Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your body and your true authentic self. Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul- from the inside out.
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Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
Unlocking the Power of Your Subconscious with Neuro Identity Evolution
What if the key to transforming your life lies in understanding the intricate dance between your conscious and subconscious mind? Join me as I share a week-long journey in Delray Beach, Florida, where I immersed myself in the transformative teachings of the School of Becoming with the inspiring Tracy Litt. This episode unveils the concept of neuro identity evolution, a groundbreaking method that harnesses the power of neuroscience to foster lasting change and reshape deep-seated beliefs. As Tracy says, "change happens at the speed of safety." Together, we’ll explore the crucial distinction between fear and danger, and the profound impact of nervous system regulation on embracing new opportunities. Through candid reflections, I recount how this experience helped to continue to dismantle my belief that my voice didn’t matter, leading to a newfound sense of confidence and freedom.
As this unforgettable week unfolded, I was not only transformed but inspired to share this journey with you. Meaningful connections with fellow participants and a symbolic dance of personal evolution marked the culmination of this empowering experience. I'm eager to answer your questions and hear your thoughts, even though our communication is one-way through the provided link. Rest assured, I’ll be addressing your inquiries in upcoming episodes. Your support and engagement mean the world to me, and I hope you walk away feeling as inspired as I do. Here’s to a week filled with possibilities and a beautiful day ahead!
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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.
Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. Thank you so much for hanging out with me today. Oh my gosh, I just returned from six days in Delray Beach, florida. I'm currently enrolled in a certification course through the School of Becoming with the most amazing Tracy Litt, and we just had a week-long training immersion that I barely have words to describe the most transformational, magical experience that I was just a part of. There were 24 of us in this class and it was magical. It was absolutely magical.
Shannon:You're probably wondering what is neuro identity evolution magical? You're probably wondering like, what is neuro identity evolution? Well, this methodology was developed by Litt and and what we're doing is learning the neuroscience behind creating lasting change in your life and reprogramming beliefs and making it safe in your nervous system. So 95% of our thoughts come from our subconscious and only 5% are conscious thoughts, and so we are literally living our lives mostly through our subconscious and those thoughts that are in your subconscious. Some of them you don't even know. We're doing things on a daily basis that we don't even realize, because some of our thoughts are so deeply rooted into our subconscious that we're completely unaware. So, if you think about it, I mean, how often do you hear people say a belief is just a thought that you keep thinking Well as you, that you keep thinking Well as you, continue to keep thinking those same thoughts over and, over and over again. They become beliefs and then those beliefs drop into your subconscious and then you are literally living your life unconsciously. Oh, my goodness, we are literally walking through our lives. Oh my goodness, we are literally walking through our lives subconsciously. It's really truly fascinating and I'm so excited to be certified in this methodology and there's going to be so much more to come about this. I'm learning about adaptive behaviors and emotional addictions and we are working with the body and the nervous system to create safety. Because you know, if you think about it, let's think about this for a minute. When you go to do something, let's say you're I don't know wanting to pursue something that feels really uncomfortable because it's unfamiliar, right. So you go to do something and then something stops you Fear. I think I've talked a little. I think I actually talked a little bit about this recently I don't remember when it was. But one thing that I learned from Tracy is there's a huge difference between fear and danger, and we often mistake fear for danger because it freaks our body out, it freaks out our nervous system, and so then we stop and we don't take the new job, we don't move, we don't get into the relationship, we stop ourselves Like what are you stopping yourself from doing? What are you risking? What are you losing? What are all of these things that are not happening in your life? Because you freak out and you freeze and you don't move forward because it doesn't feel safe. So what we are learning is how to make it safe in your body, the neuroscience behind all of it, how to regulate your nervous system, and it's incredible. So let me give you an example.
