Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your body and your true authentic self. Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul.
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Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
Unleashing Magic Through Intentional Transformation
What if self-discovery begins by embracing the chaos within? In this episode, I reflect on my transformative journey from perfectionism to empowerment, sparked by a certification trip that challenged old beliefs. Sharing a nostalgic video, I explore the messy yet magical process of change and how even small shifts lead to profound growth. From talk therapy to identity evolution, I discuss working with my nervous system, confronting fear, and embracing change. As I approach completing my certification, I introduce a nine-week program to help others unlock their potential and live intentionally. And once again, the Magic of What If card pull was completely aligned with this week's episode. Oh, how I love how the universe never fails to surprise and delight me!
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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.
Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. I so appreciate that you take time out of your day to spend it with me and I really truly hope that you find some value and get some little nuggets here and there from what I have to offer you. It's interesting. I've had a little bit of resistance coming up this week about what I was going to do this week's episode about, and it really kind of stems from so. Last week I talked about the amazing trip I had for my certification and this last week I've kind of spent time integrating all that I learned because it was so amazing and so beautiful and it occurred to me so while I was on that trip, tracy, my teacher, had invited me to start sharing more about what I'm doing and what I'm learning and it occurred to me it's so funny.
Speaker 1:One of the things we do is like we non-judgmentally observe our behavior and our thoughts, and one of the things that came up out of her like saying, hey, why don't you start talking about it? I realized that there was some resistance and I was like what is that all about? Isn't that interesting? And what occurred to me is that I didn't wanna start talking about it until I had finished the class. Why would I not wanna start talking about it? It's been so transformational in my life. Well, because I'm still learning and growing and I don't know all the answers, and so I wanted to make sure that I was talking about it in the right way. I mean, what's the right way? Right? And I know from all of the things that I've been doing and all of the growth I've had over the years that you know you have to begin somewhere. And even, like when I started the podcast, like you do it messy and you learn and you grow and you get better over time, like we don't immediately start walking right when we're a baby, we have to crawl first, and so it's just been interesting going. Oh, that was what was going on with me as to why I didn't want to talk about it.
Speaker 1:So here we are, I'm talking and I remembered a video that I did. I had gone on to my social media and I found the video and I'm going to actually air the audio on here. I had just gotten off of a call with my therapist, who I had been seeing for several years, and I popped in and did a live video just to kind of talk a little bit about that, but it's really interesting because I've obviously shared things in my life that had prompted change and for me to get radically honest with myself and go, oh shit, shan, you got to figure this out, like what's going on with you. And so I was thinking about this video, so I tracked it down and then this morning I had a thought come up and I was like how fucking cool is it that we get to continually level up, continually level up in our life? And I mean, I guess that kind of goes with the question of why on earth would you want to change your identity? Why would you want to change your identity If you're not broken, you're whole.
Speaker 1:Why would you want to do that? What's the reason behind identity evolution? The reason you want to do that is because our identity is how we experience the world, our life, the lens in which we view it, and when we're living in our old stories, beliefs, all the stories that we make up, the beliefs that are deeply rooted into our bodies and our subconscious. When we can learn how to shift those, we're like going to our next level. And when I look at where I'm at now compared to where I was, look at where I'm at now compared to where I was like, oh my gosh, I am literally a completely different person, which is funny, because one of the questions I asked in my class recently was why would you want to change your identity? And I'm literally living proof as to why you want to do that. All of the things like what is it costing you to keep living in the monotony, the stories, the beliefs, all of that shit that doesn't serve you. It doesn't.
Speaker 1:So, okay, here we go. I'm going to, I'm going to share this clip, then I'm going to come back and I'm going to talk about it a little bit and then we're going to draw a card from the magic of what if card deck that would never have been created had I not shifted my identity, because I never would have believed that I could do something like that, nor would you be is to serve and help change people's lives, and I wouldn't be doing that if I didn't get out of my own way and work through my shit and make it safe for me to change. I can't tell you how many times I'd get this feeling in my stomach and I would go to do like a video or something and my chest would get all red and my body would get hot and I would literally feel it in my body and I didn't know what to do to calm myself down. I didn't know that that was my nervous system freaking out and that there was actually something that I could do about it to make it feel better in my body, to be able to feel better and be brave. Sometimes I just like, felt the fear and did it anyway, but that doesn't always work and that doesn't necessarily create lasting change. So here's the clip and then I'll be back. Good morning, happy Wednesday.
