marble countertop material. But it was like a little paperweight heart-shaped thing. And so I'm like looking at it and I'm like, okay, what do you want me to do? She's like just close your eyes and tell me if you feel feminine or masculine energy. And I'm like feminine energy. She's like, yep, now I want you to picture who you think this belonged to. What does this person look like? And I just told her literally what came to mind, like I'm thinking that I'm imagining this and I'm just like telling her what my imagination says, right. And so I say to her she's petite, she's very pretty, dark hair, a little like a little pat, like shoulder length, maybe a little bit past shoulder length, kind of wavy hair half up. She's wearing a red apron and a dress underneath and she goes yep, that's her. I'm like shut up. She's like no, that's her. She's like who is she to me? And I was like, is it your mom? She said yes, she always wore an apron. I'm like what? I'm like stop. She's like I'm not kidding.

Speaker 2:

And then I didn't record the session. I wish I did because this, literally this whole thing, blew my mind. But I forget how she died. But when she gave me the, I forget how the rest of that went. She well, she asked me. She gave me the. I forget how the rest of that went.

Speaker 2:

She well, she asked me what's her name. And I'm like closing my eyes and I don't. I don't. I have notes about it somewhere, cause later on I took notes, cause I didn't want to forget, but I haven't looked at the notes in a while. But I'm like what's her name? She's like, yeah, close your eyes and what's the first name that comes to mind? And I think I'm like I don't know. And she's like, what about a first initial? Like is anything coming up? And literally, like I saw, like in my mind's eye I saw the alphabet scrolling and then, all of a sudden, like a giant P was like in my face, like it popped out of the alphabet, and I'm like, does it begin with a P? She's like, yes, and I forget what her her name was, like Pauline, or I forget what her name was. She's like, yeah, that was my mother. And I'm like, oh my God, and so she. She did it again. I don't know how many of these you want me to tell you, but it kept getting more incredible the more I did it.

Speaker 1:

How did you feel Like? Were you like what in actual hell is going on here?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I was in shock, yeah, I was in shock, and even my daughter, the seven-year-old, was like oh my God, mom.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

She wasn't afraid at all. And Francine is like adorable. She's this older, like probably in her mid to late 60s. She has like a cute little Boston accent. She's so cute and she's so warm and loving. It's just such a good energy.

Speaker 2:

But my mind was blown and like there were some things that I like. So for the next few people, I think there was one person where I couldn't get the name and I kept just spouting out random letters. For the first letter she's like Michelle, now you're getting in your own head and now you're just throwing out guesses. She's like I want you to clear your mind and get rid of the ego and the fear, like get rid of the insecurity, what comes to mind. And then I said, whatever the letter was, she's like yes, and there was another. So I mean another example I can give you really quick was she gave me the object of this. Was her dad at the time or this was her dad. I didn't guess it at that point because she had just given me the object, but I'm like masculine energy, I think it's your dad. Point like cause she had just given me the object. But I'm like you know, masculine energy, I think it's your dad.

Speaker 2:

And she asked me for the name and I said I said I think it's like Jay or Joe, james or Joe. She's like yes, it's my father, joe, and I'm like okay. And she was like how did he die? And this is what blew my mind. She was like feel they give you signs, visceral signs in your body, like listen to it, like it's very subtle. I'm like okay. And so I felt like a little tingle in my like the left side of my lower leg, like almost between the ankle and the shin, but like lower, closer to the ankle, I'm like something with his leg. And she goes you're the first student of mine that has ever gotten that. She was like that's not how he died, but that's what put him in the hospital.

