Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul

Embrace Spiritual Growth and Intuition (Part 2) - with Julia Christine

Shannon Danielle Episode 50

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Curious about how spiritual gifts can reshape your life? In this episode of Pure Possibilities, Julia shares her journey with Oracle cards, Akashic Records and how she became a channel for Source Energy. Discover her unique ability to connect with nature and sense souls, both living and departed.

We dive into energy healing, visualization techniques, and the power of the heart chakra, revealing how these tools can guide personal transformation. Learn about past lives, intuition, free will, and how the Akashic Records offer deep insights. Whether new or experienced, this episode provides practical advice for spiritual growth.

Connect with Julia on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/julia.putnam.9 or on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/juliachristinehealer/

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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. Today we are diving into part two with my dear friend, Julia. We have so much fun hanging out and chatting. I hope you enjoy our conversations because we have a lot of fun and these are the kinds of conversations that we have on a really regular basis. They're deep and expansive and it's a lot of fun. We learn a lot from each other and it's pretty amazing.

Speaker 1:

All right, but before we dive into this episode, we're going to pull a card from the magic of what If card deck, available on my website, purepossibilitiespodcastcom. And don't forget, if you have any questions or anything you want to share, you can always text the show. There's a link to do that in the show description. All right, so today's card is what if I easily allow my intuition to guide me? I feel like this was the card that I pulled last week. I don't remember. But what if I easily allow my intuition to guide me? And we actually talk a lot about that in this episode, so very timely. I hope you enjoy today's episode. I'm so excited to have Julia back with us. So we we recorded. It's been a little bit. I haven't aired that episode yet because I wanted to put them kind of back to back, but we don't entirely remember where we left off, so it's possible that there could be some repeated information here, but it's always a good conversation.

Speaker 1:

I mean we just have a good time. We always have a good time. So, julia, you have come into so many beautiful, beautiful gifts and I would love for you to share about them and, like you know, we're both on, obviously, a very spiritual path right now and discovering gifts, and it's a beautiful, beautiful thing. But I think that sometimes people are like what does that even mean, right, for?

Speaker 2:

sure, including myself. And I think last time I talked a little bit about how I started getting into it with, like, the Oracle cards and we talked about what those were, and then I was led to well, you gave me the pendulum and what that is and how that's helped me. We talked a little bit about the Kaushik records and how I had taken that course and that really set me into this healing journey. And so much of that healing has had to happen in order for me to fully come into the realization of so many of these gifts. But I also am very aware that my use, so to speak, of these gifts came into play while I was healing. So let me explain what I mean.

Speaker 2:

So the first thing I usually start with is that I'm a channel, and what that means is that when you're a channel, something, some energy source because I don't like to say something, because some people will think that like a demon could possess me and I would be a channel for the demon or something like that, and that's not, that's not at all what this is so some energy source. It could just be an inner being wants to speak through you. That's what a channel is I am. I guess I should just state up front how freaking grateful I am for all of my gifts, and I am lucky enough, blessed enough, grateful, to be a channel for Source Energy. Source Energy is the name I guess you can say that what I call God, the universe, spirit, the creator, the divine, like all of those things. For me, you know, the divine, the divine, like all of those things. For me, if everything is energy, there is a source of that energy, of where that energy comes from, and that is source energy. That makes so much sense to my little logical brain. And yet I also understand that we as humans have to name something, and that's why there are so many names for God or for source, and God is a man-made title for source energy. So what that means is that what it means right now is that my life is completely guided by source energy.

Speaker 2:

I do healings. Let me actually, before I tell you how I apply some of these stuff, let me go into the next part of my gifts, and that is that I'm a conduit, so I. What that means is that I can communicate with pretty much any energy source. So that means that energy sources like the sun or the earth or the moon or various souls. They don't have to be departed souls, they don't have to be only in spirit form. They can also be souls of people who are still physical, because that's energy. And so I am often visited by I say people, but souls of various people here and gone. I speak. It's so, so silly, but it's so true and I love it so much. I speak to the sun every day. I speak to the moon almost every day. I speak to various trees all of the time, and not every tree wants to talk and some I hear so much louder than others, but it's so awesome and so so so when the souls come to you, how?

Speaker 1:

how do you know so?

Speaker 2:

it's different for everybody. Let me just put that out there for me I get a pressure in my, in my rib, on my left side, and if I don't realize that I'm feeling pressure there, like if I just think it's like my bra is too tight or something, it gets stronger and stronger and stronger tool. It's unbearable. So I was like, oh my God, what? Oh, somebody's here, you know what I mean. And so, and sometimes I'll be on the phone or something and somebody will come and I'll be like you need to come back later Cause I'm busy or you know, and so then it'll go away and um and so, um, but it's just a pressure sensation on my rib, and so that's. I'm like, oh, somebody's here.

Speaker 2:

And I have continued to develop this so that before I would ask source and be like is somebody here? And I would get a yes, and I'd be like do I know them, yes or no? Are they my friends? Are they my family, like, and so that I could like figure out who they were before I said hello to them. And I've come to a point. I'm so glad to say that I feel that and I say hi, and I asked the person if they're friends or foe. No, there's no such thing as foe, but if they're friends or family or if I know them, I had a beautiful conversation in a good 20 minutes with a soul who I have no idea who she was. She was a friend of a friend and she needed some guidance and we worked together. I had a couple of other people souls come and help me, help her, and it was freaking amazing.