Shannon:A belief that I had was that my voice didn't matter. And now here I am with a podcast, and I have to say that this has been a belief that I've been working through for a really long time, and I honestly didn't even realize that it was a belief that I had. Growing up, I didn't speak up a lot and actually I mean over the last several years I've been like I knew that speaking up felt uncomfortable for me. I always felt like what I said didn't matter. I was going to sound dumb, it wasn't going to come out right, people were going to laugh at me, people were going to make fun of me, so I would just sit and not speak and I believed that I was shy. Speak and I believed that I was shy and I did realize at one point over the last few years that it was. It's more about when I feel comfortable around people. I talk a lot more, but it really does go back to I realized there were some points in my childhood that I felt like I couldn't speak up and well, that I wouldn't speak up for whatever reason. The reason doesn't matter, but the fact was that I felt like my voice didn't matter and it didn't really matter if I said anything or if I voiced my opinion, because it didn't matter to me. It felt like it didn't matter. So one, it felt like it didn't matter.
Shannon:So one of the experience well, actually this week I was very intentional about, and I often have felt intimidated that might be the right word by people that are in a more superior position than me, and so in the past I wouldn't necessarily speak up or ask questions, especially face-to-face. So I was very intentional this week while I was in this incredibly safe environment, and there was one day where I made a list of a couple of people. I wanted to ask questions, get answers to things, and I regulated my nervous system and I did it, and I had all of these conversations that previously would have felt very difficult and very uncomfortable for me. It wasn't that they were no longer uncomfortable, it was that I regulated myself and my nervous system so I didn't freak out and I actually had the conversations and I'm so thankful that I did so. That's just like one example.
Shannon:I can't even tell you the beautiful souls that were there this week. Oh my gosh, I met so many. I've been in class with these amazing women and so we've only met through zoom and I actually got to meet them in person and hug them and it was. We had so much fun, you know. You know I I did an episode when I was in Mexico or after I went to Mexico and I was. We did the silent disco. Do y'all remember that silent disco with my sister and my niece? Well, we had a party on Monday night and we were dancing and there was a point where nobody was on the dance floor but me, and previously I would have just stopped dancing and walked off of the dance floor, but I didn't. I stayed out there.
Shannon:So these are things that have previously been uncomfortable for me, and that's not the kind of person I want to be anymore, and so I am changing that, because I am a woman who dances her ass off. I'm a woman who speaks up and asks for her needs to be met, and that's one of the most amazing things about all of this is that we may be living subconsciously, but at any point we can choose to change that, because we can. When you do a deep dive into neuroplasticity, you learn that we can learn and change and grow and evolve Any time we choose to do that. That's incredible. That is incredible. That is incredible. We just have to make the choice and make it safe in our body and in our nervous system to be able to do that. I am so excited to continue learning about this and there's going to be so much more to come regarding this but we just have thoughts and feelings and emotions that are all trapped in our bodies, in our subconscious, and we have such a beautiful opportunity to change that if we choose to do it. So I am excited to continue down this path and continue sharing my personal evolution. It was so funny.
Shannon:I had taken a picture when I was leaving town on my flight. You know everybody maybe not everybody, but a lot of times, you know, we take pictures when we're on the plane and so I took a picture on Sunday when I was leaving, and then, before I left on Saturday, I had the most amazing morning. It's so important to take time for yourself, right Like I. It's so important to take time for yourself, right Like I. I talked to my body, ask myself what I need, and what I needed was time for me.
Shannon:And so I got up, had kind of a leisurely morning, because it was pouring down rain and I wanted to go hang out by the pool. It was tropical rain, but I was like I actually want to be out in the sun, and so I spent some time and I did my morning meditation and things. And then I finally decided to go out and I was like you know what? The sun is going to come out. And I went up and it was only raining for a few more minutes and then the sun came out, which was amazing. So I hung out in the pool for a little bit and then, as I was getting ready, I went back and showered and I sat out on the balcony for a few minutes and I took a picture. And then I decided I was going to go back because I knew that this was going to be a really transformational week for me. I just knew it. I actually did recordings every day for myself because I was like I know that this is going to be a magical week and shit is going down and I'm going to grow and release things and it's going to be amazing.
