Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your body and your true authentic self. Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul- from the inside out.
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Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
You Get to Choose How You Want to Feel
Every day, you get to choose how you want to feel. In this episode, we remind you that you get to choose how you feel each day and we also pull another card from the "Magic of What If?" card deck—a tool designed to spark creativity and balance. Join me as I share my journey from feeling uninspired to uncovering joy through art and self-care. Learn how small, intentional actions can transform your energy and mindset, empowering you to take control of your daily experience. Discover how simple routines can foster self-trust and set a positive tone, creating space for a more fulfilling life.
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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.
Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. Thank you so much for spending your time with me today. I know that we're all really busy and I so appreciate that you take some time out of your day to hang out with me. All right, so a couple of things I was going to talk about today, but first we're going to start by drawing a card from the Magic of what If? Card deck, and I have to say that I sent the second deck. Volume two has been sent to the printer, and I am beyond excited about it. I actually love it even more than the first. I mean, I will always have a special place in my heart for the very first deck that I created, but the second one, the what ifs, are pretty darn incredible. So I'm going to shuffle the deck and we're going to draw a card. I hope you're having an amazing week. I've had a lot going on this week. It's been a busy, busy week. All right. Today's what if, what if?
Speaker 1:I allow creativity to easily flow through me. So I have to say that when I was working on my card deck, I had a friend who had made me a playlist and I was listening to it during the first deck that I made and so I decided, as I was finishing up the second, I was like, oh my gosh, I had listened to this playlist when I was doing my first deck. I should put it on for my next deck. So I think it's going to become a thing. But music absolutely helps creativity flow through me. So what if I easily allow creativity to flow through me? Creativity has been I know I've talked about this a lot but I never used to think I was creative at all, and now I am blowing my own mind by all the things that I am actually really creative and it's truly allowed me an opportunity to try a lot of new things. I had talked about this on another episode about how, like I had in my mind this idea of what being creative was.
Speaker 1:I grew up in our my mom had a ceramic studio in our home and she is very, very artistic. She could like paint these little eyes on things and just so good at it and I never felt like I was that artistic and I couldn't do what my mom could do and it was amazing and so beautiful and so in my mind, like painting and art always felt like that's what makes you creative. But there are obviously so many other ways that creativity can flow through you and for me. I've tried so many new things. I went and did a paint and sip wine thing and I painted a picture that actually turned out pretty nice. And a few years ago I took a flower arranging class with my sister and I love arranging flowers and it's so fun and at this point it's not even how it turns out, it's the joy that it's bringing me while I'm doing it and realizing that it's just fun and I really enjoy doing it. So if you feel like you may not be a creative person, try some new things and see what you come up with, because it's actually really fun. So this leads me to what I had.
Speaker 1:A few things I was going to talk about, but I think I'm going to just zero in on one topic today and it has a little bit of a story. So a very dear friend of mine was in the hospital for over a week and has now been moved to a rehabilitation center, and I was there during an occupational therapy appointment the other day and they were talking about like energy conservation and different things that you can do to conserve your energy throughout the day and it made me think about the fact that sometimes, when we start doing something let's say, for example, meditating, or a daily exercise practice or something that you're doing to focus on yourself and your self-care and then you start feeling really, really good, and then you kind of stop doing it because you feel so good and you're like I don't need that anymore, it's fine, I don't need to meditate every day, I don't need to journal, I don't need to do those things because I'm feeling really good and so I don't need to do those things because I'm feeling really good and so I don't need to have that right now. And what happens when you start to do that? Well, for me anyway, I'm certainly not going to tell you what happens for you, but for me, when that happens, I start to drift. It happens with healthy eating. I start to you know, I'll have dessert, I'll have a cocktail, maybe I'll have some bread, whatever. And then I start doing that every single time I go out and it starts to shift my eating habits and then I start to not necessarily feel very good. Or I do have to say one thing I set my alarms on my phone every day, and that's something that I have continued to do, regardless of how I'm feeling, even when I'm feeling really good. I don't stop doing that because that is a constant for me, to allow me to pause throughout my day and check in with myself. I guess I would invite you to, even when you're feeling good, stick with the things that you have been doing, even if, let's say let's use meditation for an example so let's say, you don't really feel like meditating because you're like I feel so good, I don't need to do that. Well, what if you actually did it anyway? Even if you just carved out that time for yourself, even if you're just going to lay there and your mind is going on other things, you still set aside that 15 or 20 minutes a day and you just give yourself that time and you give yourself that space and, again, even if you're not necessarily focused on what you're doing, you are creating trust with yourself and staying in integrity with yourself and you're keeping your word to yourself, because that was a commitment that you made to yourself. And even when you're feeling really, really good, keep doing it, because you're going to continue to trust yourself, because you're honoring the things that you said that you were going to do for yourself and care for yourself.
