Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
On the Pure Possibilities Podcast, we will explore the powerful links between emotions, mindset, and energy, practical tips and real-life stories to help you break free from limitations and find joy in your daily life as well as learning how to get better in tune with your body and your true authentic self. Together, let's align your heart, mind, energy and soul.
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Pure Possibilities - Align Your Heart, Mind, Energy & Soul
How Do You Figure Out How You Want To Feel? - Mini Series #2
What if you woke up and realized you’ve been living life on autopilot—overwhelmed, disconnected, and out of sync with your true self? On today’s episode of Pure Possibilities, we’re diving into how life’s challenges can push us to reconnect with our emotions and reclaim our alignment.
By identifying how you want to feel each day and creating visual reminders, you can navigate life with intention, empathy, and grace—even through tough times. Personal growth isn’t always easy; it means accepting change, evolving feelings, and understanding that not everyone will understand your journey—and that’s okay.
Join us as we explore how to align with your core feelings and make them a part of your daily life. Please share your thoughts via the link in the show notes, and let’s inspire each other to live more authentically. Here’s to showing up for yourself and crafting a life that truly feels like you.
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While I'm here to share suggestions and insights to educate, inspire, and support you on your journey, it's crucial to note that I'm not a psychologist or a medical doctor. I don't provide professional health or medical advice. If you're dealing with a psychological or medical condition, it's important to seek help from a qualified health professional. Your well-being is the top priority, so make sure to connect with the right experts if you need that extra support.
Welcome back to the Pure Possibilities podcast. I hope you've had a good week. It's been a little bit of a rough start to the year for several people. My heart really goes out to everyone down in LA that are experiencing so much loss and devastation that's going on down there with the fires and my heart's been a little bit heavy this week and my heart's been a little bit heavy this week. There've been a lot of I don't know really famous people, people that are very wealthy, that have also lost their homes, and it seems like there's I don't know on social media I see a lot of commentary about well, they have money, they can just rebuild, and there's a loss there when it comes to it's not just a house, it's your home, it's your belongings, it's your memories. We create so much when we build a home and, no matter how much money you have, when you lose all of that, it's very impactful and very difficult to navigate through. So sending lots of love to everyone down in LA right now.
Speaker 1:Okay, I wasn't really sure where I wanted to go with today's episode. I'm continuing on with our core feelings and that really has hit me a lot this week in thinking about what people are going through and I've seen so much love and pouring out in the communities. I mean, I'm up in Seattle, but just through social media and some of the people that I follow have lost their homes and yet they're still finding a glimmer of hope and light and are sharing that, even when they're personally going through total devastation. And I think that really is important to consider and think about, because there are always things going on, and obviously sometimes it's more devastating than others, but we don't get to control what's going on outside of us. And so when we can find and create those little moments they don't have to be big and we're not pretending like things aren't going on around us but when you can find little things to make you feel a little bit better, even if it's just for a couple of minutes or even just for a moment, it can be really impactful for you.
Speaker 1:So the question is how do you actually figure out how you want to feel? I really wanted to dive into how do you figure out those core feelings that you're looking for and that you're seeking, and really what the reason is behind that, when you are tuned in to how you want to feel and that is figuring out what really lights you up and guides you, when you can align with that. When things are going on, they can help you get back on track a little bit easier because you have that consciousness and the awareness of how you really want to feel. So what emotional state do you really want you joy, or, if you're seeking connection, who is somebody that you can connect with that really lights you up? You know those those things and those people like when you're in that moment, nothing else matters and you're not. You're just in that moment. So when you can identify the core feelings that you want to feel most of the time, or a majority of the time, that also allows you the opportunity to shift from living on autopilot and actually intentionally creating your life, not just allowing it to just happen. And I know that when I'm not tuned into myself, I feel really off and so then I pull myself back. Even I was just driving home tonight and I just blasted the music and was singing really loud in my truck and it just felt really good. And you know I was just driving and singing and I was just really in the moment. So here's something that you can do Imagine your ideal day, if it's safe for you to do so, or if you'd like to close your eyes and picture your ideal day, not like the day that everybody else sees, but the day that would feel really, truly fulfilling to you.
