Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your body and your true authentic self. Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul- from the inside out.
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Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
Feeling Your Way Into the New Year - Mini Series #1
Ever considered tossing out your rigid New Year's resolutions in favor of a more fluid and feeling-centered approach to personal growth? That's exactly what we're exploring on the Pure Possibilities podcast as we kick off 2025. Inspired by personal health journeys and the truth that time doesn't wait, we invite you to join our first mini-series of the new year, "Feeling Your Way into the New Year." It's all about anchoring your resolutions in emotions that truly matter—joy, fulfillment, and the moments that made last year remarkable, whether joyful or challenging. We aim to inspire you to focus on how you want to feel every day, making those feelings the heart of your intentions for the year.
Imagine a life where your daily experiences are wrapped in love, support, and joy. This episode encourages us to embrace these feelings as we journey through 2025 and beyond, making conscious choices that align with a vision of ease, play, and abundance. We delve into the transformative power of emotional investment, nudging you to reflect on what you truly want to feel each day. Let's pave the way for a year where love and support aren't just aspirations but integral parts of our lives, setting a foundation for a future that shines with joy, rest, and fulfillment.
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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.
Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. Happy New Year. It's 2025 and this is our first episode of the year. I'm so excited to be with you again and you know we're going to talk a little bit about resolutions, and I decided that I'm going to do something a little bit different this year. Last year, I did one mini series called where do I begin and when you're deciding? You want to go on a growth journey, and this year I've decided to incorporate multiple mini series throughout the year to offer you some more specific, intentional ideas, as well as offering you some journal prompts and things like that. I have some amazing guests lined up for this year as well, so I'm excited to see how the podcast evolves, how we all evolve throughout the year, and it was interesting.
Speaker 1:I was scrolling on Facebook last week and something I had shared. It was like a jar salad. Do you know what a jar salad is? It's like you put dressing on the bottom and then you like, build it up and then you can just stick it in a mason jar and put it in your fridge and then you shake it up and dump it into a bowl and it all mixes up and it's amazing. Well, so I shared that in January of 2015. And, honestly, I don't even think I've made one until sometime later in the year. But I think it was September when I decided I don't feel very good and I need to do something about how I'm feeling and my health and I started exercising and eating healthy and I had never made healthy eating a priority in the first 40 years of my life. So I didn't even start in January when I was sharing recipes about it. But it was interesting because I was like, oh, that was 10 years ago and things have very much evolved over the last several years, but that was kind of the very beginning of ah, I kind of feel like shit and I want to do something about it. And then I realized that COVID was like five years ago. Oh my gosh, I'm. It just kind of passes. How important is it to make it a priority about how you want to feel each and every day? Because all of a sudden you look back and you're like holy cow, it's been like 10 years. So the first mini series we're going to do is feeling your way into the new year.
Speaker 1:So apparently, studies show that about 80% of new year's resolutions fail by either mid January or by February. So I don't know if you're part of that 80% or if you're part of the 20% that is really successful with new year's resolutions. If you are, congratulations to you, but if you're part of the 80%, I'm talking to you because it seems to me that prioritizing how you feel is so much more important than some goal. It seems like we go through the holidays and we eat and we drink and do all of the things that we want to do, and then we're like, okay, january 1st, I'm going to stop this addiction or I'm going to start eating healthy and I'm going to start going to the gym and I'm going to start drinking water and whatever you decide that you're going to do on that particular day. Because, you know, magically on January 1st, because it's the beginning of the new year, I'm going to be 100% successful in all that I'm attempting to do, just because it's the new year.
Speaker 1:And so that's where it really kind of hit me last year, where I was like who cares? Who cares that it's a new year? Who cares that it's a new month? Who cares that it's Monday? You know, people will often start something, whether it's a new year, a new month, a new day, whatever, and like that's supposed to just magically make everything better. And so it was interesting because I was thinking about that and I'm like, if it was really that easy, wouldn't we all just do that right when we decided we wanted to start doing something or stop doing something? If we could just simply stop or just simply start, wouldn't we just do that?
Speaker 1:So I don't know who came up with New Year's resolutions and I don't know the history of it and honestly, I don't need to, because what I know to be true for me and I would invite you to be open to this possibility of prioritizing how you feel every day throughout the day, not just in the morning or at night, because all of the space in between matters too, because you can get up and meditate and then you can journal at night. But if you're all over the board throughout the day, that it's not very effective. So I think sometimes, when people choose to, you know, set a resolution or I don't know, start something or stop something or whatever, maybe you know, are you attached to the outcome of it. Are you setting that goal because you should be doing it, because it's the new year? You should be doing it, because somebody said you should you know? Are you emotionally tied to it? How do you feel about it? Is it something you really even want to do? Because if you don't really want to do it, you're not making the decision and not committing to whatever it is you're trying to achieve. So I would invite you to focus on how you want to feel and so we're going to talk about that over the next few episodes and really kind of diving into those core feelings.
