Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul

Sacred Connections and Healing Practices with Julia Christine (Part 1)

Shannon Danielle / Julia Christine Episode 49

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***Sensitivity Notice *** There is a segment near the end where childhood trauma is discussed.  Curious about how mindfulness can transform your emotional landscape? Join us in our latest episode of the Pure Possibilities podcast where we reconnect with Julia, my dear friend and intuitive healer, dedicated to guiding others toward total wellness. Julia shares her incredible journey over the past few months, revealing how controlling thoughts and practicing awareness have been pivotal in managing her emotions. We also touch on the powerful act of forgiveness and its role in personal growth.

Have you ever wondered if you could tap into the universe's wisdom using intuitive tools? We’ve got you covered as we dive into the mechanics and magic of pendulums and Oracle cards. From practical tips to personal anecdotes, we explore how these tools can offer guidance and connect you with 'source energy.' The episode then unfolds into the mystical realm of the Akashic Records, a cosmic library of every soul's history. Hear firsthand accounts of accessing these records and the serenity that comes with it, reminding us all of our inherent worth and divinity.

Our final chapters take a deep dive into the spiritual energy of nature. Experience the profound connection between celestial bodies, trees, and the earth through stories of uprooted trees and Sacred Tree Blessing Ceremonies. Embrace the wisdom shared by ancient spirits and understand the balance of light and dark energies. We conclude with a heartwarming conversation with Julia Christine, an energy healer who shares her unique approaches to healing and how to connect with her online. Tune in for a rich tapestry of wisdom, love, and spiritual growth that will leave you feeling inspired and deeply connected.

Connect with Julia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julia.putnam.9
or Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliachristinehealer/

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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. I have a special treat for you today. My friend Julia is back on the show. We haven't heard from her for several months and she's had all kinds of shifts and changes happening in her life and this is actually going to be a two-part episode. I will post the next episode, got this one and then I'll post again next week with part two. So we love to chat and so the conversation went well. We had to stop the first call and then pick it back up later, and it's a great conversation, so I can't wait to share it with you.

Speaker 1:

However, before we dive into that, we are going to pull a card from the magic of what if? Card deck, and these are available on my website, pure possibilitiesnet or pure possibilities podcastcom, whichever your preference, but I love these cards and I think it's always fun to pull a card on every episode. So here we go. You ready, right? What if I choose to feel the power of forgiveness? This is a great card leading into this episode. What if I choose to feel the power of forgiveness? Sometimes we have things in our life that are happening, and whether it's things from our past, things that are currently going on whether it's relationships and situations with other people or things going on with ourselves, just choosing to feel the power of forgiveness, whether you're forgiving yourself or forgiving others. On a side note, I do want to mention that near the end there could be there's some conversation about some childhood trauma and it could be triggering, so I just want to make sure that I put that out there before you get to the end. So not a lot of details, but some things that come up could possibly be a trigger for some people. So I wanted to be sensitive to that.

Speaker 1:

I hope you enjoy today's episode. Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast, julia. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to have you here. It's been a really long time. Thank you, I'm so excited to have you here. It's been a really long time.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, I'm so excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

You had a lot of things going on in your life over the last several months, to say the least.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's been. It's been a bit of a roller coaster. It's awesome, I'm so not complaining, but but highs and lows, and but the lows haven't been low. That's what's so crazy. Like I'll spend a freaking day crying and then it'd be like cool, it's not, it's you know, it's all. It's interesting. It's interesting to to feel that way to be like well that was crap.

Speaker 1:

But I'm also feeling like, all right, let's go, you know what's next.

Speaker 2:

And that's what it is, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So obviously I know about what's been going on in your life but I would love for you to share how you know. One thing that's been pretty prevalent on my show recently is following you know. How do we know if the path we're on is the right one, or how do we know where to go?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Well, I can absolutely address that directly. It's something I've been talking about a lot on my podcast and that, I believe, is kind of the core of our existence and how to navigate our existence. But that is, and that is what I've been attempting, let's say, to do. That is what I've been doing and practicing to get to where I am now and that led to all these incredibly massive changes. So should I start there, or do you want me to dive into? Like, here's how to make sure you're on the right path.

Speaker 1:

Let's dive into whatever feels good for you.

Speaker 2:

All right. So when last we met I think that I was I was very passionate about and really working on and towards a career in coaching and helping people find what I call complete wellness. Right and so and that stems from being aware of everything that was like the trunk of the tree of living the most amazing life is practicing awareness. I still absolutely believe this and talk about it a lot still maybe not on my podcast, but definitely with my clients and stuff definitely with my clients and stuff and the way to create an awareness like a more aware life and to what I call is the I say practicing or like building that muscle, that awareness muscle, is from breathing, because you literally I actually had this conversation with a client yesterday Like you are so in control of your thoughts. So when you're feeling so this actually goes back to it's all the same thing to like how to follow your path. Is that like? So your thoughts lead to your emotions, right? So sometimes we feel like we're out of control with our emotions, but our emotions are completely based on what we're thinking. So if you're feeling bad, if you're feeling in a negative space, whether you're mad or anxious or worried or afraid I almost said a scared or any of those like not good feeling feelings, right. Then, when you get to an awareness level of being able to catch yourself in that space, what you do is you say, okay, wait a sec, where are my thoughts, what am I thinking about? And from there you can change your thoughts.

Speaker 2:

And I was talking to this client. She was like no, no, no, I can't do that. I'm like you do it every day. You do it every day. And if you're listening to and I know she listens to my podcast, so I said, if you're listening to my podcast, you're doing it literally every day. Because what we're doing is we start out breathing and I say focus on your breath and really feel your lungs expanding, right. So if we all do that real quick right now, and as you're breathing, just normally I'm not asking you to like go in a meditative state or anything as you breathe, feel what happens, just pay attention to it. That's where your thoughts are right now is that your lungs are expanding and contracting. Your skin stretches around that movement. You feel the air hit your nostrils. Whatever it is that you're feeling, right, that's what you're thinking about Now. Shift your attention to your body weight, and so now feel how your body is being pulled into the whatever chair or seat that you're sitting on right. You just changed your thoughts.

