Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul

Do You Struggle to Trust Yourself?

Shannon Danielle Episode 48

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 On this episode of Pure Possibilities, I recount a week of concerts, football, and restarting yoga, highlighting the importance of self-compassion and small victories. Inspired by a "Magic of What If?" card, I invite you to explore your own magnificence and growth. 

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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. I hope you have had the most amazing week. I have had so much fun this week. I got to go see Pink in concert and then Def Leppard, journey and Cheap Trick, and then I got to go to an NFL game yesterday. It was really a fun week but very, very busy with work and all the things and I decided to restart yoga this last week I started on the first. I ended up doing eight out of nine days which I was really proud of myself for and totally celebrated, because I could have gotten upset with myself and ripped myself apart for missing a day and then just completely stopped. But I decided not to do that because the one day that I missed was the day I went and saw pink and I didn't get home until like one in the morning and I had been awake for like 21 hours and I decided that it was more important for me to get some sleep. So I celebrated and it was kind of like what I was talking about last week. You know, celebrate yourself along the way and show yourself some compassion and be kind to yourself. So that was really exciting and I've been feeling amazing since I started doing yoga again.

Speaker 1:

So, okay, we're going to start today's episode and pulling a card from the magic of what if? Card deck, and then I've got a few other things to chat about today. So here we go, and I've got a few other things to chat about today, so here we go. This is hilarious. I had, literally, I had started recording and then I like went down a path and I was like that's not really what I want to talk about. And so the card that I pulled is what if I easily step into my magnificence? And I literally, less than five minutes ago, shuffled the deck, pulled a card, and this is the card I pulled so clearly. That is the message for today. What if I easily step into my magnificence? I know that I've had people tell me that I am magnificent and I don't always believe it, but I think we need to start believing in our magnificence. We are here to grow and evolve and expand and do amazing things. Even if the amazing thing that you do today is smile at somebody and make their day, you just never know. You just never know. So what if I easily step into my magnificence? I love that. The universe blows me away all the time, literally. And there's 44 cards in this deck people, 44 cards, and I shoveled it and pulled the same freaking card again. So step into your magnificence and don't be afraid. Don't be afraid because you truly, truly are magnificent. So what I want to talk about today?

Speaker 1:

I want to talk a little bit about trust. It has been said to me that all trust is self-trust, and when I first heard that, I was like I don't really believe that. And then, the more I thought about it, I was like you know, it's kind of true. It's kind of true because it's not really what other people are doing. You know what I mean. Whether it's in a romantic relationship or a friendship or everything really comes down to do. I trust myself and the question is do you trust yourself to handle and move through whatever happens, regardless of the outcome, even if the outcome isn't what you wanted, expected or desired? Do you know and trust yourself that she'll be okay, that you will be okay, no matter what? It's taken me some time to get to that point, but there's little things that you can do if you don't trust yourself, like a lot of people don't trust themselves.

Speaker 1:

I know that I have historically made some poor decisions in my life. I don't regret the decisions Let me take that back. They're not necessarily poor decisions, they're just decisions. There's no good, bad. They're just decisions that I've made that have taken me down various paths and those paths have created my experiences that have brought me to where I am today. So no regrets about those decisions. However, life has not gone the way I expected and that's okay, because it's pretty magnificent in all kinds of ways. Don't get me wrong. There is shit that comes up, for sure, but for the most part it's magnificent. I just got to do two concerts this week and go to a football game and hang out with my friends and my sister and my niece, and it's fun because I intentionally create fun in my life, because it's important to me. It's important to me to have a good time.

Speaker 1:

So trust what are ways that you can build trust within yourself and your decision-making? One of the things that I've been doing is yoga, right, so I'm doing yoga and I'm trusting myself that I'm going to do it because it's important to me. I made the decision, I made the commitment to myself and so I'm choosing to do that. So, even when you're doing small things and proving to yourself that you can do it things and proving to yourself that you can do it, that you will do it. It's those little things. Those little things build trust and the belief that you need to have in yourself, whether it's choosing to drink more water every day or choosing to speak up for yourself when something comes up. I guess the question to ask yourself is do I trust myself and why would I put my trust? This isn't coming out the way I want it to.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I have told myself that I don't trust myself because of decisions that I've made, but that's not true. There are reasons why I can actually disprove that. Huh, that's interesting, isn't that interesting? See, I have these thoughts that come up and then I start to get curious about them and go is that really true? I don't know that that is really true.

Speaker 1:

There are some areas of my life that I don't feel like I trust myself. However, I'm starting to believe yeah, I now know that, no matter what happens in my life, I know I'm going to be okay, and that has taken time to learn how to shift that belief about not trusting myself, because I used to think that the trust was outside of me and trusting that other people were going to make me happy, or trusting that other people were going to make me happy, or trusting that they weren't going to hurt my feelings, or trusting that they were going to show up for me, and putting all of that on other people. And I don't want to put that responsibility on other people because it's not fair. It's not responsibility on other people because it's not fair. It's not their responsibility to create my happiness, to create my belief in myself. But I have choice. If someone isn't treating me the way I feel like I deserve to be treated, if someone isn't speaking to me the way I want to be spoken to, I can choose whether or not I want that person to be a part of my life and my experience. I choose to surround myself with people that I know love me and care about me and challenge me and help me to grow. Those are the people that I choose to have in my life, and I get to decide that, and so do you. So I also know now that, even if things don't work out the way I would like or the way I hope or the way I desire, I know that I'm going to learn something from it. It's going to help me grow as a person and I know that I'm going to be okay. I know that I'm going to be okay no matter what, because I'm not looking outside of myself for people to create my happiness. What? Because I'm not looking outside of myself for people to create my happiness. I create that within myself, for myself, and I want people in my life that are going to contribute to that, not be solely responsible for it. I know you've heard me say that before, but that was a huge shift for me that I made a few years ago and it was a pretty monumental shift. I was taking a class one time and one of my mentors said self-trust is that knowing that I've got this, no matter fucking what. And again, it's not just that you've got it, it's that you know, regardless of what happens, you're going to be okay. So that goes along with the mindfulness in your growth journey allowing yourself to learn to trust yourself. If you don't trust yourself.

Speaker 1:

I was talking to somebody today and something had come up for them and they were starting to feel really emotional and wanted to cry. I was like that makes me feel, like I want to cry and I said cry, your body needs that release. So if things come up for you and you feel like you need to cry, that's your body telling you you need to cry. You need to express, you need to release and do it. Allow yourself to cry If you need to allow yourself to scream, if you need to allow yourself to do those things, because those thoughts, feelings and emotions get trapped in our body and we need to release it.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know about you, but I always feel better after a really good cry. Sometimes we just need to do that and, like I said last week, do it without judgment, Be compassionate with yourself and loving, because you are magnificent, and allow yourself to step into your magnificence. All right, friends, that's what I've got today. If I can be of help or if you have any questions, feel free to drop a note. In the show description there's a place where you can text me. I can't respond in the text, but I would absolutely answer your question on the show. So I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day and an amazing week. Much love.

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