Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your body and your true authentic self. Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul- from the inside out.
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Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
How To Process What You're Feeling
Have you ever found yourself wondering if you're exactly where you're meant to be? Join me on this journey of embracing the present moment as I share an uncanny encounter with a hawk mascot that taught me about the beauty of serendipity. With a nod to the Magic of What If? Card deck, I explore how being in the right place at the right time can bring unexpected joy and insight into our lives. I also reflect on the importance of rest and emotional processing, sharing why I chose to skip last week's episode to prioritize my well-being. Together, we'll navigate the turbulent emotions following the recent presidential election with strategies from our Pure Possibilities Facebook community, highlighting the essential role of addressing feelings in preventing stress and maintaining balance.
In this episode, I explore how our bodies often signal emotions before our minds catch up and share practical techniques like dancing, crying, and intentional breathing that help release and process these emotions. Through mindful self-inquiry, discover how tuning into your intuition can offer surprising insights and guide you towards your highest good. By asking questions like "What do I need right now?" and listening for intuitive responses, we can foster a deeper connection with our inner wisdom. Let's embrace our emotional landscapes, prioritize self-care, and tap into the transformative power of body awareness together.
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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.
Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. I am so appreciative that you are here hanging out with me today. I wasn't sure what I wanted to talk about, so I figured that I would start with pulling a card from the Magic of what If? Card deck, volume two, and we'll kind of see what happens. I've got a few thoughts, but we're going to see what path this might lead us down.
Speaker 1:So, all right, today's card. What if I lovingly accept that I'm exactly where I'm meant to be? What if I lovingly accept that I'm exactly where I'm meant to be? This is the perfect card. This is the perfect card. The universe always knows. Sometimes I feel like universe always knows.
Speaker 1:Sometimes I feel like, well, I don't know if you experienced this, but I sometimes experience that I am wanting or desiring something to happen and I start to get impatient that it's not happening as quickly as I want it to happen. And then I remind myself I'm always exactly where I'm meant to be. And there is so much truth to that, because sometimes things need to happen in order for something else to happen. Maybe there's a lesson that needs to be learned or something that needs to be experienced to help you to move forward toward whatever it is that you are desiring or whatever situation you're wanting to have happen, and just really remembering that you are exactly where you're meant to be in this moment is really important. And again, I just have to remind myself of that because sometimes I'm impatient and I can't imagine that I'm the only one. So I had a fun experience yesterday and I was exactly where I was meant to be in a particular moment. I was at a football game and our mascot is a hawk and the hawk like flies out up over the stadium before the players run out of the tunnel and the handler of the hawk happened to be tunnel and the handler of the Hawk happened to be walking up the aisle that I was sitting in and I was like right on the end and he was stopping and doing pictures with people, and so I was able to get my picture taken with him and the Hawk and it was so cool and it was just such a reminder that I am always exactly where I'm meant to be, always in the right place at the right time, and sometimes it can be helpful, when you notice and remember and pay attention to some of those things that happen, to remind yourself that I'm exactly where I'm meant to be or I'm always in the right place at the right time. So that was a really fun experience for me. Yesterday Okay, I also wanted to talk a little bit about, so I didn't post an episode.
Speaker 1:Last week I was feeling a little bit off and I just kind of wasn't feeling it. I was like I don't really know what I want to talk about today, and then throughout the week I just kind of had some ups and downs. I didn't really know why I was feeling off. I was just feeling a little bit off. I had various points in the week where I chose to rest, intentionally rest, and just not do a damn thing. I took a bath in the middle of the day One day. I did a lot of intentional breathing, I did some journaling, I connected with some people that I care about and I just allowed myself to just be, and I also shook my ass because that's what I like to do.
Speaker 1:But I'm just really in tune with my body and knowing that I need to rest and knowing that I don't need to know why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling, because it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter why I'm feeling that way. Sometimes I know why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling, because it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter why I'm feeling that way. Sometimes I know why and there were moments during the week that I knew why I was feeling the way I was feeling. But there were also moments where I just felt like I needed a break, I needed a rest, I just needed to just be, and then I'm. We don't always need to know the why behind what we're feeling, but what's important is that we process whatever it is that we're feeling, not in our head but through our body, because when we are emotionally congested, that keeps us in a stress cycle and keeps our body dysregulated. So when you can feel through your feelings and stop thinking about them and actually process them in your body, that can help you move through whatever it is that you're feeling. So I wanted to share that and I wanted to share a piece from the private Pure Possibilities Facebook community. I had actually been live in the Pure Possibilities private Facebook community, which you're welcome to join, and I was live in there a couple of weeks ago, right after we had the presidential election, and there were a lot of feelings that people were having surrounding that presidential election and there were a lot of feelings that people were having surrounding that, and so I went into the community and shared some tips of different things that you could do to process your feelings and really move through them, through your body.