Shannon:And so I had taken the picture when I left on Sunday and then I did recordings each day and then, when I was sitting out on the balcony, I was like I'm going to take another picture. So I took a picture and I compared the two and I was like holy shit, my body, my face, everything looks different within five days of class. It's amazing. I'm actually. I think I'm actually going to make that the cover photo for this episode. But it was incredible to me because, like I in the first picture, I feel like I look a little bit stressed and anxious. I was kind of nervous because I didn't really know what to expect. And then you look at this other picture and I'm like calm and relaxed and like, oh my God, and I was in class all week. It's amazing, truly, truly amazing.
Shannon:There was something else I was going to say.
Shannon:Maybe it'll come back to me. I'm going to pick a card from the magic of what if card deck and maybe it'll come back to me. And if it doesn't, it means it wasn't meant to be said today. All right, here we go. What if I easily allow my intuition to guide me? Here we go. What if I easily allow my intuition to guide me? That's one of my favorite cards allowing our intuition to guide us. Do you easily allow? You know? That's, I guess that's something else Like I talk a lot about.
Shannon:You know knowing yourself and knowing your body and quieting your mind and listening to all the little pings and all the little nudges. And quieting your mind and listening to all the little pings and all the little nudges, but our intuition and our higher, the highest version of ourself that loves us and adores us and always wants what's best for us. I feel like it also has to do with feeling safe in your body and connecting with yourself and when you're living more consciously and you're more aware, I feel like when I'm more conscious and aware of what's going on around me. When I'm more conscious and aware of what's going on within me, I feel more in tune with my intuition and actually hearing and listening and feeling how I'm being guided. And by getting in tune with your body and connecting with your body, feeling safe in your body and having conversations with your body, like I did when I was doing naked yoga, like a month or two ago when you connect with yourself and know what your body needs. See, it just came back to me.
Shannon:We were on the last day of class and I knew that everybody was going to be leaving and we were breaking for lunch, and I asked myself what do I need in this moment? And what I needed was to go take a nap. I was processing a lot of thoughts, feelings and emotions this last week, and by the time Friday hit, I was feeling pretty tired, and so, instead of going and spending time with people, I decided that what I needed and what my body needed was sleep, and so I went and took a short nap and I felt so much better. I still had the opportunity to say goodbye to people that I had met, because we were resuming class and I did what was best for me, because I was listening to my body and what my body needed in that moment. What my body needed was rest, and when you are living a more conscious life and paying attention to your body, your intuition is going to, you're going to hear it and you're going to feel it, and you're going to be pulled directly towards whatever is in your highest good, because everything is always happening for your highest good, for your highest good.
Shannon:Like I said, even describing this week is, I would almost say, difficult, because I've never experienced anything like it. It was beautiful and magical and the friendships I made with some of the most beautiful souls I've ever met in my life. People were vulnerable and kind and loving and we are all here to help create a better world and teach and serve. The growth and expansion that happened this week was so beautiful to witness, not just my own but the other students in class. It was amazing. It was such a beautiful experience I will never, ever forget.
Shannon:I shed a lot of tears this week. I even screamed. I felt like I needed to scream. We had this session she called it Express Yourself and we all stood in a circle and we were asked to either physically release or verbally release something and somebody had gone ahead of me and she had gone out into the circle and she screamed and it it really hit me for some reason and I started crying and then one of the coaches looked over at me and she like motioned me. She's like you're already emoting, you're next. And I went out there and I just screamed. I had like I've been wanting to do this, to like just get this out of my body. And I just went out there and I stood there and I bent over and I screamed as loud as I could Like and I was like, oh my God, I need to do this again and I did. And oh my goodness it was. I could just like feel all of this emotion leaving my body and it's no longer trapped, and maybe that's why my picture looks so different.
Shannon:By the time Friday had. I feel like a completely different person. It's amazing and I cannot wait to share this with all of you. So, anyway, thank you so much for listening in this week. If you have anything that you would like to share, please feel free to text the show and I will happily answer your questions. Comments I would love to share any answers to questions on the next episode, so feel free to text the show, and there's a space in the show description for you to do that. You just click on the little link and send me a message. It's a one-way messaging system, though, so I will answer any questions that you have here on the show. I hope you have the most magical week ever and a beautiful, beautiful day. Much love.