Speaker 2:

You completely went from thinking about how you're breathing and what it feels like to breathe to what it feels like to sit, and so, like you have so much more control of that than you realize. And so I believe that practicing that comes from this breath work, and that's what I still believe very strongly and I still talk about and I still practice. The thing is is that everything else has shifted a bit, because A bit, I would say a lot. Oh my God, it's like I don't even know where to begin. Like, do I talk about this? Do I talk about the healing I've undergone? So in? I think it was February right, was that? When that course with Kathy started it was either late January or early February, early February.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

February and I made a deal with the universe. I said, okay, look, I'm going to be all in in this course. I don't want to keep taking courses like and they're not cheap and like all this stuff, and I love this and I know I'm going to get a lot out of it, so I will be all in, but in return I want to be a different person. On the other side of this, I want my business to be in a different place. I want to be completely different. And about four weeks later, like almost halfway through the course, everything shifted. It wasn't even like it was like an absolute. I don't even feel like saying it was a U-turn is accurate enough. It was like take yourself off of this game and go play Monopoly, like completely different game of life to Monopoly, or something like that.

Speaker 1:

I had totally forgotten that you had said in the next 90 days, like I want everything to shift Everything to change.

Speaker 2:

Holy hell did it and I was like whoa, whoa whoa, whoa.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say be careful what you ask for, but no, what's happened is so beautiful. I mean, ask for what you desire and you're going to freaking get it. Yeah, just, you might not know what's happening.

Speaker 2:

So beautiful desire, yeah, just, you might not be what you expect. And I'm going to be honest for somebody like me who has very much lived her life needing to feel in control, this has been, that has been, the most challenging of everything. Literally, the universe told me to stop everything stop coaching, stop putting any information out on the internet, stop advertising, stop trying to create workshops or meditations or any of the things I was doing. It was like stop it all, keep doing your podcast, stop everything else. And I'm like what, what am I going to do? And so that feeling of out of control, I don't understand what is this for? How come Are you going to show me this path? Are you going to like all these things? How do I know that this is right? Right, how do I know what's next If I'm getting this very obvious thing that says stop, and it's not just an intuition thing.

Speaker 2:

So what I started doing that led to that was I had started, I'd been doing a seven minute morning like meditation practice, doing my yoga, things like that, and you had given me a pendulum, right and, and so I was like I wanted to take a course, and so a different course in the middle of this other course, right, and I was like, should I do this? And? And I was like how do I know whether or not to do this? And I like, oh, I have those pendulums. So I went and grabbed a pendulum and I was like, okay, and I remember I asked it like how does this work and what do I do? And so, like, for my best and highest good, like what, show me a yes and then show me a no. And then like those types of things and should I do this course? And the answer was no. And I was like no, because it just seemed so right for me. And I was like, why? But you can't ask a pendulum to describe, give you a reason why.

Speaker 2:

So I started asking more questions, like well, is it because of this? No, is it because of this? No, is it because of this? Yes, oh, that makes sense. And then, like I started like intuiting, like before I'd get my answer, and like I started like intuiting like before I'd get my answer, I'd start to realize, oh, and because of this, yes, and because of this, yes. And so that's how I started using my pendulum and I remember telling you about it and you were like, what? Like, how are you doing? Why are you asking, why are you questioning your pendulum? And I'm like why aren't you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I totally remember that conversation.

Speaker 2:

So I was thinking really quickly we should maybe explain what a pendulum is, because some people may may not know yeah, I mean, a pendulum is like anything that swings back and forth, really like the thing that swings on a clock is a pendulum. But what? What we're specifically talking about is there's these like arrow shaped, I guess. What do you call that shape it's? It's like it's like a kite shape with the top cut. I guess it's a diamond shape, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and they can be wood or stones.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and usually there's some sort of crystal or that you know like, and you can pick anything up and it would work. I mean, honestly, I've used like the little bead at the end of mine, like it's going to work, because, yeah, and what you do is what I do is you try to like clear your head and ask it a question and it's going to move in one direction for a yes and in another direction for a no, like for me. Back and forth is no, like nodding ahead is no, which is weird, right, but spinning in a clockwise circle is yes for me, and so that's how I, that's how I would ask these questions, and some people use pendulums over like letters to like spell out messages and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Like people use pendulums in all kinds of different ways, and so that was really helpful for me to understand, cause I kept thinking I was doing it wrong because it was so different from how you were using it, and I was like, okay, but this feels right, I feel like I'm doing the right thing, and and so that, combined with I'd started looking at Oracle cards. Every morning I'd pull an Oracle card for myself. Now I'd followed, I think, like when you had Michelle on, she talked about she does angel card readings. It's the same thing, it's just called something else. Some people use tarot cards as an Oracle reading, and not just just tarot, but they're they're cards with messages and you're guided to which one is appropriate for you that day and I, because of other people that I'd been watching, I would just like randomly go through them, not even shuffle, and then whatever fell out, that's what I would use. And so sometimes it would be one. Sometimes it would be like I got a spread. The spread that changed my life really was eight cards and like, yeah, and I was like, whoa, this is huge. And I started writing things down. I'm like, what does this mean? And so then that, alongside my pendulum and figuring out what it was actually trying to communicate to me, and using those two things together. And I will say, a lot of times there are I guess this doesn't totally matter but when you're dealing with like the spiritual energy stuff, some of these things don't go together. Like, for example, I can't and won't take my pendulum when I'm with me, when I'm going into the Akashic Records, which we'll get to, and stuff like that. You don't cross, you don't use them together because they're standalone. Now, that said, I leave the Akashic records and I clarify the messages I've received with my pendulum. So, as I'm using my pendulum, I was getting such accurate responses and so different from what you were doing. I was like I must be influencing this, like I must be subconsciously making this thing move and I must be like influencing my answers because I'm getting what I want and my answers are so different than what. And so I'd be. I'd ask a question and I'd be like wait, I want to make sure that I am not all involved. I remember I was sitting on my floor and this was for the eight card spread and I specifically said all right, source.

Speaker 2:

Source energy is what I call what a lot of people call God or the universe or spirit creator. Basically, as humans, we have to name something to make it make sense to us. So you use whatever name you want, but understand what I'm talking about. When I say source or source energy, it's the state where we're all talking about the same thing. So I said source.

Speaker 2:

I don't want this to be me. I want to know what you think I should do. Like, what, like, what is it that you want me to do? What is best for me to do? And I don't want to have any control of this. Am I controlling this? The answer was no. Is this you? Yes, I said so. Is this you or is this my inner being? And it said yes, no, cool.

Speaker 2:

So then that said what do these cards mean? Blah, blah, blah, blah. And then I it was just coming to me so fast and easy, and I picked up my pendulum and I said hang on a second, this is going to be a pretty massive part of what I do. And it was like yes, and I said interesting, okay, cool. And then I asked a question a little bit later on well of like, am I going to be able to do this without the pendulum? And the answer was a huge yes and it was like crazy but cool, like I'm just going to be that, you know, intuitive. Whatever. On that day, one of the cards was the juniper tree. I use a deck of cards that is about that is trees. I'm a big fan of trees and that opens up so much more.