Speaker 1:

So I have a question. So the soul comes to you and you're having a conversation Like what does that look like?

Speaker 2:

Okay, again, I'm confident that this is different for everyone. We talked about last time how I'm clear, cognizant, and what that means is that there's a knowing. When I first started communicating with different souls, it was very much, very much question and answer with my pendulum and and then I started. I will never forget the first time it was like I was hearing somebody, but it was almost like I was seeing words print out in front of me. So I was like hearing the words that I couldn't really totally see it's, it's almost like a combination of several senses.

Speaker 2:

And then, as I have different souls, um visit me often. I have several friends who visit me pretty much every day and they I, I, I hear them, like I, in my head it sounds like my friends. Like I have a friend who calls me kid and he'll come and visit me and I'll say hi, like I would to see like who anybody is there, and right away he says sup, kid, and I know it's him and it's like hey, and we just keep going and there's a couple of people that do that. And there are times when I recognize a voice. Sometimes they're very timid or quiet and I'm like I don't recognize your voice, but are you this person?

Speaker 2:

And so what started to happen, which I'm so excited about, is, again, I'm growing, I'm learning. The more I do this, the more it expands, and so I've started to be able, like this girl who visited me the other day, I knew she was blonde and I knew she was young. I'm not seeing anything, it's just I knew, and I actually had a friend bring me flowers the other day and I burst into tears, not just because I loved receiving his flowers, but also because I knew receiving his flowers, but also because, like I knew, he had flowers, like what, that came out of nowhere. How would I know that? You know? It was so cool, and so I I don't totally know how to answer your question, because I hear- it.

Speaker 1:

I think that was. Yeah, that was helpful.

Speaker 2:

I see it, but not visually. Yeah, that was helpful, I see it, but not visually. It's like a sensation and you just kind of know, and sometimes it's really, really quiet. My grandmother visited me not so long ago and I was like I'm so sorry, I can barely hear you, and it was like drink some water, because for me water is energy. And so I drank a big glass of water and I could hear her a little bit better. And then there's the focus and you kind of tune into whatever vibration they're functioning on, and so you can kind of like find that and tune in a little bit more.

Speaker 2:

And so I have a friend who we have a friend, michelle, who's our mutual friend, who's a medium. And she used to say to me, like Julia, you're a medium, and I'm like no, I'm not. Like I asked her so many times like am I a medium? And the answer is always no. And it was like then how she's like you have to be a medium because you can talk to souls and and I was like right, but I'm not, I'm a conduit. And she's like what's the difference? And the difference is that mediums speak to people who have passed, souls that have passed, who are no longer physical, and sometimes other souls as well. But the difference for me is that I definitely speak to souls who are still here, souls who are no longer physical. I speak to different parts of each soul. I'll explain that in a second. Okay, I was going to say what.

Speaker 2:

I'll explain that in a second. But I also, like I said, speak to the energies of the trees and animals and the sun and the moon and the earth, and it's amazing. And they not only help me, they help me in my healings as I help people cleanse their energy or restore their energy. Or I did a beautiful healing the other day to this person who'd been super kind of damaged by someone else and like her whole heart center was like a black, cavernous cave, like there was nothing left, like I was doing a healing and I was bringing energy up her body and it was like a black hole in the center of her body. And so what I did and this kind of explains the part of her soul is your soul can be in multiple places at once. So obviously I hope it's okay for me to say you have visited me before, but it never. Like you were completely unaware of it. Your soul was still with you, but your soul was also with me, and so what I asked her to do was come with me into this cave, and so she was obviously still there, but that part of her which was her younger self came with me and we held hands and we walked into this dark cave and we saw this little, tiny, barely a flicker of light. That was her heart chakra, and so I had her pick it up. A flicker of light, that was her heart chakra, and so I had her pick it up. And then we stepped back and we just sent what ended up being. I kept thinking it was loving energy, like I kept trying to pour energy from my heart center, which in my visualization of all of this, is green. That's the green is the heart chakra color, and so I'm sending green energy, but it didn't look green.

Speaker 2:

And I discovered, after discussing this with source later on, that what I was sending them was pure positive energy, which is totally my thing. Pure positive energy, which is light, love, laughter, health, hope, harmony, happiness, like everything that encompasses. What positivity is? Pure positive energy into this black, cavernous space. And the next thing I knew it had turned this like cloudy gray. I discovered later it wasn't a hole in her space. What it was is almost like a cavern that, by pouring that positive energy into it, it kind of allowed, like this mountain with a giant cave in the middle of it, to crumble, and so the gray that, in the smoke that we were dealing with was actually like the dust from rubble or from like a building, you know, like being torn down or whatever. There's that dust and so that's what we were seeing.

Speaker 2:

And so then what I had her do was create, for some reason, a lighthouse came into my mind, and so we took a lighthouse, we made it gold from earth energy and we put that as her heart chakra and we put her little, barely shining heart chakra as the light of the lighthouse. And then I said to her because again, this is one of those things that, because of my relationship with Source, I just know what the next thing is to do and I said you need to do this. I can't do this myself. You need to send loving heart chakra energy into your heart chakra. And so that version of her that was standing there with me sent that light to her. It lit up like crazy and that's what I definitely saw green. And now her heart chakra was completely restored and that dark, cavernous, hurt filled space was no longer a part of her.