Speaker 1:So I haven't done an actual live in a while. I do videos all the time, but I haven't actually done a live. So I'm totally sitting in my truck and I'm all cozy with my blanket and I just wanted to share some things. So I just got done with. I've been seeing a therapist for consistently for the last five years, um, and I just wanted to share a little bit about that. That's not something I really talk about a lot.
Speaker 1:Um, I had a situation happen in my life about five years ago and, um, we obviously all have things that happen and sometimes those things that happen feel world ending or, um, you know like they're, they change, they change your life Right, and sometimes we think that those things you know well, maybe whatever's happening to me isn't you know, it shouldn't be a big deal because it's not as bad as whatever happened to somebody else. So I shouldn't, I shouldn't let it impact me or I should blow it off. Well, at the time that all of that was happening, I definitely felt like a victim in my life and I needed to reach out and get some help. So I'm not really sure where I'm going to go with this, but I guess just know that sometimes we need help and we need to talk to people and talk through whatever's bothering us. Um, that really started my change in my life to diving into me and figuring out what I wanted in my life and that I wanted things to be different.
Speaker 1:I definitely had a very victim mentality in my mind of things that were happening to me, and now I realized that those things happened for me. I've been thinking a lot about that because I am definitely not the same person that I used to be, the girl that is here with her purple hair and her nose pierced, sitting in her truck. That is not who I was, and so I've really been enjoying the journey of figuring out who I am over the last several years and feeling grateful, feeling so grateful for the things that had happened and how I learned from those things and how they've really helped change and mold my life, and I guess I just wanted to say that it's never too late. It's never too late to change your life. If you're just living in the monotony of the everyday grind of whatever, like you can choose to change that. I don't know what has to happen to help you decide that you want to make those changes, but I felt like I had hit rock bottom and like everything was ending around me at that time. Um, and it sometimes it just takes little steps each day to create change in your life. The old me definitely would not be on here talking on a video about my life, and obviously I'm very, very grateful for my health journey and my coaching and how I'm able to pour into other people and help them change their lives. Um, but all of that helps me too and helps me on my path. Um, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I just felt like I wanted to pop in and you know, it's okay to need to talk to somebody. It's okay to want to change your life. It's okay to not be happy where you're at and want more for yourself. And know that I don't know it's possible to recreate your life and change things. You're never too old. I'll be 47 in a few weeks and you're never too old and it's never too late. Be 47 in a few weeks and you're never too old and it's never too late.
Speaker 1:You just have to decide that you want things to be different, and I decided a while ago that I wanted things to be different. I was in several failed relationships and one of the common factors in those was me and my own unhappiness, and so once I decided that it was time to I mean, it didn't just happen overnight, it was like just little things started building and I started working on, you know, choosing to be happy and making conscious choices every day with the things that I do and awareness of my behavior and how I'm showing up for me. So this is a little bit rambly, but here we are. Anyway, if I can help you at all, please feel free to reach out, because I know what it's like to feel a little bit lost and not know where you want to be. But anyway, I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful Wednesday and make sure you get that water in. Talk to you soon. Much love, mwah.
Speaker 1:So I recorded that on November 10th, 2021. So I was a couple of years into. Well, it was 2019 where I really started like making changes. But that was almost three years ago and it's interesting because I had been seeing a therapist for a long time and he was amazing and I obviously was shifting and changing. And I obviously was shifting and changing, but what I've been experiencing over the last six months, with intentionally shifting my identity, has been incredibly impactful and, honestly, all the changes that I've done and literally deciding that I want to live a different life but I don't want to be held back. I want to be happy and at peace and love my life.