Speaker 1:

So many stories. I'm pretty sure we might need to have you back on, because there's so much, there's so much.

Speaker 2:

So, anyway, I'm making this story really long too, so, but this juniper card, the juniper tree, represents a connection to the spirit realm, and what the card specifically said was start looking into your spiritual gifts. You have spiritual gifts. You need to start using them. Ignore everything else and start focusing on your spiritual gifts. And I was like weird, okay, cool, obviously I know that this is going to be some part of my spiritual gifts. So I started doing Oracle readings, talking to other people, stuff like that. It came up again Okay, what's next? And I had I don't well, I do know why because it was given to me that the answer was Akashic records. Because now I know that that's how. That's the quote unquote voice that comes through. That is like here's your answer, julia and I. And so I picked it and I was like am I supposed to ask to access Akashic records? And the answer was yes.

Speaker 2:

So now let me just quickly explain what that is Akashic records are. Imagine if you and every single person and every single city, town, everything animal, anything that has ever existed, has a library of everything that has ever happened to them, every thought you've thought, everything you've, every word you've spoken, every conversation you've had, every person you've passed, like anything that comes into your existence, is recorded in these records, and so it's like this giant library. We all have one. Like I said, every living being has one. The city you live in has one. The town, the state, the country, the world, the universe, all have Akashic records, and it's not just for this life, it is your soul's Akashic records. So it's this life and every life before this one. I'm not. If you believe in that, I believe in that, I know this to be true and so like it's still true, whether you believe it or not. But there you go you don't have to believe that in order to understand what Akashic records are.

Speaker 2:

And then we have the Akashic records are, let's say, I was going to say guarded, but I think that that's a fair assessment by what we call record keepers. And so the Akashic records for a really long time were held. They were kept secret and only like very, very spiritual, like guru type people knew about them, let alone had access to them. And then for a long time since that was many like way, way, way, way back that the understanding of them has slowly kind of crept up, so that now more and more people know about them, and then, along that way, along the way, you could access them at different levels, like, for example, when I was first introduced to Akashic Records.

Speaker 2:

A good friend of mine was an energy healer, and she didn't go into my records.

Speaker 2:

She would literally go up to like a window, and my record keepers would give her whatever it was I needed, and so and that's how she accessed hers and others, so she didn't actually go inside.

Speaker 2:

She like went to like a little service window kind of thing, and they just took a look at me and gave me what I needed, kind of thing. So now, though, anyone who wants to can figure out how to access their records, and keeping in mind that, while you'll get answers to what's going on in your life, the record keepers and, honestly, any sort of sentient being is only ever going to give you information that will remind you who you are, that will remind you that you are so loved, that will remind you of your worth, of your value, of your divinity, and they will not give you any information that doesn't support that. And so you can go into your records and ask you know, am I going to hook up with this dude, and if you don't need to know that, if that doesn't serve you for whatever it is that you're going to do, you're not going to get an answer and that's cool.

Speaker 2:

You know what happened to me in a past life. If you don't need to know that you're not going to get an answer Like if that's not going to help you move forward and understand the amazingness of who you are today, there's no need to know that you know, and so I'll be honest. I've gone to the Kaushik Records and just like sat with my record keepers because it is like a temple of like the most amazing serene loving place and you're just immersed in in love, and I'm also so grateful that my record keepers have quite a sense of humor. I remember I was doing something and I was like what is going on? And they were like will you shut up and let us do this? Okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

You know, this is really it's. It's really fascinating to me because I have been told that I also have the gift of Akashic records and I I mean, we've never actually had this conversation and so, and I honestly haven't known until now, you know even more about like I haven't looked into it or opened myself up more to learning about it. I've just kind of like, oh okay, this is something I know. And you've told me about going into the records and you know, for me, I'm like, how does she do that? Like I don't, I don't, you know she do that. Like I don't, I don't, you know, right, I don't, I don't get it, and so, and I didn't even realize that there was, you know, the cities and yeah, I know that we all have our own records, but I didn't, I didn't realize the it makes sense to me that, like yeah, no, absolutely, it's all energy, right, so yeah, so that's where.

Speaker 2:

That's where I was first led to go. So as soon as I was given this I didn't know, like I was told Akashic Records. I was like I don't know anything about this, and so I went into some of the like groups, the Facebook groups that were a part of and just said, hey, this is something I want to look into. Does anybody have any contacts for somebody who could excuse me, help me through this? And I was given the name of two different people, and actually I was given the name of three different people, but I'd spoke to two people and as soon as the woman who I ended up working with popped up on the screen, I was like, oh, she's my person.

Speaker 2:

And I ended up doing like an energy healing with her, first knowing I was going to take her course, and it was so powerful, so powerful I can't even begin to explain to you how amazing she is. And so then I took this course and it was pre-recorded. It wasn't like we were one-on-one or anything like that, it was just a three-week course and I was so excited because the universe had stopped me from doing anything else and then put this on my plate and I was like cool, I'm going to access Akashic Records and I'm going to be able to access my records. And then the next course is how to access other people's records, and I'm going to get certified in that and then I'm going to be able to help people by accessing their Akashic records and tell them exactly what they need in their life.

Speaker 1:

And that's my plan.

Speaker 2:

That's my plan and that's obviously what the universe's plan is for me, because why would all this?

Speaker 2:

other stuff happen and I was in that first. I was in that first meeting and you know this because I called you, was and I don't even think she said this, but something she said triggered something in my head and I was like, oh shit, this isn't about other people, I'm not doing this to help other people, this is is for me. And I lost my shit. I was so mad, I was so angry because it was like no, I don't want to do this for me, I want to do this to help other people. That's what I was supposed to do, that's what you told me I was going to do. That's when the universe is like. I never said that, you said that, but but this is, this is the plan, this is what we're supposed to do, this is why I'm doing this. And so I had to stop the thing and I paced my apartment and I was livid and almost like screaming at source, like what the hell? It was highly inappropriate how I was like ranting and raving, like a child. And then I realized why I was so upset, and part of me realizing why I was upset is because I was like all right, fine, let me just do this. You know, it was like I was able to kind of be like all right, I calmed down. I won't say I accepted it at this point or realized why I was reacting this way, but I was able to take the rest of that class and at the end of the class we went into the records for the first time and for me it wasn't anything astronomical. I didn't like feel anything incredible. I didn't notice anything huge. The people that were on the like the recording people, like when they came back they're like I, I saw all this stuff and I was like I didn't see shit. You know what I mean. So I was like maybe I'm doing it wrong, that whole thing.