Speaker 1:

So that's what my healings not are always like, because not everybody has that mess, that need, but that's kind of the type of work quote unquote that I do in those healing sessions and that was very I mean, you've done a couple of healings with me and the most recent one that we did, like my heart chakra had like a cage around it and that was just reminding me of that. And I obviously have talked about how I am learning to allow visualization and that I do visualize more than I believe or have believed. And when we were doing that and I imagined or visualized, you know, my younger self handing me a key and me taking it and unlocking and opening the cage around my heart. Yeah, and it was beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God, oh, it really was, because I've had my heart has been closed off for a really long time. So, yeah, it was really beautiful and then, even at I remember in the beginning, when you were, when we were starting and you were connecting with the sun and the moon I imagined being on a swing on the moon and just like hanging out and swinging. And it was, it was, it was really magical, so anyway, it really is.

Speaker 2:

And like I was talking to somebody the other day and they're like talking about work and I was like I can't. I hate saying what I that it's work because like, yeah, okay, there's a financial exchange involved, but like it's amazing to be able to help somebody unlock their freaking heart. You know what I mean and like, and, and there's so much of me. Well, I'm not doing this and it's like I keep being told by source and all of the energies yes, you are, yes are Cause we couldn't work through you if it weren't for you. Yeah, and so like, but it doesn't feel it's such a blessing to be able to to, to do this to. It's freaky as all hell sometimes, but it's also the most beautiful, absolutely amazing thing in the entire universe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Beautiful, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. That's kind of an idea. Remembering that souls can be in multiple places is kind of important, but one of the things that what I was going to say is that was super important for my healing and I almost feel like I have a little bit of a leg up on so many people because I am a conduit. I was able to connect with my inner child, my five-year-old self, and not just in a like imagination way, like I literally was able to communicate with that part of my soul. And then I was able to communicate with the 10-year-old part of my soul and the 18-year-old part of my soul and the 18 year old part of my soul. And so when I talk to you I've talked to you about this, how I'm taking my 18 year old on a date.

Speaker 2:

I'm literally taking a soul with me on my date, but it's like a part of me. So that's what I mean about the different parts of your soul. The other part of that is that you are your soul in this life, but you are also your soul when you're not in physical and you are also your soul in the next life or in past lives or things like that, and so that's where my gift of being in the Akashic Records comes into play. We talked about this last time, that everyone actually can have access to their Akashic records, but at different levels. Let's say, some people will. Just, you will always only get the information you need from your Akashic records period.

Speaker 1:

Can you do a quick reminder on what the Akashic records are so?

Speaker 2:

if think of it, I like to think of it as a library like, where every conversation, every thought you've ever had, every person that you've encountered not even had a conversation with, but like passed on the street, everything that ever happens in your life goes in this library and it's called your Akashic Records. It's a record of all of these things, every thought, every emotion, everything records. It's a record of all of these things, every thought, every emotion, everything. And that Akashic records belongs to your soul, so it also includes the same information that I just listed for every single life. So all of us have this. Additionally, so does your city, because of all of the things that happen in your city, your town, your state, the country, the world, the universe. There's Akashic records for all of it.

Speaker 1:

So if somebody is like, hey, I want to tap into my Akashic records and find out about my future, you know, I mean people like to know about what's going to happen. I'm impatient, I want to know.

Speaker 2:

Here's the thing about your future Everything is energy, and energy is always in motion. So when someone tells you that they're going to predict your future, be careful, because what they're going to predict is what your future is. If energy stays exactly where it is right now which isn't going to happen because people make different choices.

Speaker 2:

Because you make different choices, you change your mind, and so guess what? That's the beauty of life. That's why the idea that there is one path for you is not right. Because you get to change your mind, you are in control of that, you are the creator of your reality, and so you get to decide. And everyone has free will 100%. But it's more than that. It's more than just free will, because you get to choose your mood. You get to decide to say I'm feeling like crap today. Ask yourself a question why am I feeling like crap today? What am I thinking about that's making me feel like crap today? Ask yourself a question why am I feeling like crap today? What am I thinking about that's making me feel like crap? Ooh, I'm going to avoid those thoughts because they make me feel like crap. I'm going to think about this because it makes me feel great. All of a sudden, I feel great, yeah, and that is so much easier.

Speaker 2:

We're always a choice, absolutely Every single moment you get to choose what you think about. Oh, it's hard to change my thoughts. I can't stop thinking about this yes you can, yes you can. We do it all the time. I do it all the time in my podcast. It's like I tell people to start out like focus on your lungs. What does that feel like? Really be there. Feel your lungs expanding and contracting Now. Feel the breath going in your nostrils. Put your focus on your nostrils. Feel it coming in. Feel the air coming in your mouth, like in your nose. Feel the fact that it's different temperatures Guess what?

Speaker 1:

We just shifted your thoughts.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't hard, it wasn't challenging, it wasn't threatening. It's that easy. We make it harder than it is because we continue to focus and because of the universal law, the law of attraction what you focus on will automatically grow. The law of attraction is not biased. If you're thinking about things that make you feel bad, that is going to grow.

Speaker 2:

We've all been in that place where it feels like nothing is going right today, and that's because we're focusing on the fact that nothing is going right today and the universal law says cool, here's another thing that's not going to go right. Here's another thing that's not going to go right. So it's our responsibility to be aware of that and realize it and say hold up, I'm going to stop thinking about this and I'm going to go put a song on that makes me feel happy, that maybe it makes me angry, and I can jump out this emotion that I'm feeling, and now I'm laughing and I'm in a completely different state of mind and I'm going to focus on this other thing that makes me feel good. And then law of attraction says cool, here's something else that makes you feel good. Here's another thing that's going to make your day amazing. Here's another thing that's going to make your day amazing. You have control of that, and it's not as hard as you've led yourself to believe. It is to change.