Speaker 1:What are you doing? Who are you with, and how do you feel and allow those feelings to come up? Are you feeling free? Are you feeling inspired? Are you feeling supported? Are you feeling energized? Are you feeling joyful? Are you feeling love? What feelings? What are you feeling, and are there any emotions that show up repeatedly for you? You can circle or highlight the ones that resonate the most and then choose two to four of those feelings that you're wanting to focus in on and, for each feeling, ask yourself why is this important to me and what does it represent? Do these feelings align with the version of me that I'm wanting to step into this year? So every morning, you can ask yourself what can I do today to feel more love? What can I do today to feel more energized, more inspired?
Speaker 1:Whatever the feeling is that you're seeking, and it could be something simple that would help you to achieve that. Maybe it's going for a walk, maybe it's listening to music. What are the things that draw in those feelings for you, so you can use that as a daily check-in. You can use those core feelings to help you make decisions whenever you're faced with a choice, whether it's big or small, does this align with how I want to feel? And then you can create visual reminders. You can write down the feelings somewhere on sticky notes, on your phone, on wallpaper, and even use it as a mantra to say to yourself I have some reminders posted on my mirror in my bathroom that I look at every day that help remind me of the version of me that I'm wanting to step into on a daily basis. So I hope this has helped you to kind of connect a little bit with the core feelings that you're seeking.
Speaker 1:And then next week we'll talk about different ways that you can really anchor those in. I mean, I have to be honest, I know that I talk a lot about how you want to feel and some people might blow it off and think it's not a big deal. But when I started really paying attention to that and having the awareness, because I feel it when I'm dipping and so I move through those feelings. And sometimes I don't have time to move through the feelings and so I do something to pull myself back, and sometimes it's simple as intentional breathing. But whatever I need to do to to be there for myself and be present with myself and care about how I'm feeling, and I do something about it. We're going to talk next week about anchoring those feelings into your daily practice and things that you can do to keep yourself aligned and inspired and moving forward. So take some time this week to sit with your feelings and allow them to guide you.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm going to draw a card from the magic of what if card deck volume two. I had an interesting situation happen yesterday that I wanted to share with you. I was getting ready to get onto a call and I was sitting here and I was like like I'm going to pull a card. And so I pulled a card and it said what if my potential is limitless? And then I was on a call with a friend who was teaching a lesson for a class that we're taking together and, I kid you not, the lesson was about being limitless. So, oh, yeah, wherever your focus is, draw those things in. It was really beautiful. It was really beautiful. What if my potential is limitless?
Speaker 1:Okay, so today's card is what if I love knowing I was never meant to be liked by everyone. What if I love knowing I was never meant to be liked by everyone? How does that sit with you when you hear that we often worry about what people think about us and, honestly, most of the time people are so focused on what's going on in their own life they're generally not really paying attention. And with that, if you think about it, if everybody liked everybody, we wouldn't have any contrast in our lives. But it makes sense.
Speaker 1:I think people get upset when they're like oh, that person doesn't like me, or they're upset with me. But if you think about it, do you really truly? I mean, I love most people, but it doesn't mean that I necessarily want to have everyone in my daily experience. So it's okay if everybody doesn't like you. We are all different and unique and we don't have to like everybody and everybody doesn't have to like you. So when I realized that it was kind of freeing. Sometimes we allow what we perceive other people's thoughts and opinions to be about us, and when we spend time trying to please other people, they're not being given an opportunity to really get to know who we are, and so it's possible even that if you perceive that someone doesn't really like you, are you giving them the opportunity to get to know who you really are.
Speaker 1:I think that card can be a little bit activating for people. It's true, one of I was never meant to be liked by everyone. One of I was never meant to be liked by everyone. Thank you so much for listening this week. And just a reminder to tap into those core feelings that you're wanting to feel each day or a majority of the day, and just remember that they can be flexible and as you, as you grow and evolve, those core feelings are likely going to grow and evolve and change. So next week we're going to learn how to anchor those in to a daily practice. And if you'd like to share what you came up with for your core feelings, you can text the show with the link that's in the show description. I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day and an amazing week. Much love.