Speaker 2:

I'm like okay, so she's like so keep thinking about it. Like, keep close your eyes and what do you feel? What do you see? And I literally saw a giant picture in my mind of a human heart. It just popped in my head and I was like something with his heart and she goes yes, so I cut on his leg that wouldn't heal and he wouldn't go get it checked out. We finally convinced him to go to the doctor or go to the hospital, I think, because it was getting really infected. Time he went there, the infection spread in his blood and it stopped his heart. Wow, and he died. So that blew my mind Absolutely. So anyway, long story short, which I tried to make brief but isn't brief. I think we've been talking for at least 25 minutes about this. That happened. I have other stories about that day, but you know we could, we could be here for hours when that happened. I was like, okay, I'm going to keep going to Francine and I'm just going to not tell anyone about this and I'm going to just develop my gifts and see what happens. Like I wasn. Clearly I do, but also like I'm not, like I'm focused on, like this boundaries offering because I want to leave corporate. So how can I at least go part time?

Speaker 2:

Pods, and which is like a small group that Kelsey put together for us to like meet with once a week and just kind of talk about each other's offerings, help each other and all that. And in February it was our last session with Kelsey. And then after that we had scheduled our pod call and I'm on this call and one of the girls was talking about how her dad had passed away and she did nothing for the course and she was just feeling really guilty because she didn't put herself first. And one of the other girls said you did the right thing, because when my dad died angry, I was about to have a baby that I didn't pay attention or grieve or spend any time focusing on my dad's death. I was focused on my new baby coming. And when she said that to the other girl, something happened to me that has never happened to me before. I'm sitting exactly where I'm sitting now, in front of my computer, like I'm sitting here talking to you. I had this very bizarre, all of a sudden, this like wave of emotion come over me of sadness and this weird visceral feeling, like in this area, like I'm I'm pointing to like my chest heart area, like right in the middle, and this group of girls is very open to this kind of thing and

Speaker 2:

if this were like a corporate work call, I would never speak up and say anything. However, I stopped her because I had to. I felt compelled to ask her like did your dad die of brunt force trauma to this area? And she looked at me in shock, put her hands over her mouth and was like how did you know that? And I was like well, I don't actually know that. That's why I'm asking you. And she's like yes, he did.

Speaker 2:

And I started crying. I couldn't help it. I I don't know why I'm crying, but I feel compelled to tell you that he's sorry. He just keeps saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And I'm like I don't know if he has anything to be sorry for, but he's sorry. And she kind of snickers, she's like oh, he's got plenty to be sorry for. And I'm like, okay. And she said to me I can't believe this. And I mean, they all knew that I was like doing like this development work, but I wasn't. And I was trying to do some readings for free for people, just to practice, because it was fun to do, you know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I also didn't know my deck, so every time I was reading people I'm like looking at the little book and you know, but the more I did it, the more I got into it and I was able to like I don't know if you want to call it like channel or get downloads or whatever. Yeah, but anyway this was like the beginning of my journey get downloads or whatever, but anyway this was like the beginning of my journey. And she had proceeded to tell me that he was at a hotel and he tripped and hit a coffee table and hit that area. That I was saying like Brent forced trauma, and he had gone to the hospital and he had internal bleeding that killed him. And I'm like, oh my God. So she was like Michelle, I need to book a reading with you. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I was like what do you mean?

Speaker 2:

I don't do readings, like not ones where people are actually asking me to do them, like I'll ask you to do something for fun and like just see what happens. Like she's like, no, after this call, I'm booking a reading with you. I'm like, okay, sure. And so she books this reading and I think it was either the next day or like a couple of days later and it was incredible, her dad came through, her grandmothers came through, there was so much and it was almost like it was her. The message for her was like it was finally her time to process everything that happened and it's it's time for you to do that, basically because it was holding her back and all of those things remember a lot of my readings after the fact, but this one I remember because it was so pivotal in how I just all of a sudden shifted my career path because of this, and so I did that reading for her and she then proceeded to refer me to friends and her mom and her aunt and her cousin, and I'm on vacation, I'm getting text messages from her mom. I want to book a reading with you, her friend, I want to book a reading with you. So I do these readings and she's like Michelle, you need to charge them.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, what do you mean? I don't. I like I'm not ready to charge people. She's like Michelle, you have a gift, charge them. I'm like, okay, how much? She's like I don't know 50 bucks. I'm like, okay, you just set my price. Great, that's fine. So I charged them $50. It was not something formal. I do the reading and they're like how do I pay you? I'm like, just shoot me a Venmo.