Speaker 1:

That is beautiful and so true and such a great reminder for everybody.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so like. So where were?

Speaker 1:

we Um.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to like I don't want to like make that flippant because that is so important. It is literally the key to your life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I completely agree.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I don't want to be like anyway, where were we? Because let's take a moment to be like. There is gravity there. That is really important. Um, yeah, how about?

Speaker 1:

another question.

Speaker 2:

So oh, I was saying about the other souls and like the parts of your soul. So one of the things that I always say, if someone's interested in connecting to source or to their inner being, to understanding who you truly are, that is connecting to your inner being. I always say that just taking three deep breaths is connecting to your inner being. I always say that just taking three deep breaths connects you to your inner being. I mean, if you all take three deep breaths right now, you'll notice that when you're done there's a weird sense of peace and of calm. And that's because you have connected to your inner being. And your inner being only knows love and peace and kindness. Things like fear and frustration, and peace and kindness, things like fear and frustration and worry and anger. Your inner being has never felt any of those things. Those are human emotions, those are physical emotions. Your inner being only knows love and light, only knows that pure, positivity we talked about Go ahead.

Speaker 1:

So your inner being is also your higher self. If you're going to look at different words, Okay, yeah, they're just just for words of the same thing just like God and source and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your inner being, your higher self, your inner goddess sometimes it's called or God, I guess what else have? Have you heard it called anything else? I can't think of anything else, but anyway, it's that it's, it's the going to say, it's the inner voice that you listen to when you have those gut feelings, not the inner voice that tells you what a shit show you are. That's your ego, we've talked about that but the inner voice that tells you that everything's okay, or that tells you, hey, when all of a sudden you wake up and you realize that you slept through your alarm, that's your inner being waking you up. Your inner being is that voice.

Speaker 2:

Your intuition is another name for your inner being, and the thing about your inner being is that is your soul and that is the part of your soul that is completely connected to source energy, to God. So when people talk about how they are God, you are God Because that is your inner being, because that is who you are at your core. You are an extension of source energy, because your energy, everything is energy. There's just a source for it.

Speaker 1:

So you are energy, 99.99999% energy. Yes, and is energy. There's just a source for it. So you are energy, 99.99999% energy.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then some, and so literally you have source God, the universe, within you, because that is your inner being and that's where that peace and calm comes from, so that if someone wants to connect to their inner being or to source energy or to God, that's where I say you start. For me, it starts with breath work, or not even breath work, it just starts with taking three deep breaths of you and saying good morning to that part of you.

Speaker 2:

You can say good morning to Source. You can just say good morning Julia. Don't say Julia, but say your name, you know. And asking yourself what you want to do today, what will bring you joy today, and starting your day that way and really listening, telling yourself you're listening, really listening to that. So that's where I would begin and that's where I have begun, and for me, that's led me to where I am. That is not what I wanted to say and I've lost my train of thought, but just like for practical, like putting that into practice and really connecting to who you truly are, that's what I would do. That's the best way to go about doing that. So that is a definition for you of your energy and your and a little bit of a definition of source energy, because everything is energy.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so when you that's what I was going to go about when we die, it's not as traumatic for us as we as humans, empathetic beings, realize, right, because we look at death of another person, not even somebody that you love, like cause that gets into grief and things like that. And I'm not, I don't, I'm not intending to talk about that. We can if you want to, but, like we are empathetic for their pain, for their suffering, for all of those things. But we don't know that person's experience and their experience is not what we imagine. What I'm imagining that pain to be is very different from what you're imagining that pain to be, because we are different people and so that means that it's very different from what that person, that human, physical body, was experiencing. That soul has now gone back to source their pure energy, right? So one of the things when it came to past lives and healing. So I had to do a lot of healing, as we talked a little bit about with my father, right, and he has, I'm okay to say, has a lot of baggage from this life and from past lives that he's needed to heal. We have a lot of baggage from our past lives that we have needed to heal, and so that stumped me because source energy. Our inner beings, who we truly are, don't know bitterness and betrayal and revenge, and those things Source energy. The souls that are out there don't know that. So how do we carry betrayal with a person from lifetime to lifetime? My dad I know this now have had many lives together and in the majority of them. I won't say we hated each other, but we have not had great relationships. He felt I betrayed him. I felt he betrayed me. He felt I always had the upper hand and I was always sneaky. I felt he was always against me, and when I look at the stories I can see how everything was his fault, and so for a long time I felt like he has carried this with him through all these lives. But I'm getting off topic a little bit. I do just want to say that I do now know that I was partially responsible and so I've taken ownership of that and again we have.

Speaker 2:

We had an amazing I think I may have told you about this. It was freaking amazing where I was doing a healing session. I got on a phone with a friend of mine who's a shaman and I was like I need you to witness this because I need your help with it. But I'm doing a healing session. I got on a phone with a friend of mine who's a shaman and I was like I need you to witness this because I need your help with it. But I'm doing a healing on myself, what I visualized and what she actually saw in her visualization of us doing this together was five different versions of me, of my soul, from these five different lives and his five different versions.

