Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your body and your true authentic self. Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul.
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Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
What If I Prioritize My Own Value?
Ever found yourself in a situation where what seemed like a setback turned out to be a blessing in disguise? One morning, I missed my usual coffee fix, only to be perfectly in time for an important delivery. This episode of Pure Possibilities delves into the transformative power of positive awareness and how being present can shape our reality. Through personal anecdotes, I highlight that what appears to be an inconvenience might actually guide us toward unexpected opportunities. Join me on a mindful journey where we reconnect with the small miracles surrounding us, like choosing to disconnect from technology during a serene walk and embracing the beauty of nature.
Embracing unconditional self-worth is another theme we explore, unpacking the idea that our inherent value and uniqueness exist without the need for validation or alteration. There's a profound beauty in celebrating who we are, as the world doesn't have another you. The discussion centers around recognizing and appreciating this uniqueness, urging listeners to notice the magic in everyday life. As we wrap up, I encourage you to engage with these insights and look forward to more enlightening conversations in upcoming episodes. Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts that might arise as you reflect on these ideas.
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Connect with us here: https://purepossibilities.net to order your Magic of What If card deck and for information regarding 1:1 personalized coaching and energy healings!
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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.
Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. Thank you for choosing to spend your time hanging out with me. I really appreciate it. It's been kind of an interesting week and I had a few things come up that I thought it might be fun to talk about. Where is your focus and what are you paying attention to?
Speaker 1:I had an interesting thing, let's see, on Saturday. I was on a call in the morning and then I needed to go to work and so I was driving, and you know, I, as I talk about, I, generally like to stop for coffee on my way to work, but the line was really long and I was like, ah, I really shouldn't do that, I'll be late if I stop. So I kept driving by. I was a little bit disappointed, because I really wanted coffee. I was a little bit disappointed because I really wanted coffee. I got to work and as I pulled into the parking lot, the UPS delivery driver was pulling in, and then, by the time I got out of my vehicle, he was walking back to his truck and wasn't going to be able to deliver what needed to be delivered, and so I yelled I can take it. I can take it needed to be delivered, and so I yelled I can take it, I can take it. And so I was able to get a delivery that I didn't know was coming, and had I stopped for coffee, I would have missed the delivery of this really important thing. That was on Saturday and I needed it for Monday and had I stopped, that wouldn't have happened. It was funny because shortly after I was like, oh my gosh, look at the universe surprised and delighted me, because sometimes I think we forget maybe not forget, but don't always think about putting things together. Like that happened the way it was meant to. The line was long at Starbucks so that I wouldn't stop, so that I wouldn't miss the delivery. And then I left work a little bit later than I had expected and as I approached an intersection on my way home, there were police cars everywhere and a couple of cars had been in an accident. It didn't look like it was really bad and there were no medics or anything, but I truly believe that sometimes those delays that happen are really us being protected. I could have potentially been the one in that accident had I left work when I had intended to originally.
Speaker 1:Then on Sunday I woke up and I was like gosh, I really feel like going for a walk today, and so I did and I started on my normal path and I started looking around and I was like, oh my gosh, like it is so beautiful out right now. It's fall, the colors are gorgeous. It was a beautiful sunny fall morning and normally I'll listen to something whether it's music or a podcast or whatever I listen to while I'm walking. But I decided to take my AirPods out and just look around and I started snapping pictures and doing videos of all of the beauty that was around me on my walk and just really being present and focused in where I was, literally with my feet on the ground walking. And then I got home and I decided I was going to put my a little video together, a little reel, and I did that and then I posted it. Then I went back and I noticed it was exactly a minute and 29 seconds. If you ever make reels, you know that the maximum amount of time that you can use for a reel is a minute and 30 seconds, and so it was interesting because I didn't do any editing. I didn't shorten any of the video clips. I didn't shorten the time on any of the pictures that I took. Normally I'll go in and do some editing, and I didn't. I just went straight into my Instagram app and created my reel and it was exactly just under what it needed to be to be considered a real.
Speaker 1:And so I'm just curious do you pay attention, are you paying attention to those little things that are happening, all the little magic and miracles that are happening throughout your day? Are you paying attention to those things and putting two and two together and like, oh, this happened exactly as it was meant to? Or had I not forgotten something and delayed my leaving? Something could have happened, and sometimes we get really frustrated. I could have been really upset that the line was long at Starbucks and I could have allowed it to ruin my day because I didn't have any coffee, but I didn't. I chose to just continue on my way and was like, oh, that's a bummer, but then the other things wouldn't have happened the way they did.
Speaker 1:And so ask yourself where is your focus and what are you paying attention to? Because if we choose to look for all of the bad things that are going on, if we're unhappy, cranky, just looking for the bad and looking for the negative and looking for all of the yuck in our day. That's exactly what we're going to see. But if you choose to look for the magic and the miracles and just maybe something, it doesn't even have to be a huge thing. Literally like looking at leaves, you know that are really really pretty, and just choosing to appreciate some of those things can have a massive impact on the way your day goes, and even me, going back and, you know, realizing, had I stopped for the coffee, I would have missed the delivery. I was actually kind of laughing about it and it made me happy, and so it's really important to connect the dots. Do you know what I mean? So when something may feel like it's a little bit off or you're maybe a little bit disappointed at how something went, maybe look a little deeper and see if there's maybe something that you can find. In. Whatever that situation was whether it was a lesson or a blessing in disguise or something like that it might change your outlook on things. That is what I wanted to talk about today, because I just I don't know. I just I kept having things happen and I was like, oh my gosh. I think this is something that we need to talk about. So notice what you're noticing and, really honestly, just the awareness also of what's going on around you.
Speaker 1:I'm going to pick a card from the Magic of what If? Card deck volume two, which is now available on my website, purepossibilitiesnet, or pure gift one for the holidays Okay, today's card. What if I prioritize my own value? That's a good one. What if I prioritize my own value? What does that mean to you? Oh, to me, that means I'm important. What I want is important. Having my needs met is important, and I have value. I truly do, and so do you. I mean, I feel like this comes up a lot and the things that you want to do, your dreams, your goals, your aspirations, how you want to live your life. That's important. It's not just important about what other people think about how you should be living your life or what other people think you should be doing.
Speaker 1:You are valuable, you are important. You are important. Are you choosing to prioritize yourself, your feelings, how you feel within your body, and caring for yourself, making time for yourself, doing things for yourself, literally caring about how you feel, what you want, what you need, what you desire? You are important and your value is important, and when you prioritize your value, other people will too. We teach people how to treat us, and when we prioritize ourself and our inside, it absolutely reflects on what's going on around us.
Speaker 1:You are valuable just because you're you. You don't have to do anything to earn that. You don't have to change anything about yourself to earn that. You don't even have to earn it. You just are. You just are Just for being you. You are unique and special and there is no one in the world like you. It's so cool. There is not one person that is exactly like you, and that's amazing. You are valuable and you are important, and I hope you choose to see that. So what if I prioritize my own value? I think we'll leave it at that. How does that sound? If you have any questions or if I can be of any help, please feel free to text the show. There is a link in the show description to do that and I will be back next week and keep your eye out for the magic and the miracles that are always unfolding throughout your day. Pay attention, you'll see them, I promise. Have an amazing week and a beautiful, beautiful day. Much love.