Speaker 1:And it feels so silly to say that I honestly didn't realize for all those years a majority of the years of my life that I actually could decide how I wanted to live my life. It literally felt like it was just happening to me that I made a decision and then I just had to stick with it. And I made a decision and I just had to stick with it and we all make choices, but we also can choose different. We can choose to change things. We can choose to change our mind and, like I said, it feels silly that I didn't feel like it was in my control.
Speaker 1:What kind of belief is that? It's so not true. It is not true. You get to decide and create and change and shift and do the things that you want to do. This is your life, it's yours, it's nobody else's. How fucking cool is that? When I look back at the path that I've been on and how it's been evolving and changing and it's like Ooh, what's next? This is exciting. And to see where I was and where I am now and the confidence I have so much more confidence and belief and trust in myself and I do the things that I want to do and I don't do the things I don't want to do. If you are living well, that's the thing. Nobody lives a perfect life. It's not perfect. I don't think anybody's life is perfect and I don't think I would want my life to be perfect. I love the experiences that I have, even the ones that don't always feel good, because I am constantly learning and leveling up and it's like what is that next version of me going to be like how exciting it is to see, or to wait and find out, or you know to, to do the things that are going to move me to that next level, and I'm so excited to be sharing this with people. It's truly, truly life-changing.
Speaker 1:Okay, I am going to pull a card. I almost forgot and get so excited about this, but it's funny because I had resistance, like why do I not want to talk about this? Because I felt like I needed to have all the answers and you know what I don't. It's all going to come in time and the more I learn, the easier it'll be to talk about. I know how it's impacting my life and it's just learning how to put that into words and be able to actually share it. Okay, today's card from the magic of what if? Card deck. Today's card from the Magic of what If? Card deck what if? I'm deeply comfortable sharing and shining my light? I can tell you one thing is for certain I did not used to be comfortable sharing and shining my light, and it's taken time and it's taken practice and that really kind of goes along with everything that I'm talking about today. To become deeply comfortable sharing and shining my light.
Speaker 1:I needed to get real with myself and learn and evolve and literally change my identity. At the time I didn't know that that was what I was doing, but it literally is and I had. So I was introduced to Tracy Litt through another program that I was taking, and when she came she was a guest speaker on a call and she talked about how identity evolution is integrating, not being separate, within your identity, being who you fully are at all times, whether you're at home or you're at work, or you're with your friends or with your family or whoever you're with. That you are the same person. And I was like, holy shit, how cool would that be, how cool would that be to not to like be different all the time, like I could actually just be me. Now that I'm actually figuring out who the fuck that is, because I didn't know, because I just adapted to everyone around me and pleased everybody, and that just built like frustration and resentment and kept me quiet. Not anymore, anyway. So I was just completely drawn to her and her energy, and so then I ended up taking a nine-week course that she had offered, which is now the course that I and actually when I signed up for that course.
Speaker 1:I immediately signed up for the certification because I knew, even without taking that course, that I wanted to get certified in this work. That is how impactful I knew it was going to be. Like I just knew, I just knew. And I went through the nine weeks and I was like, oh, there's some shit coming up for me that I didn't expect. I mean, I've been coaching for years now and so I was like, oh, okay, this will be good. You know, I'm going to get to learn all of this and then I'll be able to actually teach this course later on, after I get my certification. And then, as we got deeper and deeper and deeper, I was like, oh, I get it now, like I'm starting to actually get it.
Speaker 1:And even after the course ended and I'm still evolving, obviously, clearly but even after the course ended, I was like things just kept coming up and I was working through them and processing them through my body and and really starting to understand how incredibly important this work is and I'm so thankful that I'm on this path because it is absolutely life-changing. Very soon I will be offering my own nine-week program teaching this methodology and I can't wait. I can't wait. My certification will be done in the next couple of months and exciting things are coming down the pipe as I continue to become comfortable sharing and shining my light.
Speaker 1:We all have a light inside of us and when we allow it to stay dim, we allow it to stay dim, completely burned out. Think of all the lives that you can impact, even just with your energy or a smile when you walk into the room. We can all make that kind of impact in the world. We can all impact other people's lives in a really positive way when we allow ourselves to shine our light. Thank you so much for listening. There will be more to come as we continue down this path. Thank you for joining me and I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day and an amazing week. Much love.