Speaker 2:

I was so uncomfortable, but the readings were good and they got a lot out of it and I'm like just shoot me a Venmo, Like I was so uncomfortable, but like the readings were good and like they got a lot out of it and I'm I'm just like, wow, this is so cool. And then I kept some of the free readings I did, where some of them were so impactful that I they kept referring people to me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I can personally say that your readings are impactful and because of what happened for me after we did the reading and within two weeks I created my card deck, which I had been talking about for so long, and actually even the person that you were talking about also took action after having that reading, because then I did coaching with them I mean really, yeah, yeah, it was surely you told me that, yeah, it was shortly after you guys had that session that she reached out to me, and we worked through the healing with her dad.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so between that and the reading that we had and the action in various areas of my life that I've taken since we had that reading, I like it. You are incredibly, so incredibly gifted.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, that I'm going to cry. That means so much to me because this all like just stumble, like it literally just fell in my lap, and, finally, because of how impactful it's been for, based on their feedback to me, I finally got it out on my personal social media pages, like my Instagram and Facebook, and I just sent, I just uploaded, a video. Being like this is going to come out of left field for many of you, because I never told anybody none of my closest friends, my mom and my sister knew that I was going to Francine for this, but, like, not to the extent of what was happening, and so I was terrified. But I'm like I know I have to do this. I have to get the word out, because I know that I have in some way impacted people, and that's the point of I finally figured out, after years of heartache and tears and not understanding, like, is this all that's left in my life? Like I can't even tell you how anxious and depressed I had been for so long and I finally, like I would Google.

Speaker 2:

How do you find your purpose? Like, for years, nothing ever helped and I'm telling you this is my purpose and I have found it, and so I had to get it out there, no matter how scary, because I know not everybody is on board with this stuff. Like, and that's okay, I'm not here to push an agenda, I'm just here to help people who want to be helped or need guidance, or want clarity or are hoping to talk to somebody on the other side. I'm not I'm no Tyler Henry, but whatever I can do to help somebody, I want to do that, and if that means making a living out of it, I'm not going to feel bad for it.

Speaker 1:

No, and you shouldn't. I mean even going back to our session. It was so powerful and I know, you know you kept saying I'm sorry, you know I'm sorry, I'm being real, you know, and like no, it came. The messages came through to me in such a powerful way that I needed to hear in that moment to help me to take action and, like I said, in several areas in my life, to move myself forward. And it was incredible. Can you tell us a little bit about how how your readings go, like what you, what you do?

Speaker 1:

I mean, obviously I had had experience with a tarot, tarot type reading before but, there's probably a lot of people that have you know, like an angel, reading what the heck is that.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's what I call it, just because that's what Francine calls it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know, it's just whatever. But so what happens is I have a deck of tarot cards and those that's the deck I was talking to you about that. Francine gave me the John Holland deck and that's what I've been starting to use and I pull cards for myself every day just to like, keep my myself sharp or whatever. But essentially what happens is I can do this virtually or in person, and if it's virtual, I will shuffle the cards with the intention of putting your energy into the deck, of putting your energy into the deck, and I will say you know I would. I would like this reading to help whoever I'm reading let's say it's you, shannon. I would like this reading to help Shannon with whatever it is that she needs to know for her greatest and highest good, and the greatest and highest good for all. I always have candles. These are electric because it's easy. Francine told me white light is perfect. White candles, even electric, is fine because that keeps the energy clear from negativity, which is really important, because I do believe that there are negative energies out there. Not everybody believes that, but I do, and essentially we will pull cards and it maps out your life for the next I say six to 12 months. Timing might be a little off, I don't know, but I think it's pretty good from what I've been doing so far.