Speaker 2:

So I went back in and I was just like, why am I so afraid? Because that's what was at the root of my reaction was fear. And all I got was a word and it was a priority. And I was like what? And then I realized in my entire life I've never prioritized myself, I've never done anything just for me. And it was like, oh, I'm resistant to this so much because it means that I'm not doing this for other people, I'm doing this for me. I've never done that before.

Speaker 2:

And you'll know I started making myself a hat. I knit. I've knit for 17 years, almost 18. And I've never in my life made myself anything Right. And so, like, did I need to knit myself a hat? No, it was actually the end of the season. I didn't need a hat. I think I wore it twice, but it was so symbolic of me doing something for myself that it was really impactful, it was really important, and so that was, and so I do access the Akashic Records and, holy shit, has it been for me, because it has led me to understand the next step of my healing, the next step of my journey, the next step of all of everything that is going on.

Speaker 2:

So that started. I'm trying to fast forward this and also want to tell you so much of everything that happened in my healing and all this stuff, because it's just been so massive. I got another card that said keep going, there's more for you, there's more gifts. Open your next gift, open your next gift, open your next gift. And I'm just like what the heck? I still have things being revealed to me that are things that I can access.

Speaker 2:

Let's say, I now understand that I've always had these gifts. I now understand that, the pressure that I was feeling in my chest that I thought was breast pain for all of these years, and then I was told I was under attack by a spirit, which cannot happen. That is not a thing. You will never be attacked by anything. That is nothing will ever be against you. And, and realizing that that was, that was those people my family, people, I don't know on the other side, let's say, trying to access communication with me, and it's like what I thought that was pain. You know what I mean. And so it's like no, it's just my human body registers that stimulation is pain, and so like, figuring that out and blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

So fast forward, I'll just lay it all on the line. I am a channel which means that I speak and communicate with source energy directly. So like I, literally all day, every day, am in communication with God, getting exactly what I need to do next, okay, go over here, actually, stop what you're doing, even though I know I just told you to do this. Stop what you're doing and go to the park. Okay, I run into somebody at the park who needs my assistance. I help them out, I do an energy healing, whatever that is, and then it's like well, that's why I need it and like I remember I did that and this woman was like I think we were supposed to run into each other. Today I'm like I know we were, cause I was not supposed supposed to be at the park.

Speaker 2:

You called me here. Yeah, absolutely, what you get, what you ask for, you get. And literally I showed up for her because source wanted me there, and so that is, that is what it means for me to be a channel and that source can speak through me. And that was first evident when I wrote my bath. This was at the very beginning.

Speaker 2:

I wrote my my you can love yourself bath meditation and I was playing with my pendulum after one of our like meetings it was like after one of the Kathy Heller meetings and I wasn't paying attention and I turned back and my hand was hovering over this meditation that I'd been writing and my pendulum was going crazy and I hadn't asked it anything and I was like, okay, you like something, what's going on? And I hadn't asked it anything and I was like, okay, you like something, what's going on? And I moved my hand from over the meditation to like somewhere else and it went stock still and I was like, oh, you like this meditation? And it was like, yes, and so I was like, okay, and so I kept writing and it just can I tell you, it just flowed through me.

Speaker 2:

And then something happened where I was like that's not right. So I picked up my pendulum and I was like that's not right. I was like no, it's not. It was like start that paragraph over. So I did, and then, once I did it, just the whole thing flew through me and I went through every page like hovering my pendulum over and I was like yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

And I love this meditation, I think it's beautiful, and it's not me, I didn't write it, and so that's that aspect of that gift, that's part of that gift. That gift is continually expanding. I'm hearing sources voice more clearly every day and I know in the next month and a half that it's going to expand even further. I'm a conduit, and what that means is that other energies can speak through me or communicate with me, and that means a lot of things. That means that people, people's souls or spirits, can speak to me and through me, and so, like I get visited. That's what that sensation of pain was. And so I talk regularly to my grandmothers. I have different people come in like sometimes I'll be doing a healing and their grandmother or father or someone who's passed comes and talks to me to offer them advice or to just reaffirm the things that I've been saying. To surround them with love is always a loving thing, and and I can this is so hard for me to say this out loud because it sounds so crazy but the sun and the moon and the earth speak to me a lot and I and help me with the healings that I use their energy to create whatever it is, to ignite chakras to, to literally it's. It's so beautiful. The moon, I mean, I have an amazing relationship with all of them, but the moon will sometimes go in and when I do energy like just groundings, I use celestial energy, which is the combination of the moon and the sun, to go down your spine and the moon has a tendency to want to cradle people and she'll, like run her energy down your spine and, as she gets like to your coccyx, just kind of like scoop you up and just like hold you in this beautiful, like energy. It's gorgeous and and I can see all of that and I can get and I'm guided that that's what this person needs.

Speaker 2:

I have had the most amazing, adventurous relationship with trees. As I mentioned trees, I've always loved trees and I've always, kind of, in my head, talked to trees and that has continued. I have my Oracle deck blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I'll tell you this story and I'll try to be as fast as possible. But they were digging up the roots of some trees that they'd cut down years ago in front of my building. But they were digging up the roots and there was some really pretty cutoffs and I was like that's so pretty.

Speaker 2:

And I got upstairs and I was like, ooh, I need to. Like I just was completely guided to sit down and meditate. It was like you need to get grounded and I was like, okay, I put my feet flat on the ground and it was like there was this blackness, like there's this block. When I was like and let me just clarify that I used to think that when I couldn't visualize something and it was just dark, that it was bad, and I want to clarify that that's not true. We are trained in this society and there are organized religion-based ideas that black or darkness is evil, and that's not true.

Speaker 2:

If you think about a new day, what do you think about? You think about a new start, and it's very positive and all of this stuff. But what does a new day look like? A new day starts at midnight. What is it like outside? It's dark, dark. The light comes from the dark and the dark comes from the light and we need both and they're not bad. They're not bad at all and actually the light is shown because of the dark initially, you know.