Speaker 1:I would like to invite you to grab a notepad or open the notes section on your phone and ask yourself actually, let's stop and take a deep breath. If it's safe for you to do so, close your eyes and take a deep breath and let it out and ask yourself what were some moments in 2024 that I felt really good? What was I doing? Who was I with, how did I feel? How did I feel Not just feel good, but how was I feeling and then take a moment to reflect on moments that were maybe a little more difficult in the year and what could you have used more love, more peace, more support, more rest. What are things that you could have used in that moment to feel just a little bit better and when you weren't feeling your greatest or you were in a tough situation, what were you doing? Who were you with?
Speaker 1:You know we have an opportunity to reflect on our lives whenever we want to, every day. If you wanted to reflect and go huh, I don't really like how this is going. I can make a decision to change it. Or wow, this is going amazingly well. I'm going to keep doing this. Or huh, I feel better when I'm drinking more water. Maybe I didn't drink enough water today, but you know what? I can choose to drink more water tomorrow, or I ate more candy than I wanted to today, so maybe I'll choose to not do that tomorrow. Every single day, you have choices. Not do that tomorrow, every single day. You have choices every day.
Speaker 1:I wasn't prioritizing how I felt today, and I was biting people's heads off, and I was being snappy and I was being grumpy and I was taking it out on the people around me rather than redirecting back to myself and choosing how I want to feel. Those are all things that are within you, and when you're focusing on how you want to feel and aligning yourself, like all of that is, it's all within you, and I know I say that a lot, but it's so true. And when you make that a priority, I invite you to make it a priority and see how impactful it can be in your day. I had a situation last week where I woke up to some not so great news and I had to get up really quickly and get to work and things could have gone really sideways and I could have had a really shit day. But I decided that I wasn't going to have a bad day but I was going to have a good day, regardless of what was going on.
Speaker 1:I got to work, I had to do some things, I put my AirPods in, listened to some music because music always makes me feel better and I just decided that I was going to have a really good day, regardless of the circumstances. And I did, and I like powered through and I was super productive and got all the things done that I needed to get done before I needed to have them done. And that was a decision that I made, because I could have gone the other route. I could have decided that it sucked and it was going to be an awful day because of what was going on, and you know what it would have been. It would have been because that would have been what I was expecting and I would have found evidence throughout the entire day of how awful it was, because that's where my focus would have been. But I chose to go the other route and had a really great day. It's actually New Year's Eve and then I ended my evening watching the movie New Year's Eve, because that is something that I do every single year on New Year's Eve I watch the movie New Year's Eve. It's cute. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.
Speaker 1:So this year, I would like to invite you to focus on feeling based intentions for your year, not things that are going to stress you out and checking off a box and hitting some number on a scale or whatever. It doesn't matter. What matters is how you feel, and maybe going to the gym and working out makes you feel really good and you know that. So you choose to go do it, and maybe you decide I am a healthy person. And what would a healthy person do? A healthy person would drink more water. A healthy person might work out three days a week. A healthy person might choose to have the salad over the dessert.
Speaker 1:You get to decide those things and it takes being intentional to make those changes and it takes being intentional with prioritizing how you want to feel and it's not hard. It is not hard, but it's being aware and making it important to you to not only be aware of how you feel but choosing to do something about it and allowing yourself to feel what you're feeling. We're only a week into the year and I have cried so many times and you know what it's okay, I don't judge it. I have expressed a lot of feelings so far this year and it's really beautiful and I'm allowing myself to it and we'll see how the year goes and I'm kind of excited. I know that there's a lot of things happening this year and some of it I know about and some of it I don't. So we'll just see how it rolls, relax and allow myself to dance with the flow of the universe.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I'm going to pull a card from the Magic of what If? Card deck volume two. Here we go. The cards are available on my website, purepossibilitiespodcastcom. Pretty confident, I'm going to make at least one or two more decks this year and I think I've got a few other things I'm going to do, kind of pondering, maybe a journal, I don't know. If you have any ideas. Let me know that creating this was something I was really proud of myself for this year.
Speaker 1:Okay, what if I am surrounded by love and support in every moment?
Speaker 1:Oh, breathe that in. What if I'm surrounded by love and support in every moment? What if I choose to allow myself to feel more love, more joy, more peace, more rest, more abundance? What if I allow myself to flow, ease, joy, peace, to flow, ease, joy, peace? What if I'm surrounded by love and support in every moment? Because you are, you always are. I hope you found this episode helpful and we will dive a little bit more in next week into the core feelings that you would like to feel each day and throughout the year, so that when we're here again in 2026 and I ask you, how did you spend a majority of your year feeling? And I ask you, how did you spend a majority of your year feeling? You're going to be able to really pinpoint that and say I felt more play and more joy and I had more fun and more ease and more rest, and I cared about how I felt and I chose to do something about it. I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day and an amazing week. Much love.