Speaker 2:

I know Francine. The biggest feedback she gets is her timing is off. What she says might happen in the next year happens in two years. You know like so. But anyway, I digress my readings. I map out your life for the next six to 12 months and I can do half hour hour. I can just pull some cards for a specific question. But what happens is I start to kind of ask you based on what the cards are telling me, because I truly believe whatever random, I literally pull random cards, or you'll pull random cards if you're in person with me. I truly believe that whatever cards are pulled are meant for the person I'm reading Like without a doubt. If there's no, it's not random.

Speaker 1:

I know that you're very connected to me because all the cards that you pulled during our session and I'm so.

Speaker 2:

The validation that I get is chills, and throughout this entire conversation I've been getting a lot of chills, which is crazy. But I also wear a heated blanket like nine out of 10 days a week because I'm in my cold house and it's hot outside and I'm like wearing an electric blanket and I get chills on my legs and there's a hot blanket Like it's weird. Anyway, so I map out your life and so what happens is in these readings is it's like okay, I see what's in front of me, and then I also like try to tap in and like okay, how does this pertain to you? Here's what I'm getting, here's what I'm seeing. But I have to ask for validation. I have to ask for you to like give me something, because this reading is for you, it's not for me, and so the information that I'm given it doesn't make sense to me. So it's like, for example, like if I pull a few cards and there's something where it's like okay, shannon, you really built a foundation, I'm just making this up but like it's really, you really built a foundation to really be successful, but there's something holding you back, there's something from your pasture hanging on to I don't know what that is Like. I need you to tell me what that is. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

So because I don't and sometimes not all the time, but a lot of times loved ones from the other side will come through and they'll give me their name or I'll say there's like a grandfather figure here, or who's the lady that wears the pearls, or who's Joe, or, you know, if it's not Joe, it's a J name, like someone gave me the name Bumpy. He's like like, yeah, tell her. Like I could see him in my mind's eye, this, this grandfather finger, and kept saying bumpy to me. And I'm like I I felt foolish, being like I don't want to say this name. That's a weird silly name, I'm not gonna say that out loud.

Speaker 2:

he pointed to her. He's like tell her tell. So I was like who's bumpy? She goes bumpy and like it's just like things like that. Like I feel foolish but I have to share and if it doesn't resonate for you in the moment, it will later. Somebody else's grandfather coming through, because somehow they're connected to somebody else and like I just don't know if it's her grandfather or her best friend's grandfather or somebody else. So I need validation.

Speaker 1:

Did she know who Bumpy was?

Speaker 2:

She thought it was her ex-husband's grandfather, but I think it was a family dog. Oh later on, I think, she told me it was like oh my God, was a family dog. Oh, later on, I think, she told me it was like oh my.

Speaker 1:

God, it's the family dog Bumpy.

Speaker 2:

I guess bumpy was with the grandfather on the other side or something like that. It's cute, yeah, because I told her she was a good friend of mine, so I told her I'm like you need to tell me when you figure out who this bumpy is. Right, I wanted to know, you know.

Speaker 1:

I need to know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it was, it's cool, so that's what happens and it's. You know, I'll, I'll tell you what I'm feeling and what I'm seeing, and everybody has free will, and so this isn't I'm going to tell you your future and you're doomed, like it's not, like that it's. I'm seeing, like I could say to you again, just throwing this out there as a random hypothetical situation, like I see you moving, I see boxes, or like I see that you might be moving, or someone's moving, who's moving, and it, you know it may not resonate yet, may not resonate yet. But then, like that happened actually with someone last week I read somebody I'm like I see, are you moving? Like are you? Cause? I'm feeling like somebody is moving, and so she just messaged me this morning telling me she's on the board of a nonprofit. They're literally relocating offices and purchasing a different building. She's like I think that that's I'm like it very well could be, because she had no clue Like I'm not moving, like that's not an option for me right now. I'm like, well, somebody's moving and so I think, like you know, so it's stuff like that. I don't have always the full answers, but sometimes I'll tell you, like always the full answers, but sometimes I'll tell you like. I'll also tell you like here's what I'm feeling. And oh, I was sorry, I totally digressed. I'm talking about free will. So I'll say to you like that I had a reading the other day also, where this woman I was saying like there's something's going on with your marriage, she started crying.

