Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your body and your true authentic self. Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul- from the inside out.
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Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
Turning Judgment Into Personal Growth
What if everything works out even better than you ever imagined?" This question sets the stage for a transformative journey on this week's episode of Pure Possibilities. Join me as I explore the power of letting go of rigid expectations and embracing the universe's ability to surprise us. I'll share a personal encounter where a stranger's judgment of my career could have dented my self-worth. Instead, it became a moment of reflection and gratitude for the positive impact my career has had on my life, reinforcing the idea that our worth is not for others to decide.
In the second part of the episode, I invite you to flip the script on judgment. Reflect on times when you've felt judged and discover the potential for personal growth hidden within those experiences. This episode encourages you to turn the mirror on yourself, question your judgments of others, and understand what these feelings reveal about your self-perception. Embrace the power of choice and remember that your life is yours to shape. Let this episode be a reminder of your agency to make decisions that align with self-love and discovery, inviting a week filled with positivity and reflection.
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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.
Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. So this week we're going to start with drawing a card, because I've got a couple of things I might talk about, but we're going to see what the cards have to say. So I'm going to draw a card from the Magic of what If deck volume two, available on my website, purepossibilitiespodcastcom. They make great gifts for the holidays If you are looking for something to give someone you love that would make a positive impact in their life. So the magic of what if. Here we go, today's card. What if everything works out even better than I imagined? Ooh, love that. What if everything works out even better than I imagined?
Speaker 1:You know, we often get so attached to what the outcome is going to be, or what we believe or we perceive the outcome to be, or what we believe the outcome should be. And what if it could be so much better than your mind could actually create? The universe puts it out there and makes it even more magical than you could have ever anticipated it to be. I have to say that my life has gone that way and it continues to surprise and delight me on a regular basis. So there's so many things that have happened that there's no way that I could have planned them to go the path that it's been going, and when we allow ourselves to lean in to the trust and the faith that everything is happening for our highest good, it allows the magic to unfold and happen. I tell you, every card I'm like, oh, I love that one because I really really do so.
Speaker 1:I had something that I wanted to talk about today and it actually so, I think. In the pure possibilities private Facebook group I had pulled a card last week about judgment and what if I allow myself to be void of judgment, I think is of myself and others. That was what it was, and so judgment has come up quite a bit, and I do believe that when we are judging others, it is often a reflection back of something that we're judging about ourself. Maybe they're doing something that we wish, that we felt like we could do, or maybe they're doing something that we want, maybe I don't know. Let's say, for example, somebody appears to be really healthy and you feel like you would like to go work out more, but you feel like you don't want to, or don't want to make the time, or choosing not to, you just won't do it Right.
Speaker 1:But I had an interesting situation happen the other day and it made me so appreciative of the path that I'm on, because I could have taken the judgment that I was feeling from this person really personally and it could have if I were to have allowed it to take me down a really crappy path of lacking self-worth. I was having a conversation with someone, it was at work and I was, you know, in my best customer service situation and I've been in customer service for over 25 years and I was helping someone and something came up about age and I had made a comment about how I was going to be 50 on Wednesday, which is very exciting, and I said that I had been doing my job for 25 years. And this man said to me what, why would you do that? Have you ever considered doing something else? And it was like so judgy, so judgy, and I was like that's interesting.
Speaker 1:And the really amazing and beautiful part of it was, rather than taking that in and feeling like a piece of shit, because apparently he doesn't believe that what I do for work is of any kind of value, the way this comment came out, it allowed me to reflect on my career for the last 25 years and how grateful I am for the career that I've been in and all of the things that I've learned and all of the people that I've met and the flexibility that I had with my job while I was raising my son, and all of these amazing things that have happened for me because of the path that I was led to and he perceived, based off of his judgmental comment to me that it was a shitty job and why on earth would I do for a living, is completely unfounded. He doesn't know anything about me. He doesn't know anything about what I do. He doesn't know anything about the money that I make. He doesn't know anything about me. He doesn't know anything about what I do. He doesn't know anything about the money that I make. He doesn't know anything about anything, but was so judgmental about what I do for work.
Speaker 1:It was so interesting my mind and have such a great appreciation for what I am doing on this path of leaning in and helping people realize their value and realize their worth and remember it and know it to their core, so that when somebody that doesn't even know you comes along and makes a comment to you, you can just let it roll off or use it to inspire you and move you even further forward and help with your growth. I mean, don't get me wrong Right after it happened, we had had a little bit of a conversation and he's like, well, I bet you have a story and it sounds great that you're helping other people. Because I told him that I was coaching and helping people and that I had a podcast and it was. He was actually trying to invite me to his church, which was also interesting. To then have felt so much judgment Fascinating. It was really fascinating. But yeah, I I'm so appreciative of that experience that I had to allow me that opportunity to be grateful for the path that I'm on, be grateful for the path of where my life has gone for the last 25 years and, as I roll into my 50th year, all the things that we learn. Maybe I'll do an episode about that the top 50 things that I have learned that have benefited me in all of my life to date. Maybe I'll do that in the next couple of weeks. That sounds like a fun episode to do.
Speaker 1:Don't ever allow other people to determine your worth and your value, because you are amazing and other people don't get to decide that for you. It's you and what you do for work, how much money you make, all of those things. They don't matter who you are as a as a person. They don't matter who you are as a person, the heart that you have, your soul, those are the things that matter. It's not about the job title or the finances, it's who you are, at your core and in your soul and in your heart, and the love that you can give and share with the world. That's what matters. That's where our value is. Who am I showing up as every day? Am I being my true, authentic self? Am I sharing the love and inspiring people and honoring and respecting myself? Not what do I do for a job and how much money do I make, that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter Fascinating. So that's what I have for you.
Speaker 1:Today. I am headed to New York to visit my dear friend Julia and celebrate my 50th year, which I'm so excited about. I haven't been able to go visit her, for I didn't. It's been two years since I've been to see her, and so I'm really excited to do that this week, explore New York city and have lots and lots of fun celebrating and just being with my friend and having a good time. I'm really excited to do that this week. So I hope you have an amazing week and if you have any questions, feel free to text me.
Speaker 1:There's a link in the show description If you do have a situation where someone was judging you and you felt super judged, and how you could flip it around and find the lesson or the growth opportunity in that, because I think, when we allow ourselves to see that, it's pretty massive. So I would like to invite you today to catch yourself when you find that you might be judging someone else, get curious about it and ask yourself what's going on, what's the reason that I might be judging that person and their situation, when their choices in their life it's none of my business. It's none of my business. And is there something maybe that I could be actually judging myself about? And get curious and know that you always have the opportunity to choose different. It's your life and you get to decide. Hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day and an amazing week. Much love.