Speaker 2:

These five different lives and five, his five different versions. And there was this giant like black lava rock you know those like they're really porous and like scratchy yeah, huge. And I knew that we all had to put our hands on it in order for us to release it, because that represented that big, black, molten, heavy as hell rock, represented all of the betrayal and the everything that we had carried with us through from lifetime to lifetime where we had this honestly awful relationship. And so we all put our hands on it and I don't remember, actually, if we sent love to it or if what, but by the time we all put our hands on it, it literally disintegrated and it was gone. And I was so surprised because it was like that was too easy. You know what I mean, for how much strife we carried through, frigging lifetimes, and you're like what it's just gone.

Speaker 1:

We carried through frigging lifetimes and you're like what?

Speaker 2:

It's just gone, and I'm not kidding, it was gone and I said it like disappeared. And once I finished the healing and we did some other stuff, my friend told me that when I was talking about that, she said, as soon as we put our hands on the thing, what she visualized was this cave that we were in was like smattered with this black residue, and she looked at it and she could tell that it was all this stuff. And then, like I said something I can't remember what I said, but it's not important and and as soon as I did, it turned into gold dust and was gone and she was like it's done, and she she knew as well as I did that it was done, it was insane. So she had a completely different visual, but like it was the same thing Powerful, it was amazing, and so so that's what I mean by different versions of our souls.

Speaker 2:

But I want to go back to how does, if we are source, if we are back into energy, pure energy, we are pure positivity. So how do we carry some of that with us? And I realized it's almost like the best way to describe it is it's part of our souls, right? This is part of who we are as a soul, the things that we've learned in our lives, the things and people we've loved, and we carry that with us. I've had to release attachments that were pure love, not the vitriol that my dad and I carried. I released some stuff with my brother that was strictly about protecting him, but I had to release it. Those are all positive things, but I have had to release my attachments to those people. I still love them tremendously, but I was holding on too tight from lifetime to lifetime, and so neither of us were able to be free from that attachment, and so I was able to release those things, but it's almost like a bruise, just a little bruise that is on the soul in energy form. My dad doesn't hate me or feel any, didn't, because he doesn't. He won't when he goes into physical again now either. But but carry, it's almost just like a little bruise, but in reality, like this, the soul doesn't feel any of those things, but when they come back into physical, they do affect who you are.

Speaker 2:

Everybody knows when a baby is born, they are full of personality. That's because they're carrying characteristics with them, one of the things that my mom told me. I don't even know how old I was. I started walking at nine months old. I didn't crawl or anything. I started walking, and so I must have been around that age, and my mom needed to take a shower and she put me on a blanket. I was nine, I didn't understand English, I didn't you know, I wasn't speaking, I was not nine, I was nine months old. And she put me on a blanket on a baby blanket and said I have to take a shower, stay there.

Speaker 1:

And I freaking, did Like at nine months old a child who walks, and you had already been walking, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And you had already been walking. Yeah, stays because she was told to. But I know now that that's because I have carried with me, from lifetime after lifetime, a very challenging lesson that I learned from a previous life. I think it was my first life and someone was relying on me literally for their life and I had to tie a knot to keep them tethered to our safety. And the knot slipped and my lesson that I carried with me for the rest of that lifetime was that if you don't do something right, someone will die. And I've carried that with me and reinforced it from lifetime to lifetime and lifetime. And you know me, I do. Everything has to be right. I have to do things right. As a child I had to color in the lines or it was the end of the world. I won't do something unless I know I can do it right, and I'm so grateful to say that I've released that. It's still a part of my personality, but the direness of making sure something is done right is not there anymore. It's incredible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's why we come into life with those personalities and with those traits. There was no reason for me to stay on that blanket as a nine-month-old baby who could walk, you know? Yeah, I'm going to explain some of that stuff.

Speaker 1:

So that was a lot. That's okay. Well, you had told me that you walked at nine months old, but I don't think I hadn't heard the blanket story. Well, I had heard that you were on the blanket, but how it all was intertwined with the past life, yeah yeah, that was one of the first like I actually. I mean, I knew about. I knew about the attachment of doing things the right way. Yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that was actually one of the times and that is a massive part of healing right and that's what I can actually help other people do is connect to those past lives, when necessary to release different things. And but it starts with me. Remember, when I had that fit about being in the Kaushik Records for me, I was like, what are you talking about? For me? I'm supposed to do this to help other people, but really the first thing I had to do was let go of this idea of being right and that was the first time and I literally sat across from that version of me and we released that together and we've released more since then.

Speaker 2:

But it's amazing and that's where I have to say I feel like I have a little bit of a leg up because I'm able to talk to those versions of myself in a way that not everybody can. So I'm able to heal and release things and I'm not going to tell you it's easy. I cry a lot when I'm doing those things, you know, but I will say that actually I'm not going to say that it's simple. The thing about easy you know me and vocabulary the actual definition of easy isn't about something being simple, it's about being able to do something with ease and in a state of ease which is calm.

Speaker 1:

Calm and peaceful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. So if something's easy, it doesn't mean that it's going to happen like that, that it's going to be simple. It just means that you can approach it with calm and peace.

Speaker 1:

I would say the growth journeys are not necessarily easy, but we can do it with ease. We can absolutely do it with ease. I was literally just saying that to myself the other day.

Speaker 2:

And also it's freaking worth it. I mean totally worth it.