Speaker 2:

She's like I'm no longer in love with him, I am staying for the kids. And so she's like am I going to get divorced? I'm like I don't, because they're thinking about buying a house and all this stuff. And she's like well, what am I going to do? I'm like I don't see you staying in your marriage. But she has free will. So if she chooses to stay in her marriage, she could still do that. I just think it's going to prolong the path that is meant for her Eventually. It's going to continue to be put in front of her as whatever lesson it is that she needs to learn. It's just going to prolong the lesson. So everybody has free will. There's nothing about my readings that it's like you know, someone's going to fall off a cliff tomorrow, like no it's not like that.

Speaker 2:

But I, as you know too, like I will be sometimes, whoever is giving me the message and I don't always know who it is, and the person I'm talking to doesn't always know who it is but I always, like, I will feel compelled to tell you something, and I have to tell you in a certain way to get my point across, and I feel like sometimes it could be too blunt or am I being too forward, and it's like and whoever's telling me it's like, no, she needs to know this. Now, this is like I've had to do that a couple of times and like I try to approach it with compassion, you know, but I think that something along those lines happened with you.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and you had apologized for it. But you were like there's so much urgency here that you need to hear that this is what you need right now. And it was true. I mean, I don't know that we ever really figured out or knew who was coming through. Yeah, we never had any conversation about that, but the message was loud and clear and very well received and exactly what I needed in that moment.

Speaker 2:

And you took so much action. Yes, like incredible. I was floored by that. I thought that was really cool. Like I, my mind is blown like a lot as a result.

Speaker 1:

I'm like Michelle, I made my deck and you're like what?

Speaker 2:

I'm like look crap.

Speaker 1:

You were literally the first person that I like sent, because I had kind of started messing around with it and then a couple of days later I literally just sat down and created the whole deck and you were the first person that I sent the image to.

Speaker 2:

I felt like a proud mom. I'm like, yeah, I was so happy and honestly, that deck, so many people need it. Are you part of the Abundance Collective with Kathy? Yes, okay, I don't know if you were on the call on Tuesday, no, so I hopped on the call briefly and so Kathy Heller does for the audience, does open Q&A once a week for anyone who's part of our membership, but you have to send in the questions in advance. And she started talking about something before she got into the Q&A and she was like oh, I want to share with you this new affirmation deck I have. And she was like oh, I want to share with you this new affirmation deck I have. I thought of you immediately and I meant to text you and I didn't, but they were like these little tiny cards and it was like I forget what the affirmations were, but I was like, oh, my God, shannon's is so much better than this. Well, thank you. But I was like and like there's room for everyone, shannon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, and what was amazing is I had so much fun doing it, and that is just the reminder that it's absolutely the right thing to be doing Like I really enjoyed it. Yeah, I'm already thinking about, you know, like, ooh, what's the next deck? It might be a what if deck. It might be something else, you know, yeah, it was so incredibly. Oh, my God, I have so many ideas for you.

Speaker 2:

You could turn it into an a journal. Oh my God, you could do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my sister's like make a calendar, do this, do that. Yeah, oh my God, this is like a business for you I know and so, yeah, who knows what, where it's going to lead, but you just follow the following what literally feels good, yeah, and that's how you know that it's right, and just like the path that you're on right now and knowing how you are truly, truly impacting people's lives. I mean, like I said, just the two of us that I know personally right you know like major shifts have happened.

Speaker 2:

It's so it's crazy when you follow what makes you happy, doors open it's and I was always that person who was super. I wouldn't say negative, but I called it realistic where it's like manifestation, what do you mean? You got a $10,000 check in the mail. The second you needed $10,000? Like what? That doesn't exist. That's ridiculous, like you know. But the second I started doing what makes me happy. Things literally opportunities, partnership, opportunities, like a lot of things. Referrals just fell in my lap.