Speaker 2:

So, anyway, but this was a different kind of darkness. This was. I could tell that this was a block and I just like there was this angry energy that I was feeling and I was like this is so crazy and I was like I need to put my feet on the earth. But I was specifically told not to go outside to meditate and I was like I need to go grab. I had seen this chunk of tree that I was like oh, that's really a cool piece of this tree that they've digged up, dug up, digged. And so I was like go get that thing. So I did, I literally put on shoes, went downstairs, picked up like, climbed through the like tape of, like the caution tape of what was set up around the quote unquote construction site, picked up this piece of wood, marched upstairs, dusted it off, put it on the ground, took my shoes off and put my bare feet on it and as soon as I did, rage just shot up through my legs and I was like what in the heck? And I realized that this tree was angry and this tree had been moved from wherever it grew to be in front of my building and it lived in front of my building, happily still angry that it was moved in the first place, but lived there happily for I don't know how many years and then was cut down for no reason, livid so mad, and now, yet again, his roots are being moved and uprooted and destroyed and he didn't understand and he was furious. And I don't know if you know this, but trees, even though they're cut down, the trees around the surrounding trees, their root systems feed the roots of that tree and nourish them, so that the roots of those trees are still alive for years and years and years and years. And so that's why this energy, the, the let's say the soul for lack of a better word of this tree was still in the roots and was still alive and was still harboring so much hatred and anger to humans and and the fact that we've done this to him. And so what I did was I absorbed all of that energy. My legs were killing me and I absorbed all that energy and I just shoved it back down into the earth and like, or the, the negative energy I I put out into the universe because, again, and I said negative energy, that anger, that, all of that stuff, I was able to release that and then allow him to go back into the earth and we kind of came upon this agreement. Like I brought in the earth energy which is very healing energy. I brought in the moon and the sun and and basically did a healing on this tree.

Speaker 2:

And I asked his name and his name was Tryon, which I was like how do you? That's not a name, I've never heard that before. But that's what he told me. So that's what I wrote down and he wanted me to keep this piece and so I have it. It's like a shelf right on my wall and I love it. And I went and bought an engraver like a wood burning kit and I wrote he gave me exactly what he wanted to write at the bottom and so I have the date and it says try on and it says at peace and with gratitude, because he was able to find peace and what we did was we put his energy and his soul back into the earth to be able to assist other trees and help the planet. That's all I knew.

Speaker 2:

A week, two weeks later, I went to Alabama and the area of Alabama where my friend lives is like right on the corner of Georgia and Tennessee. So I flew into Chattanooga. She picks me up, we drive through blah, blah, blah, and I'm telling her this amazing story of this relationship I have with this tree and that like when I want to get grounded, I can meet up with him anytime, and like it's so cool, like it's kind of weird, I know, but this tree is talking to me and that was right, yeah, it was right, as this kind of conduit, part of my gifts, was coming into me and he and so then I was telling her about it and and I said it's kind of weird, but his name was try on. And she almost stopped the car and she looked at me. She goes, what did you say? I said his name was try on. And she basically goes, look, and she pointed at the sign of the city, of the town we were driving in, driving, driving into, and it said welcome to Tryon.

Speaker 2:

And I was like what Like, what the hell? And I was like, obviously. I probably would have stopped the car Like, oh my gosh, it was crazy. I had no idea there was a little town in that story Like what? There's so much to tell you. I'm sure I haven't told you a lot of this. There's so much to tell you, I'm sure I haven't told you a lot of this, oh my God.

Speaker 2:

And so, like, literally, I was like okay, I go, well, I think that's a sign. And she was like yeah, I go, so we need to do something in here. And so I pull out my pendulum and I pull up my Oracle cards, cause, remember, at this point I'm really relying on my Oracle cards for guidance and for like source to like communicate with me. And so, like I pull a card and it's just, basically it was like trust yourself. Every card I pulled that morning was like trust yourself, just keep going and trust yourself. And I'm like okay, so we drive by the opposite of control is trust.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, and oh my God, Boy, have you been?

Speaker 2:

Oh, so like anyway. So we get, we get. I get led to this. First of all, it's beautiful. I get led to this place and then we and I'm like I think there's something going on over there. It's a cotton mill, and we drive by and then there's this area that's a park and she's like look at these trees. I cannot tell you, I've never seen trees this big. They were beautiful and just like massive and like I literally this was my first experience with anything like this. I haven't told you any of this. No, wow.

Speaker 2:

So she pulled over and I get out and as literally as I approached this tree, I couldn't move anymore and I fell to my knees, like you know, to honor this tree, and I just like stayed there for a minute and just like was trying to listen. At this point I hadn't fine tuned my listening skills I'm still fine tuning my listening skills and I was just like, and I felt like this it wasn't like when you're dizzy. It felt like I was on the ocean and like we were like rolling in the waves, like the earth was rolling. It felt like one of those rolling earthquakes that you get in California and like it wasn't jarring or shaking or anything. But it was like everything was like rolling and I was like, okay, wow, this is the energy of this tree, this is, and I was like I'm supposed to be here, I'm supposed to do something. So I walked up to the tree and and put my hands on the trunk and then like that feeling just like kept coming. And I looked down and there's these little tiny acorns and I was like, okay, I need to pick up those acorns. So I picked up a handful of acorns. I'm like I'm supposed to do something with this, I don't know what. And it was like I still need to find this place.

Speaker 2:

So we circled back around. I was like I know, it's that building. And so we went to this building and I was like we drove around the parking lot and I was like it's that door right there. So I literally walk in, the doors locked, and I'm like shit, I know, this is where I'm supposed to be. And so I went. I saw somebody and I was like okay, cool, and I went down the hall and I'm walking in and there's a receptionist and I was like the hell am I gonna say to this woman what do you like I?

Speaker 2:

don't know why I'm here. I, I right, I don't know what I want or what, like I don't know what to say, and so I just and it was literally like the as I opened, there was like a second door. And as I opened the second door it was was like just be honest, and I was like okay, I said this is going to be so strange for both of us.

Speaker 2:

She's looking at me funny and I go, I don't know why I'm here, but I have this massive need to talk to you and you just tell me where I am. Like, what is this place? And so she explained to me that this cotton mill basically launched the success of this little town of tryon and it became one of the wealthiest towns in the area, and you can tell by the beautiful, like houses and stuff like that. So she's telling me this story and she's telling me that there's like this restaurant, like right down the road, and like I was like that's where I need to go. And I was like oh, oh, cool, because you know, my friend and I hadn't eaten, like we'll go to there. And she was like no, no, no, it's closed. And I was like okay, and so she told me that you know the story of that and all this stuff. And so then we talked about New York, because she'd never been here and all this stuff. And so it was like all right, cool, thanks so much. And so I was like we got to go to the restaurant. She's like I know exactly where that is. And as she pulled up, there's this tree and I was like that's why I'm here and so I led. I was led to this and she thought it was a completely different tree because there was, like this massive, beautiful tree, but it wasn't that one. It was like the smaller magnolia tree. So I went over to the magnolia tree and I put my hand on the, on the trunk, and it gave me that same like wavy thing, except it was sideways and it was like and I realized I needed to move, like she wanted me to get on the other side of the trunk, and so I did. And then I put my hand on that and got that same energy and I looked down and there was a seed pod for the magnolia tree and a branch and I was like and I was literally given this vision of rushing water and those two pieces in the rushing water Well, between the factory and where we were there was a bridge with a river and it was like I got to throw these two things in the river and I was like, do I throw the acorns in the river? And the answer was no and I was like, okay, and I think that that river at one point had been either bigger, or they transplanted her from the side of a river or something like that, because she wanted to be back in the water. And putting that branch in the water, even though obviously it's not connected to her, was what she needed in order to feel connected to the river again. So I throw all that stuff in there and like, literally, as it hit the water, how it floated away was exactly what I saw and it was like OK, time to go. And that was it. I was like this is insane.