Speaker 1:

Every time.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, totally worth it Every time, every time. And something that you and I have talked about recently is when you're in those growth journeys, even when you're not in those growth journeys, but when you're going through stuff and you're just like I don't understand, Guess what You're not supposed to, and that's been a really challenging thing for me who is a Virgo and wants to be in control of everything I don't have to understand, and it's like, wait, what of course I have to understand?

Speaker 2:

it's like, no, you don't, you really really don't. And so when you can let go of controlling whether not, you understand something.

Speaker 1:

Massive growth there, for sure, well, and I think a lot of times we'll, we'll understand, once we, once we get through it and's like, oh, that makes so much sense now.

Speaker 2:

But not every time, and you kind of got to be okay with not necessarily understanding, because, again, energy shift. So maybe you did this thing for somebody else and you're like I don't know why I'm doing this, but here you go and then they choose a different course and they didn't need it in the first place. So you never get that like resolution or oh, that's why. So you may not, but as long as you know that you're following your intuition, listening to your inner being and doing the things that make you feel good, that you're living your best felt life weird to say it that way then you know you're on the right path.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, you and I were recently talking, cause I've had some, you know, things going on in my mind and you know I'm like I, I know that when it's my intuition, it's calm and it's peaceful and it's loving. And then I have, you know, trying to figure out is it my ego? Is it, you know? Am I actually hearing and really hearing and understanding what I'm being guided and led to by my intuition?

Speaker 2:

or my higher self. I think sometimes we have to kind of get out of our head a little bit, even thinking too much about that, yeah, like, is this my ego? Is this my intuition? Go back to basics. Where are my thoughts? What am I thinking about? And if I'm thinking about this thing, how does it make me feel Cool? How can I change my thoughts?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was looking at something the other yesterday, actually last night, and I was like does this feel light or does it feel heavy? Which side of it you know, if I made this choice, does this feel heavy or does it feel light If I do this? And it was interesting how one thing that I was thinking about should feel heavy, but it actually feels light Right, and then we get into shoulds, I know, and so that's.

Speaker 2:

the thing is that and I talked about this recently in the podcast, and it's so important when we're talking about doing what feels good, where are my thoughts? Where are my emotions? How does this make me feel? Does it feel light? Does it feel heavy? Those things are really important, but you, for some reason, you have a belief system that this choice should make you feel some way. For example, when I quit my job, any financial advisor would have told me I was batshit crazy for quitting my job. I knew it was the right thing to do. It felt so good, but should I have done it? No, based on the belief system that I have to have a job because since the time where kindergartners were told to go to school for 12 years, then we go to school for four more years and then we get a job and we work till we retire at 75. What the hell is that?

Speaker 1:

And we're told that, and it's reinforced, and it's reinforced and it's reinforced Exactly, and it's just reinforced.

Speaker 2:

And it's this narrative where you have to stop yourself and say, especially if you're miserable, if you're unhappy, and you say, why am I unhappy? Everything keeps going wrong for me. Okay, well, what are you thinking about? Are you trying to get through this thing? The same way? You always try to get through it because obviously that's not working. That's why you feel stuck. There's no such thing as stuck. Energy is constantly in motion. We feel stuck because we're trying to, let's say, solve a problem I hate using the word problem, but like get through an experience in this way and it's uncomfortable. And it's uncomfortable because we've pinched ourselves off from the wellbeing. That is all that there is. And so when we take a step back and say, okay, what is it? I think I actually this was literally on the podcast this week.

Speaker 2:

I think it's an Einstein quote that the definition of insanity is like doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If you're continually trying to do something, even if it's just go to work every day, and you're continually miserable, something has to change. And so step back, ask yourself if there's a different approach. Do something unfamiliar, and the familiarity of misery will go away and the familiarity of misery will go away, right? So try something unfamiliar, try a different way of looking at it, try a different thought about it, find something pleasant in it, focus on that, and that again, law of attraction will expand and expand and expand. And now, all of a sudden, you feel like you're moving forward, because when you are feeling stuck, you're not stuck because there's no such thing, but because your thoughts are not changing. The thing is just recreating itself every time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I would say, those feelings of light and heavy, those feelings of joy or despair, like, pay attention, that that's the biggest thing is awareness and being aware. When you are in it and you're feeling like crap and like, like you told me just moments ago, you've been feeling lately, dealing with some of this stuff and it just none of it feels good and you don't know what to do next, pull yourself back and look at the basics. I'm feeling this way. Where are my thoughts? How can I change my thoughts? I might not be able to change the situation I'm in. How can I change my thoughts? How can I approach this just a little bit differently so that it makes this much of a difference?

Speaker 1:

because, remember, when it takes a lot of intentionality with that for sure, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

But again, if you go back to the simple parts of what am I thinking about, change what you're thinking about, You're going to have to come back to that thing, especially if it's work. You're going to have to go back to work. But if you change what you're thinking and you feel better and you've opened yourself up to all of the wellbeing that there is, and then you approach it, you're in a different state of mind and you're going to be able to approach it differently. But if you go into it knowing it's going to be a slog, that it's going to be the same as it every time and it's negative, negative.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I know that when I'm in that space, I, you know I go in intentionally with looking for the best feeling, thought, absolutely, and you know, then when things shift, then I just redirect, just keep redirecting and pulling myself back.

Speaker 2:

Right, and that sounds like ridiculous and like, and that's where it's like, okay, but see, then there's something else to look at. Yeah, it's not just like if you were in a situation where every moment, you have to redirect your thoughts. What's going on with that situation? Yeah, pull back. So we're so in it, we're so that, like, we're only focused on the, the minutiae. Pull back, look bigger, look bigger, look bigger, look bigger. And remember, when you're facing some of those things that we've been trained and trained and trained and trained to do, first of all, give yourself a huge, huge chunk of grace, because you can't help that.