Speaker 1:Because sometimes, when there's all kinds of different emotions that we feel and we don't always know how to process those and it's important to honor ourselves and respect whatever we're feeling and again the feeling is in your body and getting in tune with your body, not what you're thinking about in your head, because we can go down spirals, everybody can go down spirals, make up stories, do all kinds of things and worry about things that haven't even happened yet. But when you are feeling whatever, the feeling comes first in your body. Like sometimes you ever noticed that like maybe you'll feel something in your stomach or your heart, your chest, you start to feel a pain because you're hurt or you're sad, but it's the feeling that then triggers the mind and the thoughts and the beliefs to start coming through and then taking us down a spiral of who knows what. And so when you can catch that feeling and process it through screaming, crying, dancing, shaking, moving your body, screaming into your arms, screaming into a pillow, throwing a slam ball down all kinds of different things that you can do to process cry. I will often cry. I just have tears that just come and flow because my body needs to express whatever emotion it is that I'm feeling.
Speaker 1:I'm going to play the clip from that conversation that I had in the community and I just wanted to share that because I feel like there's some really important tips about intentional breathing and various things that you can do to express and process those feelings that you're having in your body. So please have a listen and I hope you enjoy. I feel like it's important to offer some tips to everyone, because there's a lot of feelings and a lot of emotions going on right now and we don't always know how to process those feelings and emotions that we're feeling. You know, everybody is in a different space, in a different space. Some people are feeling grief and fear and anxiety, disappointment and anger, and other people are happy and excited and relieved and grateful, and I believe that it's important to honor wherever you're at in those feelings and emotions, as well as where other people are at. But right now we want to focus on you and caring for you and yourself.
Speaker 1:So one thing that I would like to invite you to do is to ask yourself what do I need? What do I need in this moment? What do I need to process and feel? Not think, but feel whatever I'm feeling completely through my body. So there's different ways that you can do that. Obviously, one of my go-tos is obviously dancing and moving my body, but moving the energy and feeling my feelings, crying If you feel like you need to cry, allow yourself to cry and do so without judging it. Just allow those feelings to process through your body like shaking our body can also help to process that but do it until you feel that those feelings are done being felt.
Speaker 1:You can scream. That's another good way to release and express whatever you're feeling in your body. So maybe you grab a pillow and you scream into a pillow. You can scream into your arm, like this. Sometimes that can be helpful.
Speaker 1:I just want you to allow yourself to feel and not think your way through this, but actually feel it through your body, and for a time, I didn't really understand that or know how to do it, which is why I wanted to offer some ideas for you of how you can do that and asking your body what you really need. All of these things are available to you at any point, especially breathing, and I feel like sometimes we underestimate the power of our breath, and so I would like to invite you, if it feels comfortable for you, to close your eyes or look down and put your hand on your heart and take a deep breath in and hold it and release it through your mouth. Do that again, take a deep breath in Hold and let out one more time and take a deep breath in hold, let out and check in with yourself and be aware of how you're feeling, and I think it's really important right now to be present in this moment, in what you have control over, which is doing your best to regulate yourself and process your feelings and allow yourself to feel whatever you're feeling. We don't know what's going to happen. We don't, and so when we put energy into the worry and what that can do is just stress us out, when those things haven't happened, we don't know.
Speaker 1:And so whatever you can do to allow yourself to be present, catch those thoughts when you start going down a path and just bring yourself back to you, whether it's through breath, dancing, shaking, crying, whatever you feel works best for you, because it's what's going to help you feel better within your body and in yourself and in your soul.
Speaker 1:That's what I wanted to offer you today. I hope you found that helpful really getting in tune with yourself and asking yourself questions, literally talking to your body what do I need right now? What would make me feel better in this moment? And listen for the answer, because they will come. It can be an image, it could be a word, it could be a quick thought, a random. Usually it's going to be something surprising and unexpected. It's not necessarily going to be what you would think if you're thinking of what it would be, because it's it's your intuition and it's your higher self that's communicating with you, and your higher self always wants what's best for you. Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day, much love.