Speaker 2:

Days later we go to her friend's ranch and she's like this is she's showing me the whole place and like all this stuff. And she takes us to the back and there's these beautiful trees, like all these cypress trees and all this stuff. And then she's like this is Mama Oak and it's this old, old oak tree that is just gorgeous. But you can tell that that tree has been here for a long time. And I was like, well, I need to have a conversation with Mama Oak. So I went back and I put my hand on her and like I was given words to say and all of this, like it was crazy when my friend lives, her neighbor, neighbor. She lives in the woods and you're not allowed to cut down the trees because you live in the woods.

Speaker 2:

Well, she decided she wanted to cut down some trees and so, in order to do it legally you can't cut down that many and when we arrived and she was showing me around the property was the first time she'd seen how many trees her neighbor had cut down, and there were like 30 of them. And she, she was devastated, I was devastated. We're seeing all these stumps and everything, and so, basically, what this? I'm trying, I'm just belaboring this but this oak tree had decided, had told me that I needed to do a ceremony to release these, the souls from all of these trees, and told me what to say and what to do. And I was like okay, and she said doing this, you are our protector, you will be known wherever you go, you will be protected by the trees and they will know you as their protector. And I was like cool, but also like okay.

Speaker 2:

And what's crazy is I had specifically gone to that place to do some healing for myself, to burn a whole bunch of stuff, which is obviously a different day story, but that there's been massive healing in along with this. Like the more I heal, the more gifts I receive. The more I heal, the more open I am to my gifts and then, here, we are.

Speaker 2:

So I was there specifically to burn a whole bunch of stuff and to come into this healing, which I did, and it was really challenging. And so the night we did that, I knew that that was the night we were going to do the ritual with the trees. Now we couldn't cross her property line and so we stood at my friend's property line but I burned all this stuff and I'm sobbing and it was so hard to do but it was so cleansing and it was beautiful and all of this stuff. And my friend is very connected to a native American tribe and so has some like paraphernalia and and stuff that is very representative of things and one of them is like a bird feather. That is like beautiful bird feather, and so I asked her to to be there there too, because I was supposed to burn some juniper because, remember, juniper is the connection to the spirit right and, and so I asked her to use that gorgeous bird feather to like waft the, the juniper towards the trees.

Speaker 2:

And so I, I did my own thing and it was like it's time to do the other thing. So I went and got this bucket of water, this huge bucket of water, and we walked to the property line and and I said what I needed to say, which was essentially go to the earth, move water, save the planet. It sounds like some movie drama, but essentially what I'm doing when I say these things to the trees is I poured the water out, I burned the juniper she was wafting it and as I said these things, I realized that it was like I'm just a human. I don't know what it's like to live the way you live, but I know what it's like to release this kind of anger and this hurt. I just did it, you just watched me do it, and I know that it's painful, but I also know how amazing it feels to actually release those feelings. I know you're hurt, I know you're angry. Release those feelings. You're not saving the planet to save the humans. You're saving the planet, you're saving the earth and you can leave. You can leave and go back into spirit and live your life, or you can move your spirit into the planet for its better good.

Speaker 2:

And as I was saying this, my friend wafted the stuff with the pedal and then all of a sudden she started wafting me and I'm telling you, she ran this bird feather over my head and down my back and I felt energy, take me. And I'm telling you, she ran this, this bird, feather, over my head and down my back and I, like, felt energy, like take me. And I was holding the juniper with my left hand and I'd had my right hand kind of outstretched towards the trees and she said turn your hand over. And I did, and it's like this, like loosing, and she ran the feather down my hand and I swear I had this visual of this, like tribal medicine woman on the edge of the cliff, just like blessing the land, and like it was the most beautiful experience I've ever had. And it was like, as she did that and as I saw that, it was like protector.

Speaker 2:

And I know that wherever I go, the trees know who I am and I touch them and I tell them that I love them A lot of trees love us back A lot of trees don't trust us and so like, building that relationship and I understand, and I've talked about this before, foot on the grass provides so much energy and that how important it is for us to like touch the trees and touch the earth and be in skin to earth contact for us, and that's so true.

Speaker 2:

There's all this like, there's all the science behind it. But I now know that the earth, the trees, receive as much energy from us as we do from them. Touch a tree, the oil from our skin is absorbed and helpful, the energy that we put into the earth. If you just send love, just be love and stand on the earth, and the earth is absorbing that and the more we can live our lives loving ourselves and then just standing on the earth. Loving ourselves and then just standing on the earth, like on soil, not man-made concrete, asphalt. We are helping create almost like a force field of love so that the damage that has been done to the planet, to the atmosphere, to ourselves, to each other, can be combated just by loving yourself. And that is literally what I am getting from the earth and from the moon and from the sun on a regular basis it's a healing for for the earth and for us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a partnership, it's absolutely a partnership. It's not a one-way thing. And we look at our dominion over the planet and over the earth and over the wild animals and all this stuff, and it's just not. That's just not it. Yeah, it's just not it. And during the solar eclipse I don't know if I've told you this story, I won't tell you the whole thing, but I had this massive moment where I was told to reach out, to spiritually communicate with these companies, and so I did, and as I was talking to them and not hating them, which is so, if there is something, okay, I'm not going to. This was one of the companies, but it wasn't the main ones. Okay, I'm not going to. This was one of the companies, but it wasn't the main ones. I'm not a big fan of Amazon. I don't. I don't like their business practices, so I have not shopped with Amazon, for I went years without shopping at.

Speaker 2:

Amazon More recently I have, but I'm going back on not shopping at Amazon just because, just because we can talk about why later. But I can tell you all the things that I don't like about Amazon and I can send them hate and I can be like they're awful and he's amazing, he's this and blah, blah, blah, blah blah. But really what that's doing is it's adding to the negativity. Right, if they are putting out destructive energy and I match that by telling them how awful they are, I'm actually feeding into that energy and it's growing.

Speaker 2:

Whereas if I say I don't have an opinion. I'm not here to hate you. I'm here to ask you to think about your actions before you take them. I'm here to ask you to come from a place of love and I'm sending you love so that you can have some to look at with. So I'm sending you love and I'm sending you peace and I'm sending you.