Speaker 2:

This is a belief that you have been taught for how many years? Even if you're looking, you can talk about religion, you can talk about patriarchy. You can talk about, like any, or work, or the fact that consumerism, like whatever it is, you want to talk about. These are things that have been instilled to you. At any moment you're allowed to ask yourself. First, is this belief, is this thought is where I'm focusing bringing me joy? And if the answer is no, log that. Note that Interesting.

Speaker 2:

Second question is this belief, this thought, what I'm focusing on, still true for me today? Is it true? It is true for my mom. She lives her life that way. I'm just making something up. She lives her life. In a way, she passed on her belief to me because that's what moms do and it has worked for me for a while. It's still true for her and that's amazing, and it brings her joy. Doesn't bring me joy. I'm not sure it's true for me anymore. I don't think I believe that, but I should because that's how I was trained. That doesn't matter. Is it true for me today? And if the answer is no, then you have your answer. This has worked for me for all of these years. Is it working for me today? No, does it bring me joy? No. Hmm, now you have a solution instead of being in the day-to-day of I need to change my thoughts. I need to change my thoughts and I'm not saying you.

Speaker 1:

I mean I was in the same People in general. Yeah, that was my situation. There's a lot of people that are unhappy in their places of employment.

Speaker 2:

I mean yes, and I'm not telling everybody to go quit their jobs. I'm telling everybody to ask themselves two questions Do my beliefs, thoughts where my focus is, bring me joy, and are those things my belief, my thought where I'm focusing still true?

Speaker 1:

for me today. Do I really believe that, or is what I've been told to believe? Well, and you can relate that to almost every area of your life. You know, it's not just with jobs, it's with relationships with people like everything, influenced even you know I'm scrolling social media and things are making me feel like shit. And why do I keep doing that? You know like, stop it's. It's how we're. You know why do I keep doing that?

Speaker 2:

You know, like stop it's. It's how we're. You know, definitely stop for more reasons than one, but the thing is is that we are so influenced. Make sure. Do you want to be led? Do you want to live your life based on the influences of the world around you, whether it's social media, society, the media, movies, what your mom said, what your religion says, what your work says, or do you want to live a soul led life Right? And that means that you're connecting to yourself and asking yourself what brings you joy and what is true for you. And there is no wrong answer and there's no judgment, for have been following what the world has told me to do all of these years.

Speaker 2:

We all follow what the world tells us to do. Name one movie I say this all of the time Name one rom-com. When a girl gets broken up and she doesn't eat a pint of ice cream or chocolate or whatever. And so what do we do when we're sad? We go buy chocolate or ice cream every freaking time. We are very easily influenced, and we are influenced by people who love us too and who want the best thing for us. Don't quit your job, don't divorce that man, you need that money, you need the this, you need the that. And they tell you that because they love you and they care about you, and they can't imagine what your life will be like without those things that they rely on for their lives, the beliefs that they find for their lives. What is right for you I love you, shannon what is right for you is not right for me. That doesn't make it wrong Exactly. It just means it's not for me, and that is a beautiful thing. It really is.

Speaker 1:

Because we're all unique and we have different needs and wants and desires, and what's going to bring me joy and make me happy is not the same thing that's going to bring you joy and make you happy.

Speaker 2:

No, and the thing that I and it's beautiful, oh, it's so beautiful. And here's the other thing too. This was you know, when I tell you this, this is, this was a big one for me to swallow. But it not only was I able to swallow it, I actually really enjoyed it. You're like what are you talking about? So I used to be surprised and delighted about what you're about to say. I used to be super politically motivated.

Speaker 2:

You know that I used to consider myself a little bit of an activist and there are things that I believe to my toes about people's freedoms, about all kinds of rights and all of those things. So much for showing me this is that the people that I love, who feel differently about things that I cannot even understand how anyone could possibly think differently about someone's freedom, let's say they don't wish anybody harm. They want love and peace in this world, just like I do. I don't see how their opinion will bring that to anyone, but they do. They don't see how my opinion will bring that peace and love and freedom to anyone. But here's the thing that contrast, that difference, helps me redefine again my belief.

Speaker 2:

Helps me understand my belief more fully because I've listened to them talk about their beliefs in like awe of how wrong it is to me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so it redefines, reestablishes, reaffirms what I want for my life and that's what's going to magnify in the universe and bring me what I want for my life. And that's what's going to magnify in the universe and bring me what I want for my life. But that doesn't make them a bad person, that doesn't make them wrong.

Speaker 1:

It makes what's right for them right now, well, and that contrast, bringing that clarity for you, is just.

Speaker 2:

And it does every time. That's why there is contrast. That's the reason there is contrast in the world is because it helps you clarify what you find right. Yeah, that's why I believe you're. This is a crazy one for people out there. I don't believe it in any. There's no such thing as wrong, because what's right for me isn't right for you. But that doesn't make me wrong. Right Just makes me, not you.

Speaker 1:

And how boring and unfulfilling would it be if we all create, and I believe very strongly.

Speaker 2:

That's what we're here to do, because every thought we have that like reaffirms these desires. We put that out there and we're like, yes, this is what I want, and the universe says, okay, cool, and we strive towards it. How do we get what we want? How do we achieve the things we want? We start having good thoughts about those things, and so that means that we're feeling good, and the better we feel, the closer we come to the things that we want. And all of a sudden, we want something else, and that's how we expand the universe.