Speaker 1:Self-care, caring for self it is not selfish. It is one of the absolute most important things that we need to do for ourselves, because when we take care of ourselves, when we care for ourself, we show up in all of our relationships. I don't want to say this. It's not even that you show up. You just feel better because you're taking care of you, which then helps you to be in a better mindset. It helps you to be in a better frame of mind to show up for your partner, for your kids, for your friends. Because you feel better, because you're doing things for you that make you feel good, because we do get to choose how we want to feel, okay, so I guess I am going to go into this a little bit.
Speaker 1:This was the other thing I was thinking about is that we get to choose how we want to feel. It doesn't always necessarily seem like that, but you do. You literally get to choose throughout the day how you want to feel. You can choose to respond to something that's going on outside of you, or you can bring it in and decide I want to feel joy, I want to feel peace. What is something that brings me peace, for when I'm feeling activated or triggered with something, I breathe and I get into my body and even if it's just for three breaths to just stop and take a moment and breathe, and it recenters me. Sometimes I shake my ass.
Speaker 1:Music is always, always, always a go-to for me to help me feel good. It interrupts what's going on and I can move my body and move my energy around and it makes me feel better, no matter what is going on around me. When I put music on, I always feel better and I can choose to do that at any point in any day, whenever I want to, because I know that that makes me feel good. Again, I'm not suppressing or bypassing anything that's going on, but sometimes, when you can release that energy, it can help bring clarity to whatever's going on. And sometimes it's like, oh, was that a big deal? No, that wasn't even a big deal. I was just all wound up about it and it didn't really matter.
Speaker 1:So, remember, you get to choose how you want to feel throughout the day and find the things that you know, even if it's just moving up a level, even if, like you're really angry and mad. What if you throw down a slam ball and get that energy out. You know, you just kind of move yourself up the emotional scale and there's never an expectation that you go from being at the very, very bottom to being at the very, very top. So maybe you're not going to go from depression and hopelessness all the way up to joy, passion and gratitude and happiness. But maybe you can move up just a little bit. Maybe, instead of being depressed, maybe you're just feeling sad for a moment, you know, and you just allow yourself to feel sad, and then maybe you can move up a little bit and be a little bit disappointed and then move up a little bit more and maybe you're just neutral. Maybe everything is just. Maybe everything is just, it just is, it just is in that moment.
Speaker 1:But anything that you can do to move yourself up and increase your energy or your vibration is gonna help. It's gonna help you feel better and ultimately, I assume we all want to feel as good as we possibly can and you get to do that. You get to choose that. I assume we all want to feel as good as we possibly can and you get to do that. You get to choose that. So choose, remind yourself that you get to choose how you want to feel throughout the day.
Speaker 1:When something comes up, and honestly, being proactive with that can be really helpful. That's why I use my alarms, that's why I shake my ass every morning, it starts my vibrational frequency at a higher level every day. And I know, and I can feel it, if I don't get in the shower and shake my ass in the morning like if I'm getting a later start to my day, it totally impacts my day and I know that, and so I make it a priority to do that, because when I don't, I feel it, I absolutely feel it. So find some things that you can do intentionally throughout your day to keep your energy higher, keep your vibration up, which is another reason why my priority is feeling good and checking in with myself and being very aware of how I'm feeling throughout the day and then choosing how I want to feel and when you are doing a practice of whatever it is, whether it's meditating, eating, healthy exercising. Whatever you're choosing to do, stay in integrity with yourself and continue to do it every day.
Speaker 1:I think James Clear, who wrote Atomic Habits, talked about somebody who was trying to create the habit of going to the gym that he would just tell them to go to the parking lot and sit there every day for however many days, and then eventually you want to go in and then you're in there for a few minutes, and so it's building that trust with yourself. And so if you have a meditation practice and you don't always do it every day yes, I might be talking to myself right now, staying in integrity with myself. Even when my mind is wandering, I keep going back to it, because I want to continue to build trust with myself and be integrated with myself. When I tell myself I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it and honor and respect me. So I hope you choose to do the same. If you have any questions or any comments, feel free to text the show and I'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have. I hope you have an amazing week and a beautiful, beautiful day. Much love.