Speaker 2:

And it was fascinating and as I was saying these things, I had again gotten this information and told to do this by the sun. So I'm using the sun's energy and the moon's energy and the earth's energy. And the next thing, I know the trees were there and I said I have the knowledge of the trees at my side and their longevity and they're offering that energy to you to use as you make these decisions that impact millions. And all of a sudden, the elephants which you know I have a massive affinity with elephants were at my side and I was like accept the wisdom of the elephant. So all of a sudden were at my side and I was like accept the wisdom of the elephant. So all of a sudden, like I'm surrounded by, like in my head and visualizing, I'm surrounded by these massive trees and these huge, wise, full tusked elephants Like, and we just were standing there with this force of like, like I said, wisdom and knowledge and love and peace and this, this bright energy from the sun, and it was incredible. And to be able to extend that to a company that often is self-serving and full of what I would call greed, and that's not just Amazon. I reached out to four different companies and Amazon was one that I added because of my feelings about their practices, and I got approval for that and it was massive and incredible.

Speaker 2:

And I realized after that that, by the elephants joining me, I now also have a connection with elephants which you witnessed when we went to the zoo and that female elephant came right up to us as much as she possibly could. Female elephant like, came right up to us as much as she possibly could, and then that extended to the, the bickering, let's say that the male elephants, you know, performed for us and all this stuff and and, and, and, and and. It's incredible. And so I didn't realize I was going to go off on all these stories and tangents, but that's all about me being a conduit. Didn't realize I was going to go off on all these stories and tangents, but that's all about me being a conduit.

Speaker 1:

So you know, a question I have for you is obviously you are coming in to an enormous amount of gifts and you know we often talk about how everyone has spiritual gifts. It's a matter of whether we're open to them, and I guess the question that I have is how like it's a lot like how have you been navigating? Isn't really the right word, but obviously you're allowing all of it to flow, yeah, but like I guess the human side of you, like, how are you?

Speaker 2:

do you know what I mean? I think you know what I'm trying to ask, coaster, and it's the highest of highs and the stomach leaving your body like falls of like. I have no idea what the hell is happening. And so I want to say that it has been the most amazing thing when you are connected Okay, I almost said when you are connected to your inner being and to source energy, but I want to be very clear you are always connected. You may not always feel connected, but you are always connected, and that's one of the things I've stopped. I've tried to stop using the word alignment, because that's one of those words that we throw around, like I want to be aligned with this, I want to be aligned with that, and if you mean that you want to be in line with something, then you're absolutely great, then you're. In my opinion, you're using that word properly, quote unquote. But because you are never not aligned with source energy or with your inner being, because they are always there with you, whether you feel them or not.

Speaker 2:

And this kind of takes us back to the original question about like, how do you know you're on your path? How does it feel? How do you feel? That is the answer. That is the question that answers your question. How do you feel? Do you feel okay? Do you feel good? Then you know you're on the right path. And what I had to learn was two things that are kind of the same. But I believe, and have believed for a long time, that everything happens as it should. I don't say that everything happens for a reason, because give me a reason why atrocities happen. I can't give you a reason, but I can tell you that I know that things happen as they should and that they're going to be okay. Know that things happen as they should and that they're going to be okay, and that things happen as they should. Whether or not I like them or not, they happen as they should, whether I understand it or not.

Speaker 1:

Trust me, it's a lesson that's going to.

Speaker 2:

That's the shit I'm doing, If not more. I do not understand. Yeah, I know, I know that it's happening as it should stand. I know, I know that it's happening as it should. So, remembering that. And then it was very clearly said to me that what's important is the path. It's not important where the path is going, and we are so trained to be in control of where that path is leading because there's an end goal. What if you didn't have an end goal? What if you said this is the direction that feels really good and where that leads, I know will be amazing because it feels so good on the path. I don't have to worry about what's next. I don't have to worry about what that pie in the sky looks like. I know it's going to be for my best and good. My best good because everything happens as it should and the universe wants nothing but the best for me.

Speaker 1:

And that was a reminder that you gave when you did a healing on me a week or two ago. You know, it's often seemed that I've been on the path of others, right, and you reminded me that I am on my path and just allow, just allow it to unfold exactly as it's meant to Just be confident that you're on the path. And it's my path.

Speaker 2:

And you're confident that you're exactly and that it's your path, because it feels good. It's not going to feel good when you're on somebody else's path. Right, it's not going to feel good. You might feel like I'm doing this for them and that's good, because I'm supposed to do things for other people and I'm supposed to take care of this person, and dah, dah, dah, dah. But it's not going to feel good inside. You are not going to feel great.

Speaker 2:

It is so easy you know what I'm going to say that it is so easy to feel great. It just means you have to prioritize yourself and remember that was pretty much my first lesson in all of this. And so when I've actually talked to people in business who are like I need to figure out the pricing for this thing that I'm doing that people will be able to afford, and I'm like no, you don't, don't think about the people. What feels good for you? Well, I think my worth is this, but that just seems too much. Then charge that, because that's what's resonating for you, that feels good for you. The people will come. I couldn't afford that course that I took in February. I did it anyway because I wanted to do it and it was an astronomical amount of money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and investing in ourselves and prioritizing ourselves. I mean it all goes back to prioritizing us and doing things that feel good for us and doing things that feel good for us, and then all of that just goes out into all of you know, to everyone around us, when we're taking care of ourselves and doing the things that bring us joy and feel good for us.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's something that I've definitely said for practice, so when you're feeling again, it comes down to that awareness of like, oh, I don't, this does not feel good. Whatever I'm doing, I'm not in a great space. Where are my thoughts? I'm thinking about how miserable I am while getting this on this commute Noted. This commute is not bringing me joy. So do I need to find a different route, or is that my clue?

Speaker 2:

This is one of the things about this job that I don't like or whatever. You know what I mean. Like, whatever it is. That's how you kind of can fine tune where what feels good, and when you follow what feels good, you will follow the correct quote unquote path. So then that brings me to I don't believe that there is such thing. I went through this thing of like I don't believe in right and wrong, and then I realized actually that's not true I. And then I realized actually that's not true. I don't believe in wrong, because what's right for me isn't right for you. You would not have been able to to drop everything the way I did, but my life has been set up to be in a space where I could do that. And so here I am.

Speaker 2:

But because of your responsibilities and things that are going on with. It's not right, it would not have been right for you and it would have felt yucky. Does that mean it's wrong? No, it just means it's not right, it would not have been right for you and it would have felt yucky. Does that mean it's wrong? No, it just means it's not right for you. And so when you approach trying new things or try, it doesn't mean that it's wrong, just means that it's not right for you and there's absolutely nothing wrong quote unquote with trying something out and seeing how it feels. You try and close all the time that we put back on the rack, but we don't judge that. Try on the clothes.