Speaker 2:

It's because we're constantly growing, but it all comes from a space of what's next? Oh my gosh, this feels so good. What's next? Oh my gosh, this feels so good, and it's it's. It's literally about getting on that trajectory. Of that. There is nothing against me, it's only wellbeing. And when I feel like there's not well-being in my path, it's because I'm resisting something, because I have shut myself down from the well-being that is available to me, and so that's where I get to say huh, where does this come from? What am I thinking about?

Speaker 1:

Get curious and ask those questions.

Speaker 2:

With no judgment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely without judgment.

Speaker 2:

And that's the thing is that we wouldn't know we were experiencing wellbeing if we didn't have resistance every now and then. Yeah, it's all designed to help us continue to grow and move towards our best life. We are responsible for that, we are in control. We create our reality.

Speaker 1:

Beautifully said.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I feel like I've gone so far off topic. That's okay. I don't even know how we got there, but we might be doing a part three. Can I say one more thing?

Speaker 2:

And I think this is really important, especially since I brought up politics, and I think that there is a lot of dissension in this country, in this world. There is a lot of destruction going on in the world and people are like I'm not gonna lie, people tell me all the time how can you say so positive like this world is a shit show, like you know, and and here's how I when you look, when you think about those things, it's so easy to say I hate this politician, or I hate that this is happening on the other side of the world, and like I hate this government official who made those policies or who sent those bombs, or whatever those things are. I want to challenge every single one of you who's listening, instead of sending hate to what the things that you don't like or that you don't agree with or you don't approve of, send them love. Now, that doesn't mean you're going to love them and their policies. Trust me, there are politicians who I all but love. Oh, my God, no.

Speaker 2:

And yet I want them to have some loving energy, some empathy, so that maybe they can apply that. If I send them that energy, maybe they'll breathe a little bit of that in and they'll think about that before they open their mouths the next time they speak. Maybe they'll think about that before they push that red button. Maybe they'll be surrounded by empathy. The vitriol that they quote unquote are creating with that dissension and the destruction that's happening. There's already enough hate. Let's send love to those people so that they can absorb some of that, and that's really the only thing that's going to counterbalance the destruction of the dissension. Send them love.

Speaker 2:

I don't love who you are or what you're doing, but you need this more than I do absolutely, and that goes that compassion yeah, let me.

Speaker 1:

Well, and that goes to compassion everyone, not just politicians, I mean totally yeah, and and I but.

Speaker 2:

But I think that we so easily go to hating what's going on and sending that kind of, and we add fuel to the fire and we go with each other on into this negative mess Like, oh my God, this is terrible. I'm going to say this, I'm going to put my opinion, dissension out there into the universe. Instead, turn it off and know that you've got the information that you need and you're going to send them compassion, send them love, send them a modicum of hope and empathy for other people, not just themselves, not just whatever's going to make them an extra buck, but for what's best for the people, for the country, for the world. And by doing that we will absolutely conquer that destruction, the dissension, the hate.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful, thank you.

Speaker 2:

For what it's worth. That was a message from the moon. She gave me that a while ago.

Speaker 1:

But it's important. Yeah, it is important. Well, thank you for sharing that message for all of us or with all of us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, do you have any other questions?

Speaker 1:

I don't think so. I'm sure I will, and I will ask you to come back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and if anybody has questions and they send them to you, I'm happy to answer. I go on a show monthly where, like, there's always questions what would you do in this situation and how do you here's a challenge shed positivity on this scenario? I can usually do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, people can. You can always put there's a text, the show section, in the show description. I can usually do it post questions in there too. Joy loves to come and hang out there too.

Speaker 2:

I do. I was going to say I'm in there, so if you just tag me in there, I'll answer your question directly. Yeah, so, so yeah. So I described a little bit about what I do in the healings, and so if anybody's interested in that, you have my link for that too. So, yes, and absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

They're amazing, and so a healing session with you I have experienced as generally about 60 minutes. Is that correct? Yeah, usually. And it's different for everybody.

Speaker 2:

It's different for everybody Every time. You know, sometimes, like I think one of the first times we went in, we were like we're going to talk about this and connect to a past life, and then that didn't happen at all, but it was still an amazing experience for you. It's what you needed in the moment and so, with my gifts, going into these relaxed states, I'm able to really connect with your inner being and and and get a clear understanding of what you need. Sometimes I see it, sometimes I feel it, and sometimes it's just physical, sometimes it's all the things that we've talked about. Sometimes I've had people get visitors, so to speak, from different people that they've known in their life, people that they currently know in their life, giving them messages or hope or encouragement, or hope or encouragement.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't always happen. I can't promise that it'll happen. I never know. I don't think anyone could ever know whether you need more earth energy or moon or sun energy. Sometimes I clean and cleanse chakras, sometimes I replace or replenish chakras. I again use my own energy. But also, as I mentioned, I had two souls visit me, help that one person tear down that cave, like it was me, and two other people sending that energy into that space, and sometimes it's the moon and the sun, and who knows? It's always source and it's always you.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. Thank you so much. I will put all the links on how people can connect with you into the show description. And thank you. It's always wonderful to have you here with us.

Speaker 2:

It's fun.

Speaker 1:

Yes, thank you all so much. I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day. Much love, bye.

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