Speaker 1:

It's like when you move, the universe moves.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's like they open it up for you. Yeah, it just blows my mind. It just blows my mind. Five years ago, Shannon, if you told me that this is what I was going to be doing, I would say you are off your rocker Like no, oh my God, Michelle, I feel the same way and I'm like there's no way I could have planned this path.

Speaker 2:

No, there's no way. And I tried to control it and control it, and I was just more miserable, more miserable, more miserable, crying, anxious, depressed, crying, anxious, depressed. It's like rinse and repeat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and when you just allow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the second. I clear my mind. It was unbelievable. It is unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

Well, you truly, you truly are a gift and I was wondering if you would be willing to pull a card.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I would love to.

Speaker 1:

For us.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm going to put my mic down for a second. Okay, okay, I'm going to shuffle. So I'm going to put the energy of your audience and whoever comes across this podcast episode, regardless of when you posted it, regardless of when they're listening, whatever card I pull, I truly believe that the message that I provide is meant for them and that this message is for their greatest and highest good, and the greatest and highest good for all. Okay, ooh, this is a good card. Wow, I'm going to pull two.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that sounds fun.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so the first card is transformation and the second card is recognition and reward. So what I'm getting with this transformation card for whoever is listening is it's almost like a chrysalis with a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. There's old whoever is listening to this. There's like old, old weight being shed off of you. Um, and it's time for for you, and it's odd that we're that the the podcast episode we're doing right now is about how my life has transformed. But, um, so my life has transformed, but it's like whoever needs to hear this is shedding their old. It's almost like shedding their old self. It's all this old, dead weight that doesn't serve them anymore and they're finally growing into who they're meant to be. It's scary, I see, and this is interesting because as part of this card, I haven't I've never noticed this about this card, but it's. It's in my face, and so I feel compelled to say that it's. There's a sense of fear there because it's it's change and it's different.

Speaker 2:

However, um, the recognition, recognition, reward card comes after that, and so I want whoever's listening to this to really listen to whatever that nagging feeling is, to keep pushing forward towards the path that you want and push through the fear, because the fear is just your ego getting in the way of who you're meant to be.

Speaker 2:

And the second you do that, you're going to reap the benefits and you're going to have peace and you're truly going to feel like you're finally where you're meant to be. But there's a lot of that ego in the way which is kind of making this a little slow. But this recognition and reward card also, it's almost like acknowledging where you've been. So, while you're shedding the old you and shedding the dead weight that isn't serving you anymore, it's almost like saying thank you to that part of you because it brought you to where you are today and it's recognizing that that is part of who you are, but it doesn't define who you are. And so it's okay to be scared, but I don't want that fear to lead you, fear to lead you. The second you can let that go is the second you're going to find peace and the second you're going to be who you're meant to be, like that butterfly, basically. So that's.

Speaker 2:

I saw oh, I just got the chills again. That was beautiful. I think that's a. I cannot believe that those cards were pulled, because we're already talking about how you and I have transformed.

Speaker 1:

Well, I believe that those cards were pulled because that's the energy of what's happening right now.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I also feel yeah, I also feel kind of compelled to share that. I feel very much that for the past, I want to say since last fall, there has been a big shift in the universe and a lot of people are waking up. A lot of people are waking up to I don't know what. It's hard for me to explain, but it's like a lot of people are waking up into more of.

Speaker 2:

there's more to life than what what we can see Then meets the eye and percent agree with that you know, it's like People are actually believing more and more that there, the divine is all around us, and I think that's a big part of this message I'm supposed to share is like it's not just whoever I'm reading this for, it's everybody, like the collective is really starting to transform, and it might look scary, because transformation and change is very hard, but what's on the other side is just it's going to be so much better. It's like it's like humanity as a whole, and I really think it's like women, especially right now. It's like they're getting their power back, but I just feel like humanity as a whole is going from the 3D to the 5D, like everyone's frequency is elevating, like everyone's frequency is elevating, and when your frequency elevates, you're elevating, you're operating more authentically, and when you operate more authentically, that is where good always leads. I mean, that is, you're operating from just love and not fear, not control, not power, not ego.