Speaker 2:

If it doesn't fit, put it back or get rid of it, and put on clothes that feel good, that make you feel good when you're in them, let alone fit properly, and that's how you make sure that you're on the right path, and that's what I've been trying to do. Now there's been a lot of healing and there's been a lot of feeling like is this ever gonna end? And the answer is no, because I'm here, because I'm human. Getting yourself how do I say this? It feels very ostracizing, right. I spend the majority of my day talking to God and it's exhausting.

Speaker 2:

And I'm not saying that because that's not fun to talk to, because, let me tell you, we have a good time, but what I'm saying is that takes a lot of energy to be vibrating, let's say, at a level in which I can do that. And so, while I tell you often how busy I am, but if I tell you exactly what I'm doing, you're going to be like how the hell are you busy? You went to the park, then you walked over to this tree and sat in front of that for a little while. Then you walked to the parkway and sat on a bench for a little while and then you went over and got yourself some coffee. How in the hell do you call that busy and then you went home and had a healing and that was your day.

Speaker 2:

You recorded your podcast and went to bed. But really that whole time I'm working, I'm growing, I'm learning, I'm all these things and then also'm learning I'm all of these things and then also there's the healing part of it. I was massively abused as a child and I managed to ignore not ignore, but my five and seven-year-old little versions of me. I love them so much and this is a whole other podcast about getting into contact into contact with, communication with and establishing a relationship with your inner child. But they were incredible because they built these structures to protect me and they did such a good job because they were so hard to take down.

Speaker 2:

I'm really looking forward to having you back to talk about all of that and I remember and we'll talk about this, but anyway, going through all of that, getting to like getting to know her, then getting to realize that, because I didn't remember who I was, it was in the Kaushik records. I'll show you they I was. I was in the Kaushik records and they showed me this picture of me as a five-year-old.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I'm actually-.

Speaker 1:

On a swing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and don't I look happy.

Speaker 1:

Very happy.

Speaker 2:

This was right before it all went down and I got this overwhelming feeling of mistrust and I was like what? I have a great relationship with my inner child. And I came out of the records and I visualized my inner being standing in front of me and she was hiding behind her legs and she wouldn't look at me and it was because she knew I wanted to heal and I needed to heal in order to get to these next levels and all of this stuff that's happening. But I didn't remember her because I didn't remember what happened, right, and she was afraid of being forgotten forever. She wasn't seen then because nobody saw what happened and continued to happen and so much has been revealed.

Speaker 2:

And I knelt down in front of her at that time and wouldn't come near me so I couldn't like hold her hands, but I was like looking between the legs of my inner being and I knelt down in front of her and I said I'm going to do this and I'm sobbing. I don't want to do this, no, but I'm going to do this because you deserve to be remembered, the fact that you went through all of that shit, whatever it is, you deserve to be remembered. And I promised her that I'd start the next day and I did, and I threw a process and I believe very strongly. I know there's a difference between when you're like I think this happened or I believe this, and like I know that's one of my gifts is I'm clear, cognizant, and that's why, when I started using my pendulum, I knew there was something more, even though I wasn't told that. It was like hang on a second, this is going to be a big deal, right? That's why akashic records popped into my head is because I know I have this, knowing it's how.

Speaker 2:

I receive my messages and I don't know why I started saying that Darn, I'm so, oh, oh. I know that that so much of me remembering some of that stuff is because I've been able to rely on my gifts. I have conversations with my dad and he has literally itemized and told me what happened. Because I don't remember because he'd gotten me drunk and he told me everything he did to me that night and so, while I don't totally remember it because I wasn't totally conscious, I know that it's true and I know what happened and I've been able to process that anger with her and so that's part of me being a conduit and I've been able to process that anger with her and so that's part of me being a conduit that I have access to. That not everybody does. And I believe very strongly that using my gifts to understand what happened to me as a little girl is important for me and my journey and coming into these gifts fully, because if I am not fully healed from that stuff I won't be able to receive as much, because there's still part of me that's bruised. You're never broken, there's never anything to fix but it has allowed me to take out and dismantle those structures and these almost like and I'm going to say this, it's like denying who I am. Well, because you know, I think I even talked to you about it when I realized I needed to take down these.

Speaker 2:

I visualized these things that my beautiful five and seven-year-old girls put in place as like structures, like columns guarding who I truly am. And there are things like no value. You have to prove to everyone that you're worth loving, and that was, you know, this was really challenging, but redefining my definition of what it means to be a friend and what it is to have friends, because my version of friends was let me show you, let me prove to you that I'm worth having in your life. What can I do for you so that you keep me in your life? It wasn't about me, it was about what can I? I have to prove to you that I'm worth having around. That was an absolute thing that was built and I, when I realized I needed to get rid of those things, it was like but this is who I am. How do I let go of that and still have any sort of like?

Speaker 1:

this is who I am.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, who am I without this? And that's when I realized I'll finally be who I really am, because this is not who I am, this is who I've become to protect who I am. And that has been massive. And so I just want to say I know we have to go. I just wanted to say that real quickly because I had to remember everything in order to fully heal. I don't believe in fact, I believe very strongly that not everyone does so. If you have trauma from your past, being aware of that and coming to a place of understanding it, recognizing it, feeling it and moving into a space of forgiveness which we can talk about later is really important. That doesn't mean you have to relive it. In fact, I think for some people, reliving it is very dangerous.

Speaker 2:

So I just want to be clear that you don't have to relive your trauma in order to heal from it.

Speaker 1:

So if people want to connect with you, we're so going to have another conversation. No no this has been amazing. So if people want to connect with you to get a healing because we both do energy healings, but they're very different, very different and I've experienced yours and it was beautiful, and so how do they?

Speaker 2:

connect with you. You know what the best thing to do. I'm on Facebook as Julia Christine and Instagram as Julia Christine Healer, and you can DM me and we'll be in touch. My website's not quite up yet.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Thank you, this was a beautiful conversation and I learned so many things that I hadn't known about.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad there's so much more, but it's crazy because I feel like I've just talked about myself instead of like doing anything to help other people. But see that's okay.

Speaker 1:

It's okay, it's exactly. The conversation flowed exactly as it was meant to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, because everything happens as it should Exactly so.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, I love you so much and I love you too, appreciate you coming onto the show and spending time with us. Yeah, and we will get together very, very soon, so there's so much more to dive into. So, thank you, have a beautiful, beautiful day. Much love.

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