Speaker 1:

Um, and so I I really believe that this is happening and I think this is awesome that these cards came out I think so too, and the awareness, I think that's going on with everybody, as you said, as everybody I don't want to say yeah awakens and allows themselves to understand and live life more lovingly, with flow and ease and not making it so hard, and monotonous and make it more fun and enjoyable and do the things that we love and that light us up and be of service to others.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, life isn't supposed to be hard, despite what we've been taught.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's taken me a long time to realize that, despite what we've been taught, right, it's taken me a long time to realize that I think, undoing that belief for many people, I think that's really what's creating the change you know.

Speaker 2:

A hundred percent.

Speaker 1:

A hundred percent. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. I would say that that message definitely resonated with me. You're welcome. I'm glad this morning I was actually reflecting back on my transformation and the changes in my life and where I had been before. I don't like to look back a lot, but I think it's important to reflect where I was and where I am now and how it's changed and how grateful I am for where I'm at right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I know a little bit about your story and I think the journey you've been on is not an easy one and you have a lot of courage and a lot of strength and it's admirable and I very much look up to you. So thank you for setting an example.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you. I fully received that. Thank you so much for coming back onto the show. How? Can people connect with you because they need to connect with you. Like, I don't tell people they need to do a lot of things, but connecting with Michelle really, really needs to be a high priority.

Speaker 2:

I am currently working on a website for my readings, but there is a way to book readings with me through my podcast website and that is bettermentpodcastcom, and there's a tab for angel card readings Right now. I think it's just. I think the one that's up is 30 minutes, but just what you can do is also you can email me at Michelle with one L, at Michelle, with one L McGuire, and it's spelled M-A-G-U-I-R-E like Jerry Maguire com. So, michelle, at MichelleMaguirecom, you can email me, or you can check out my personal Instagram at Michelle Maguire. Shoot me a DM. I'm happy to connect that way too, and we can get a reading on the books. I'd love to do it, and I also have a three-month package that I just created.

Speaker 2:

So really, what that is is you get one reading a month and support from me in between, up to two weeks after your last reading, because oftentimes I feel like people come back to me with questions, follow-up questions and can you pull a card on one other thing, like I want to make sure? Like somebody said, should I buy this house based on everything that's going on in my marriage? Because we had just had that reading I was telling you about before where it's like I don't think you should be buying a house right now. She's like should we put an offer in on this house? And so I pulled some cards for her. I told her. I'm like first of all, I think you know the answer to that, but here's what's coming up and the download I'm getting. So things like that, you know, via voice message or text message we can do that too.

Speaker 1:

Amazing, and also if they follow you on Instagram or on Facebook. There's Tarot Tuesdays now.

Speaker 2:

There is on my personal I love that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so at Michelle McGuire I do Tarot Tuesday where I pull a card, or I pulled a couple of cards yesterday for the audience and or whoever is watching. My Instagram is a private account, so be sure to follow me or request to follow me if you want to get in on that. Eventually, I'll have my own Instagram page. This has all happened so fast, as you all know, so I'm getting caught up, but I'll have an Instagram or a Facebook group or something around all this stuff, but I just haven't gotten there yet.

Speaker 1:

No, I know you were just on here a couple months ago and now look where we're at. So it all. It all happens quick when it starts happening, because it's exactly as it's meant to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, it's pretty cool, yeah, it's exciting. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, and I was so happy to finally meet you in person in May. That was so fun.

Speaker 2:

That was awesome. I loved that trip. I really did.

Speaker 1:

Amazing. Yeah Well, thank you. I appreciate you coming back and I look forward to personally having more readings with you in the future. Absolutely Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us. Thank you, I appreciate the opportunity Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us. Thank you, I appreciate the opportunity. Yeah, thank you.

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